Newest ebuilds

34 new ebuilds in today.


app-arch / libarchive : Multi-format archive and compression library

v3.7.7 - (updated )


app-text / t1utils : Type 1 Font utilities

v1.42-r1 - (updated )

app-text / wv2 : Excellent MS Word filter lib, used in most Office suites

v0.4.2-r4 - (updated )


dev-lang / python : Freethreading (no-GIL) version of Python programming language

v3.13.0-r100 - (updated )


dev-ml / ppx_js_style : Code style checker for Jane Street Packages

v0.14.0-r1 - (updated )


dev-python / bottle : A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications

v0.13.2 - (updated )

dev-python / bottleneck : Fast NumPy array functions written in C

v1.4.1_rc1 - (updated )

dev-python / django-cors-headers : Django App that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses

v4.5.0 - (updated )

dev-python / hypothesis : A library for property based testing

v6.115.0 - (updated )

dev-python / mkdocstrings : Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs

v0.26.2 - (updated )

dev-python / mkdocstrings-python : Python handler for dev-python/mkdocstrings

v1.12.0 - (updated )

dev-python / moto : Mock library for boto

v5.0.17 - (updated )

dev-python / pyfakefs : A fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules

v5.7.1 - (updated )

dev-python / pyparsing : Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing

v3.2.0 - (updated )

dev-python / pysnmp : Python SNMP library

v7.1.6 - (updated )

dev-python / simple-websocket : Simple WebSocket server and client for Python

v1.1.0 - (updated )

dev-python / sphinx : Python documentation generator

v8.1.2 - (updated )

dev-python / trove-classifiers : Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (

v2024.10.12 - (updated )

v2024.10.13 - (updated )

dev-python / yarl : Yet another URL library

v1.15.1 - (updated )

dev-python / zeep : A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests

v4.3.0 - (updated )


dev-ruby / sys-filesystem : Cross-platform interface for filesystem information

v1.5.3 - (updated )

dev-ruby / tins : All the stuff that isn't good enough for a real library

v1.36.1 - (updated )

dev-ruby / zeitwerk : Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby

v2.7.0 - (updated )


games-engines / fheroes2 : Recreation of HoMM2 game engine

v1.1.2-r1 - (updated )


net-irc / kvirc : Advanced IRC Client

v5.2.6 - (updated )


net-misc / gns3-gui : Graphical Network Simulator

v2.2.48.1-r1 - (updated )

v2.2.49-r1 - (updated )

net-misc / gns3-server : GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators

v2.2.48.1-r1 - (updated )

v2.2.49-r1 - (updated )

net-misc / memcached : High-performance, distributed memory object caching system

v1.6.31 - (updated )


sci-astronomy / siril : A free astronomical image processing software

v1.2.4 - (updated )


sys-devel / gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection

v14.2.1_p20241012 - (updated )


sys-libs / readline : Another cute console display library

v8.3_alpha_p20241011 - (updated )


app-admin / awscli : Universal Command Line Environment for AWS

v1.35.5 - (updated )


app-containers / aardvark-dns : A container-focused DNS server

v1.12.2 - (updated )

app-containers / containers-common : Common config files and docs for Containers stack

v0.60.4 - (updated )

app-containers / containers-image : Default config and docs related to Containers' images

v5.32.2 - (updated )

app-containers / containers-storage : Default config and docs related to Containers' storage

v1.55.0 - (updated )

app-containers / crun : A fast and low-memory footprint OCI Container Runtime fully written in C

v1.17 - (updated )

app-containers / netavark : A container network stack

v1.12.2 - (updated )


app-crypt / mit-krb5 : MIT Kerberos V

v1.21.3-r1 - (updated )


app-emacs / rnc-mode : An Emacs mode for editing Relax NG compact schema files

v1.0.6-r1 - (updated )


app-i18n / ibus-table-others : Various tables for IBus-Table

v1.3.18 - (updated )

app-i18n / ibus-typing-booster : Completion input method for IBus

v2.25.18 - (updated )


app-shells / bash : The standard GNU Bourne again shell

v5.3_alpha_p20241012 - (updated )


dev-build / dolphin-plugins-makefileactions : Dolphin plugin for Makefile targets integration

v24.08.2-r1 - (updated )


dev-lang / algol68g : Algol 68 Genie compiler-interpreter

v3.5.7 - (updated )

dev-lang / swi-prolog : Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language

v9.3.9 - (updated )


dev-ml / yojson : JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml

v2.2.2-r1 - (updated )


dev-python / boto3 : The AWS SDK for Python

v1.35.39 - (updated )

dev-python / botocore : Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3

v1.35.39 - (updated )

dev-python / cloudpickle : Extended pickling support for Python objects

v3.1.0 - (updated )

dev-python / griffe : Signature generator for Python programs

v1.4.1 - (updated )

dev-python / jsonpath-ng : Python JSONPath Next-Generation

v1.7.0 - (updated )

dev-python / networkx : Python tools to manipulate graphs and complex networks

v3.4.1 - (updated )

dev-python / pydantic-core : Core validation logic for pydantic written in Rust

v2.24.1 - (updated )

dev-python / pygit2 : Python bindings for libgit2

v1.16.0 - (updated )

dev-python / pykka : A Python implementation of the actor model

v4.1.0 - (updated )

dev-python / pyupgrade : Tool + pre-commit hook to automatically upgrade syntax for newer Pythons

v3.18.0 - (updated )

dev-python / scrypt : Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library

v0.8.27 - (updated )

dev-python / sphinx : Python documentation generator

v8.1.1 - (updated )

dev-python / sphinx-issues : Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker

v5.0.0 - (updated )

dev-python / types-psutil : Typing stubs for psutil

v6.0.0.20241011 - (updated )

dev-python / yarl : Yet another URL library

v1.15.0 - (updated )


dev-scheme / guile : GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions

v2.2.7-r102 - (updated )


dev-util / catalyst : Release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux

v4.0.0 - (updated )


dev-vcs / git-delete-merged-branches : Command-line tool to delete merged Git branches

v7.4.1-r1 - (updated )


games-fps / yamagi-quake2 : Quake 2 engine focused on single player

v8.41 - (updated )


kde-apps / dolphin-plugins-subversion : Dolphin plugin for Subversion integration

v24.08.2-r1 - (updated )

v24.08.1-r1 - (updated )


mail-mta / postfix : A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail

v3.10_pre20241010 - (updated )


media-gfx / imagemagick : A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats

v7.1.1.38-r2 - (updated )

v6.9.13.16-r1 - (updated )

v7.1.1.25-r1 - (updated )


media-sound / reaper-bin : Digital audio workstation

v7.24 - (updated )


media-video / ffmpeg-chromium : FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in Chromium-based browsers

v131 - (updated )


net-analyzer / nagstamon : systray monitor for displaying realtime status of several monitoring systems

v3.16.0 - (updated )


net-misc / gallery-dl : Download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites

v1.27.6 - (updated )

net-misc / passt : User-mode networking daemons for VMs and namespaces, replacement for Slirp

v2024.09.06 - (updated )


net-vpn / libreswan : IPsec implementation for Linux, fork of Openswan

v5.1 - (updated )

net-vpn / networkmanager-libreswan : NetworkManager libreswan plugin

v1.2.22 - (updated )


sys-apps / cyme : List system USB buses and devices; a modern cross-platform `lsusb`

v1.8.5 - (updated )

sys-apps / syd : seccomp and landlock based application sandbox with support for namespaces

v3.27.0 - (updated )


sys-devel / distcc : Distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network

v3.4-r5 - (updated )

sys-devel / gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection

v13.3.1_p20241011 - (updated )


sys-kernel / dkms : Dynamic Kernel Module Support

v3.1.0-r1 - (updated )

