Package list
app-doc / abs-guide : An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
app-doc / audacity : HTML reference manual for Audacity
app-doc / autobook : GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool
app-doc / blas-docs : Documentation reference and man pages for blas implementations
app-doc / cantera-docs : Documentation API reference for Cantera package libraries
app-doc / casting-spels-emacs : Casting SPELs in Lisp - A Comic Book (Emacs Lisp Edition)
app-doc / cppman : C++ man pages for Linux, with source from and
app-doc / csound-manual : The Csound reference manual
app-doc / devmanual : The Gentoo Development Guide
app-doc / dita-ot-bin : Darwin Information Typing Architecture - Open Toolkit publishing engine
app-doc / diveintopython : 'Dive Into Python' by Mark Pilgrim - Python 3
app-doc / e16-docs : The E16 online help
app-doc / eclass-manpages : Collection of Gentoo eclass manpages
app-doc / elisp-manual : The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
app-doc / execline-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the execline suite
app-doc / geant-docs : User documentation for Geant4 physics simulation toolkit
app-doc / gimp-help : GNU Image Manipulation Program help files
app-doc / gnu-c-intro-ref : GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual
app-doc / gnucash-docs : Documentation package for GnuCash
app-doc / jargon : A compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition
app-doc / kicad-doc : Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools manuals
app-doc / lapack-docs : Documentation reference and man pages for lapack implementations
app-doc / linkers-and-loaders : The Linkers and Loaders book
app-doc / linux-device-drivers : Howto write linux device drivers (updated for Linux 2.6)
app-doc / linux-kernel-in-a-nutshell : Linux Kernel in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
app-doc / linuxfromscratch : LFS documents building a Linux system entirely from source
app-doc / mathjax-docs : MathJax documentation
app-doc / motif-reference-manual : Motif Reference Manual
app-doc / php-docs : HTML documentation for PHP
app-doc / phrack : A Hacker magazine by the community, for the community
app-doc / phrack-all : Hacker magazine by the community, for the community (all issues)
app-doc / pms : Gentoo Package Manager Specification (draft)
app-doc / pms-bin : Gentoo Package Manager Specification
app-doc / python-docs : HTML documentation for Python
app-doc / s6-linux-init-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the s6-linux-init suite
app-doc / s6-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the s6 suite
app-doc / s6-networking-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the s6 suite
app-doc / s6-portable-utils-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the s6-portable-utils suite
app-doc / s6-rc-man-pages : mdoc port of the HTML documentation for the s6-rc suite
app-doc / selflinux : A german-language hypertext tutorial about Linux
app-doc / single-unix-specification : The Single UNIX Specification, Version 4, 2018 Edition
app-doc / tldp-howto : The Linux Documentation Project HOWTOs
app-doc / vilearn : An interactive vi tutorial comprised of 5 tutorials for the vi-impaired
app-doc / zsh-lovers : Tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell