Package list
dev-java / angus-activation : Provides the implementation of the Jakarta Activation Specification
dev-java / animal-sniffer-annotations : Java annotations for marking methods that Animal Sniffer should ignore
dev-java / ant : Java-based build tool similar to 'make' that uses XML configuration files
dev-java / ant-contrib : Ant-contrib tasks for Apache Ant
dev-java / ant-core : Compatibility link to ant-core for >=dev-java/ant-1.10.14
dev-java / ant-ivy : Ivy is a free java based dependency manager
dev-java / antlr : A parser generator for many languages
dev-java / antlr-runtime : ANTLR 4 Runtime
dev-java / antlr-tool : The ANTLR 4 grammar compiler
dev-java / antunit : An Antlib that provides a test framework for Apache Ant tasks and types
dev-java / aopalliance : Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Alliance classes
dev-java / apache-rat : Apache Rat is a release audit tool, focused on licenses
dev-java / apiguardian-api : @org.apiguardian.api.API Java annotation provider
dev-java / asm : Bytecode manipulation framework for Java
dev-java / aspectj : A seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language
dev-java / assertj-core : Rich and fluent assertions for testing for Java
dev-java / auto-service-annotations : Provider-configuration files for ServiceLoader
dev-java / batik : XML Graphics Batik
dev-java / bcel : Apache Commons Bytecode Engineering Library
dev-java / bcmail : The Bouncy Castle Java S/MIME APIs for handling S/MIME protocols
dev-java / bcpg : Java cryptography APIs
dev-java / bcpkix : Java APIs for CMS, PKCS, EAC, TSP, CMP, CRMF, OCSP, and certificate generation
dev-java / bcprov : Java cryptography APIs
dev-java / bcutil : Java APIs for ASN.1 extension and utility APIs used to support bcpkix and bctls
dev-java / bnd : bndlib: A Swiss Army Knife for OSGi
dev-java / bnd-annotation : bnd Annotations Library
dev-java / bnd-ant : Bnd Ant Tasks
dev-java / bnd-util : AQute Bnd Utilities
dev-java / bndlib : bndlib: A Swiss Army Knife for OSGi
dev-java / brotli-dec : Brotli decompressor
dev-java / browserlauncher2 : A library that facilitates opening a browser from a Java application
dev-java / bsf : Bean Script Framework
dev-java / bsh : A small embeddable Java source interpreter
dev-java / byaccj : A Java extension of BSD YACC-compatible parser generator
dev-java / byte-buddy : Offers convenience for attaching an agent to the local or a remote VM
dev-java / c3p0 : JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources
dev-java / cache2k-api : light weight and high performance Java caching library: API
dev-java / cache2k-core : light weight and high performance Java caching library: core
dev-java / caffeine : A high performance caching library
dev-java / cal10n : java library for writing localized messages using resource bundle
dev-java / cdi-api : APIs for CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java)
dev-java / cglib : cglib is a powerful, high performance and quality Code Generation Library
dev-java / checker-framework-qual : Annotations for type-checking by the Checker Framework
dev-java / commons-beanutils : Provides easy-to-use wrappers around Reflection and Introspection APIs
dev-java / commons-cli : A Java library for working with the command line arguments and options
dev-java / commons-codec : Implementations of common encoders and decoders in Java
dev-java / commons-collections : Extends the JCF classes with new interfaces, implementations and utilities
dev-java / commons-compress : Java API for working with archive files
dev-java / commons-csv : Simple interface for reading and writing CSV files of various types
dev-java / commons-daemon : Tools to allow Java programs to run as UNIX daemons
dev-java / commons-digester : Reads XML configuration files to provide initialization of various Java objects
dev-java / commons-httpclient : The Jakarta Commons HttpClient library
dev-java / commons-imaging : Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.