sys-kernel / scx : sched_ext schedulers and tools

v1.0.5-r1 - (updated )

sys-kernel / ugrd : Python based initramfs generator with TOML defintions

v1.24.2 - (updated )


sys-process / xjobs : Reads commands line by line and executes them in parallel

v20241010 - (updated )


www-client / chromium : Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser

v130.0.6723.44 - (updated )

v131.0.6753.0 - (updated )

www-client / google-chrome-beta : The web browser from Google

v130.0.6723.44 - (updated )

www-client / microsoft-edge : The web browser from Microsoft

v129.0.2792.89 - (updated )

www-client / qutebrowser : Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt

v3.3.1 - (updated )

www-client / vivaldi : A browser for our friends

v6.9.3447.54 - (updated )

www-client / vivaldi-snapshot : A browser for our friends

v6.10.3491.4 - (updated )


www-plugins / chrome-binary-plugins : Binary plugins from Google Chrome for use in Chromium

v130.0.6723.44_beta - (updated )


www-servers / adsf : A Dead Simple Fileserver is a static file server that can launch in a directory

v1.5.2 - (updated )


app-containers / podman : A tool for managing OCI containers and pods with Docker-compatible CLI

v5.2.4 - (updated )


app-emulation / virtiofsd : Shared file system for virtual machines

v1.11.1 - (updated )


app-i18n / fcitx : Fcitx 5 is a generic input method framework

v5.1.11 - (updated )

app-i18n / fcitx-chewing : Chewing Wrapper for Fcitx.

v5.1.6 - (updated )

app-i18n / fcitx-chinese-addons : Addons related to Chinese, including IME previous bundled inside fcitx4.

v5.1.7 - (updated )

app-i18n / fcitx-configtool : Configuration module for Fcitx

v5.1.7 - (updated )

app-i18n / fcitx-qt : Qt library and IM module for fcitx5

v5.1.7 - (updated )

app-i18n / libime : Fcitx5 Next generation of fcitx

v1.1.9 - (updated )


app-misc / openhab-bin : An open-source automation software for your home

v4.2.2 - (updated )


app-portage / gpyutils : Utitilies for maintaining Python packages

v0.13.2 - (updated )


app-shells / bash : The standard GNU Bourne again shell

v5.3_alpha_p20241011 - (updated )


app-text / zotero-bin : Helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources

v7.0.7 - (updated )


dev-build / gn : GN is a meta-build system that generates build files for Ninja

v0.2200-r1 - (updated )


dev-cpp / azure-core : Azure SDK for C++

v1.14.0 - (updated )

dev-cpp / azure-identity : Azure SDK for C++

v1.10.0 - (updated )

dev-cpp / azure-security-keyvault-certificates : Azure SDK for C++

v4.2.1 - (updated )

dev-cpp / azure-security-keyvault-keys : Azure SDK for C++

v4.4.1 - (updated )


dev-debug / drgn : Programmable debugger

v0.0.29 - (updated )


dev-perl / Archive-Tar-Wrapper : API wrapper around the 'tar' utility

v0.420.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Clone : Recursively copy Perl datatypes

v0.470.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / DBI-Shell : Interactive command shell for the DBI

v11.980.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / DateTime-Locale : Localization support for DateTime

v1.430.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / ExtUtils-Config : Wrapper for perl's configuration

v0.10.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / HTML-Parser : Parse HTML documents

v3.830.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / IO-Socket-SSL : Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET

v2.89.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / JSON-MaybeXS : Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP

v1.4.8 - (updated )

dev-perl / Mojolicious : Real-time web framework

v9.380.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Mouse : Moose minus the antlers

v2.5.11 - (updated )

dev-perl / Net-DNS-SEC : DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS

v1.260.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / PPI : Parse, Analyze, and Manipulate Perl (without perl)

v1.279.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Parse-Syslog : Parse::Syslog - Parse Unix syslog files

