app-backup / duplicati

Backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups

Official package sites : · ·

v2.1.0.103_p20241221 :: 0/canary :: gentoo

Apache-2.0 BSD MIT
USE flags
debug gui


Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
Enable support for a graphical user interface

app-arch / brotli : Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm

dev-libs / elfutils : Libraries/utilities to handle ELF objects (drop in replacement for libelf)

dev-libs / expat : Stream-oriented XML parser library

dev-libs / libxml2 : XML C parser and toolkit

media-gfx / graphite2 : Library providing rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems

media-libs / fontconfig : A library for configuring and customizing font access

media-libs / freetype : High-quality and portable font engine

media-libs / harfbuzz : An OpenType text shaping engine

media-libs / libglvnd : The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library

media-libs / libpng : Portable Network Graphics library

virtual / dotnet-sdk : Virtual for .NET SDK

x11-libs / libICE : X.Org Inter-Client Exchange library

x11-libs / libSM : X.Org Session Management library

x11-libs / libX11 : X.Org X11 library

x11-libs / libXau : X.Org X authorization library

x11-libs / libXcursor : X.Org Xcursor library

x11-libs / libXdmcp : X.Org X Display Manager Control Protocol library

x11-libs / libXext : X.Org Xext library

x11-libs / libXfixes : X.Org Xfixes library

x11-libs / libXi : X.Org Xi library

x11-libs / libXrandr : X.Org Xrandr library

x11-libs / libXrender : X.Org Xrender library

x11-libs / libdrm : X.Org libdrm library

x11-libs / libxcb : X C-language Bindings library

x11-libs / libxshmfence : Shared memory fences using futexes

Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Maciej Barć · gentoo
app-backup/duplicati: new package; add version
Signed-off-by: Maciej Barć <>