dev-java / commons-io : Utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, and much more
dev-java / commons-junit4 : Assertions etc. for those who write tests with JUNIT 4
dev-java / commons-lang : Commons components to manipulate core java classes
dev-java / commons-logging : Thin adapter allowing configurable bridging to other well known logging systems
dev-java / commons-math : Lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components
dev-java / commons-net : Client-oriented Java library to implement many Internet protocols
dev-java / commons-nullanalysis : Annotations and utility classes for ECLIPSE annotation-base null analysis
dev-java / commons-validator : Commons component to validate user input, or data input
dev-java / commons-vfs : A single API for accessing various different file systems
dev-java / concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru : A high performance version of java.util.LinkedHashMap for use as software cache
dev-java / conversant-disruptor : Conversant Disruptor - very high throughput Java BlockingQueue
dev-java / cortado : Multimedia framework for Java written by Fluendo
dev-java / coursier-bin : Java/Scala artifact fetching, bundling and deploying
dev-java / cpptasks : Ant-tasks to compile various source languages and produce executables
dev-java / dom4j : flexible XML framework for Java
dev-java / easymock : Mock Objects for interfaces in JUnit tests by generating them on the fly
dev-java / eclipse-ecj : Eclipse Compiler for Java
dev-java / eclipse-jdt-annotation : JDT Annotations for Enhanced Null Analysis
dev-java / emma : Free Java code coverage tool
dev-java / error-prone-annotations : Java annotations for the Error Prone static analysis tool
dev-java / fastinfoset : Open Source implementation of the Fast Infoset Standard for Binary XML
dev-java / fec : Forward Error Correction library in Java
dev-java / felix-framework : Implementation of the OSGi R8 core framework specification
dev-java / felix-gogo-runtime : Apache Felix Gogo Runtime
dev-java / felix-main : Open source OSGi framework by Apache Software Foundation
dev-java / felix-resolver : Provide OSGi resolver service.
dev-java / felix-utils : Utility classes for OSGi
dev-java / findbugs-annotations : Annotation defined by the FindBugs tool
dev-java / fishbowl : Use the AAA pattern for writing tests for code that throws an exception
dev-java / fontbox : An open source Java library for parsing font files
dev-java / fop : XML Graphics Format Object Processor All-In-One
dev-java / freenet-ext : Freenet REference Daemon
dev-java / gnu-regexp : GNU regular expression package for Java
dev-java / gradle-bin : A project automation and build tool with a Groovy based DSL
dev-java / greenmail : GreenMail - Email Test Servers
dev-java / gson : Gson JSON library
dev-java / guava : A collection of Google's core Java libraries
dev-java / guava-testlib : A set of java classes to assist the tests for Guava itself
dev-java / guice : Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above
dev-java / hamcrest : Core API and libraries of hamcrest matcher framework.
dev-java / hamcrest-core : Core library of matchers for building test expressions
dev-java / hamcrest-generator : Code generator for Hamcrest's library of matchers for building test expressions
dev-java / hamcrest-library : Core library of matchers for building test expressions
dev-java / hashcash : Generation and parsing of Hashcash
dev-java / hawtjni-runtime : A JNI code generator based on the generator used by the Eclipse SWT project
dev-java / htmlcleaner : HTML parser written in Java that can be used as a tool, library or Ant task
dev-java / httpcomponents-client : Apache HttpComponents Client
dev-java / httpcore : Apache HttpComponents Core (blocking I/O)
dev-java / icedtea-sound : Plugins for javax.sound
dev-java / icedtea-web : FOSS Java browser plugin and Web Start implementation
dev-java / icu4j : A set of Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support
dev-java / identicon : Visual representation of a hash value
dev-java / injection-api : Jakarta Dependency Injection
dev-java / iso-relax : Interfaces useful for applications which support RELAX Core
dev-java / istack-commons-runtime : istack common utility code
dev-java / j2objc-annotations : Annotations for the J2ObjC Java to Objective-C translator
dev-java / jackcess : A pure Java library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases
dev-java / jackrabbit-webdav : Fully conforming implementation of the JRC API (specified in JSR 170 and 283)
dev-java / jackson-annotations : Core annotations used for value types, used by Jackson data binding package.
