Package list
dev-cpp / ETL : Multi-platform class and template library
dev-cpp / abseil-cpp : Abseil Common Libraries (C++), LTS Branch
dev-cpp / ada : WHATWG-compliant and fast URL parser written in modern C++
dev-cpp / aixlog : Header-only C++ logging library
dev-cpp / amqp-cpp : AMQP-CPP is a C++ library for communicating with a RabbitMQ message broker
dev-cpp / antlr-cpp : The ANTLR 4 C++ Runtime
dev-cpp / argparse : Argument Parser for Modern C++
dev-cpp / asio : Asynchronous Network Library
dev-cpp / atkmm : C++ interface for the ATK library
dev-cpp / azure-core : Azure SDK for C++
dev-cpp / azure-identity : Azure SDK for C++
dev-cpp / azure-security-keyvault-certificates : Azure SDK for C++
dev-cpp / azure-security-keyvault-keys : Azure SDK for C++
dev-cpp / benchmark : A microbenchmark support library
dev-cpp / cairomm : C++ bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
dev-cpp / catch : Modern C++ header-only framework for unit-tests
dev-cpp / cctz : C++ library for dealing with time zones and time conversion
dev-cpp / clhpp : Khronos OpenCL C++ bindings
dev-cpp / cli11 : Command line parser for C++11
dev-cpp / clucene : High-performance, full-featured text search engine based off of lucene in C++
dev-cpp / cpp-hocon : Provides C++ support for the HOCON configuration file format
dev-cpp / cpp-httplib : C++ HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
dev-cpp / cppdap : C++ library for the Debug Adapter Protocol
dev-cpp / cppgir : GObject-Introspection C++ binding wrapper generator
dev-cpp / cpptoml : Header-only library for parsing TOML
dev-cpp / ctemplate : A simple but powerful template language for C++
dev-cpp / curlpp : C++ wrapper for libcURL
dev-cpp / doctest : The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework
dev-cpp / edencommon : Shared library for Watchman and Eden projects
dev-cpp / eigen : C++ template library for linear algebra
dev-cpp / elfio : ELF reader/producer header-only C++ library
dev-cpp / expected-lite : Expected objects in C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
dev-cpp / fast_float : Fast and exact implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for number types
dev-cpp / fb303 : Core set of Thrift functions querying stats and other information from a service
dev-cpp / fbthrift : Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift (C++ bindings)
dev-cpp / fizz : C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
dev-cpp / folly : An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook
dev-cpp / frugally-deep : Header-only library for using Keras models in C++
dev-cpp / functional-plus : Functional Programming Library for C++
dev-cpp / gemmlowp : Low-precision matrix multiplication
dev-cpp / gflags : Google's C++ argument parsing library
dev-cpp / glibmm : C++ interface for glib2
dev-cpp / glog : Google Logging library
dev-cpp / gstreamermm : C++ interface for GStreamer
dev-cpp / gtest : Google C++ Testing Framework
dev-cpp / gtkmm : C++ interface for GTK+
dev-cpp / gtksourceviewmm : C++ bindings for gtksourceview
dev-cpp / gulrak-filesystem : Header-only single-file std::filesystem compatible helper library
dev-cpp / highway : Performance-portable, length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatch
dev-cpp / htmlcxx : A simple non-validating CSS 1 and HTML parser for C++
dev-cpp / json11 : A tiny JSON library for C++11
dev-cpp / jwt-cpp : header only library for creating and validating JSON Web Tokens in C++11
dev-cpp / kokkos : C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem
dev-cpp / libcmis : C++ client library for the CMIS interface
dev-cpp / libjson-rpc-cpp : JSON-RPC (1.0 & 2.0) framework for C++
dev-cpp / libmcpp : A portable C++ preprocessor
dev-cpp / libxmlpp : C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
dev-cpp / lucene++ : C++ port of Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine
dev-cpp / magic_enum : Static reflection for enums in header-only C++
dev-cpp / metslib : Metaheuristic modeling framework and optimization toolkit
dev-cpp / mm-common : Build infrastructure and utilities for GNOME C++ bindings
dev-cpp / ms-gsl : Guideline Support Library implementation by Microsoft
dev-cpp / msgpack-cxx : MessagePack for C++
dev-cpp / muParser : Library for parsing mathematical expressions
dev-cpp / muParserX : Parsing Expressions with Strings, Complex Numbers, Vectors, Matrices and more
dev-cpp / mvfst : An implementation of the QUIC transport protocol
dev-cpp / nlohmann_json : JSON for Modern C++
dev-cpp / notcurses : Blingful TUIs and character graphics
dev-cpp / opentelemetry-cpp : The OpenTelemetry C++ Client
dev-cpp / pangomm : C++ interface for pango
dev-cpp / picojson : Header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++
dev-cpp / popl : Header-only C++ program options parser library
dev-cpp / prometheus-cpp : Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++
dev-cpp / pystring : C++ functions matching the interface and behavior of python string methods
dev-cpp / random123 : library of counter-based random number generators (CBRNGs)
dev-cpp / range-v3 : Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for C++20's std::ranges
dev-cpp / rapidfuzz-cpp : Rapid fuzzy string matching in C++
dev-cpp / rapidyaml : Library to parse and emit YAML, and do it fast
dev-cpp / robin-hood-hashing : Fast & memory efficient hashtable based on robin hood hashing for C++11/14/17/20
dev-cpp / robin-map : C++ fast hash map and hash set using robin hood hashing
dev-cpp / scitokens-cpp : C++ implementation of the SciTokens library with a C library interface
dev-cpp / sdbus-c++ : High-level C++ D-Bus library
dev-cpp / simpleini : C++ library providing a simple API to read and write INI-style files
dev-cpp / sol2 : Header-only C++ <-> Lua API wrapper
dev-cpp / sparsehash : An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
dev-cpp / string-theory : A flexible modern C++ library for string manipulation and storage
dev-cpp / taskflow : Modern C++ Parallel Task Programming
dev-cpp / tbb : High level abstract threading library
dev-cpp / tclap : Simple templatized C++ library for parsing command line arguments
dev-cpp / termcolor : A header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal
dev-cpp / toml11 : TOML for Modern C++
dev-cpp / tomlplusplus : TOML config file parser and serializer
dev-cpp / tree : An STL-like tree class
dev-cpp / valijson : Header-only C++ library for JSON Schema validation
dev-cpp / wangle : A framework providing common abstractions for building services
dev-cpp / waylandpp : Wayland C++ bindings
dev-cpp / websocketpp : C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library