v1.110.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Syntax-Keyword-Try : A try/catch/finally syntax for Perl

v0.300.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Test-Strict : Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage

v0.540.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Text-CSV_XS : Comma-separated values manipulation routines

v1.560.0 - (updated )

dev-perl / Try-Tiny : Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@

v0.320.0 - (updated )


dev-python / aiohttp : HTTP client/server for asyncio

v3.10.10 - (updated )

dev-python / bitarray : Efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension

v2.9.3 - (updated )

dev-python / cfn-lint : CloudFormation Linter

v1.16.1 - (updated )

dev-python / ftfy : Fixes mojibake and other problems with Unicode, after the fact

v6.3.0 - (updated )

dev-python / networkx : Python tools to manipulate graphs and complex networks

v3.4 - (updated )

dev-python / pdm : Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards

v2.19.2 - (updated )

dev-python / pyproject-fmt : Format your pyproject.toml file

v2.3.0 - (updated )

dev-python / pyproject-fmt-rust : Format your pyproject.toml file (Rust extension)

v1.2.0 - (updated )

dev-python / python-vlc : Python ctypes-based bindings for libvlc

v3.0.21203 - (updated )

dev-python / wsaccel : Accelerator for ws4py, autobahn and tornado

v0.6.7 - (updated )


dev-ruby / grpc : Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

v1.66.0-r2 - (updated )


dev-scheme / guile : GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions

v3.0.10-r101 - (updated )

v1.8.8-r102 - (updated )


dev-util / diffoscope : Will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different

v279 - (updated )

dev-util / git-delta : A syntax-highlighting pager for git

v0.18.2 - (updated )


dev-vcs / repo : Google tool for managing git, particularly multiple repos

v2.48 - (updated )


kde-frameworks / attica : Framework providing access to Open Collaboration Services

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / baloo : Framework for searching and managing metadata

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / bluez-qt : Qt wrapper for Bluez 5 DBus API

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / breeze-icons : Breeze SVG icon theme

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / extra-cmake-modules : Extra modules and scripts for CMake

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / frameworkintegration : Framework for integrating Qt applications with KDE Plasma workspaces

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / karchive : Framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kauth : Framework to let applications perform actions as a privileged user

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kbookmarks : Framework for managing bookmarks stored in XBEL format

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcalendarcore : Library for interfacing with calendars

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcmutils : Framework to work with KDE System Settings modules

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcodecs : Framework for manipulating strings using various encodings

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcolorscheme : Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcompletion : Framework for common completion tasks such as filename or URL completion

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kconfig : Framework for reading and writing configuration

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kconfigwidgets : Framework providing an assortment of configuration-related widgets

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcontacts : Address book API based on KDE Frameworks

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcoreaddons : Framework for solving common problems such as caching, randomisation, and more

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kcrash : Framework for intercepting and handling application crashes

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdav : DAV protocol implemention with KJobs

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdbusaddons : Framework for registering services and applications per freedesktop standards

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdeclarative : Framework providing integration of QML and KDE work spaces

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kded : Central daemon of KDE workspaces

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdesu : Framework to handle super user actions

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdnssd : Framework for network service discovery using Zeroconf

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kdoctools : Tools to generate documentation in various formats from DocBook files

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kfilemetadata : Library for extracting file metadata

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kglobalaccel : Framework to handle global shortcuts

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kguiaddons : Framework providing assorted high-level user interface components

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kholidays : Library to determine holidays and other special events for a geographical region

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / ki18n : Framework based on Gettext for internationalizing user interface text

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kiconthemes : Framework for icon theming and configuration

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kidletime : Framework for detection and notification of device idle time

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kimageformats : Framework providing additional format plugins for Qt's image I/O system

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kio : Framework providing transparent file and data management

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kirigami : Lightweight user interface framework for mobile and convergent applications

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kitemmodels : Framework providing data models to help with tasks such as sorting and filtering

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kitemviews : Framework providing additional widgets for item models

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kjobwidgets : Framework providing assorted widgets for showing the progress of jobs

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / knewstuff : Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / knotifications : Framework for notifying the user of an event

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / knotifyconfig : Framework for configuring desktop notifications

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kpackage : Framework to install and load packages of non binary content

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kparts : Framework providing elaborate user-interface components

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kpeople : KDE contact person abstraction library

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kplotting : Framework providing easy data-plotting functions

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kpty : Framework for pseudo terminal devices and running child processes

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kquickcharts : QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / krunner : Framework for providing different actions given a string query

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kservice : Advanced plugin and service introspection

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kstatusnotifieritem : Implementation of Status Notifier Items

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / ksvg : Components for handling SVGs

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / ktexteditor : Framework providing a full text editor component

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / ktexttemplate : Library to allow separating the structure of documents from data they contain

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / ktextwidgets : Framework providing an assortment of widgets for displaying and editing text

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kunitconversion : Framework for converting units

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kuserfeedback : Framework to collect user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kwallet : Framework providing desktop-wide storage for passwords

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kwidgetsaddons : An assortment of high-level widgets for common tasks

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kwindowsystem : Framework providing access to properties and features of the window manager

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / kxmlgui : Framework for managing menu and toolbar actions in an abstract way

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / modemmanager-qt : ModemManager bindings for Qt

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / networkmanager-qt : NetworkManager bindings for Qt

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / prison : QRCode and data matrix barcode library

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / purpose : Library for providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / purpose-kaccounts-services : KAccounts generated service files for nextcloud and google services

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / qqc2-desktop-style : Style for QtQuickControls 2 that uses QWidget's QStyle for painting

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / solid : Provider for platform independent hardware discovery, abstraction and management

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / sonnet : Framework for providing spell-checking through abstraction of popular backends

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / syndication : Library for parsing RSS and Atom feeds

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / syntax-highlighting : Framework for syntax highlighting

v6.7.0 - (updated )

kde-frameworks / threadweaver : Framework for managing threads using job and queue-based interfaces

v6.7.0 - (updated )


mail-client / thunderbird : Thunderbird Mail Client

v128.3.1 - (updated )

mail-client / thunderbird-bin : Thunderbird Mail Client

v128.3.1 - (updated )


media-gfx / freecad : QT based Computer Aided Design application

v1.0_rc2 - (updated )


media-sound / abcmidi : Programs for processing ABC music notation files

v2024.10.10 - (updated )


net-analyzer / wireshark : Network protocol analyzer (sniffer)

v4.4.1 - (updated )

v4.2.8 - (updated )


net-dns / c-ares : C library that resolves names asynchronously

v1.34.1 - (updated )


net-fs / samba : Samba Suite Version 4

v4.19.8 - (updated )

v4.20.5 - (updated )

v4.21.0 - (updated )


net-im / telegram-desktop : Official desktop client for Telegram

v5.6.1 - (updated )


net-libs / libnetfilter_conntrack : Programming interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking state table

v1.1.0 - (updated )


net-misc / streamlink : CLI for extracting streams from websites to a video player of your choice

v6.11.0 - (updated )


perl-core / Term-Table : Format a header and rows into a table

v0.22.0 - (updated )


sci-libs / caffe2 : A deep learning framework

v2.4.1-r2 - (updated )

sci-libs / transformers : State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow

v4.45.2 - (updated )


sci-mathematics / z3 : An efficient theorem prover

v4.13.3 - (updated )


sys-devel / gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection

v12.4.1_p20241010 - (updated )


sys-kernel / linux-headers : Linux system headers

v6.11 - (updated )


sys-libs / tdb : Simple database API

v1.4.12 - (updated )


sys-process / parallel : A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel locally or on remote machines

v20240822 - (updated )


www-apps / element : A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web

v1.11.80 - (updated )


x11-misc / picom : A lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork)

v12.2 - (updated )