dev-java / jackson-core : Core Jackson processing abstractions (Streaming API), implementation for JSON
dev-java / jackson-databind : General data-binding functionality for Jackson: works on core streaming API
dev-java / jackson-dataformat-xml : Data format extension for Jackson
dev-java / jackson-dataformat-yaml : Support for reading and writing YAML-encoded data via Jackson abstractions
dev-java / jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind : Support for using Jakarta XML Bind (aka JAXB 3.0) annotations
dev-java / jacl : Jacl is an implementation of Tcl written in Java
dev-java / jai-imageio-core : Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools API core (standalone)
dev-java / jai-imageio-jpeg2000 : JPEG2000 support for Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools API
dev-java / jakarta-activation : Jakarta Activation
dev-java / jakarta-activation-api : Jakarta Activation API jar
dev-java / jakarta-annotations-api : Jakarta Annotations API
dev-java / jakarta-el-api : Jakarta Expression Language defines an expression language for Java applications
dev-java / jakarta-interceptors : Jakarta Interceptors
dev-java / jakarta-json-api : JSR 374 (JSON Processing) API
dev-java / jakarta-mail : Implementation of the Jakarta Mail API
dev-java / jakarta-mail-api : Jakarta Mail API 2.1 Specification API
dev-java / jakarta-oro : A set of text-processing Java classes
dev-java / jakarta-regexp : 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package
dev-java / jakarta-servlet-api : Javax servlet API
dev-java / jakarta-xml-soap-api : SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) API (Eclipse Project for JAX-WS)
dev-java / jakartaee-migration : Apache Tomcat tool for migration from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9
dev-java / jal : Partial port of the C++ Standard Template Library
dev-java / jansi : Jansi is a java library for generating and interpreting ANSI escape sequences.
dev-java / jansi-native : Native JNI component for dev-java/jansi
dev-java / java-config : Java environment configuration query tool
dev-java / java-dep-check : Java Dependency checker
dev-java / java-diff-utils : Library for computing diffs, applying patches, generationg side-by-side view
dev-java / java-getopt : Java command line option parser
dev-java / java-service-wrapper : A wrapper that makes it possible to install a Java Application as daemon
dev-java / javacc : Java Compiler Compiler - The Java Parser Generator
dev-java / javacup : CUP Parser Generator for Java
dev-java / javahelp : The JavaHelp system online help system
dev-java / javaparser-core : Java 1-17 Parser and Abstract Syntax Tree for Java
dev-java / javassist : A class library for editing bytecodes in Java.
dev-java / javatoolkit : Collection of Gentoo-specific tools for Java
dev-java / javax-el-api : Expression Language API
dev-java / javax-inject : Dependency injection for Java (JSR-330)
dev-java / javax-jms-api : Jakarta Messaging
dev-java / javax-jsp-api : JavaServer Pages(TM) API JSR-000152 JSR-000245
dev-java / javax-mail : Jakarta Mail API
dev-java / javax-persistence-api : Persistence API
dev-java / javax-servlet-api : JavaServlet(TM) Specification JSR-000340
dev-java / jax-rpc-api : Eclipse Project for Stable EE4J APIs
dev-java / jaxb-api : Jakarta XML Binding API
dev-java / jaxb-runtime : JAXB (JSR 222) Reference Implementation
dev-java / jaxb-stax-ex : Extensions to JSR-173 StAX API.
dev-java / jaxen : Jaxen is a universal XPath engine for Java
dev-java / jaxrs-api : Jakarta RESTful Web Services API
dev-java / jaxws-api : JAX-WS (JSR 224) API (Eclipse Project for JAX-WS)
dev-java / jbcrypt : Java implementation of OpenBSD's Blowfish password hashing code
dev-java / jbig2-imageio : PDFBox JBIG2 ImageIO plugin
dev-java / jbitcollider-core : Core classes of jBitcollider: org.bitpedia.collider.core
dev-java / jboss-jms-api : JSR-000914: Java(TM) Message Service (JMS) 1.1 API
dev-java / jcalendar : Java date chooser bean for graphically picking a date
dev-java / jchart2d : A minimalistic realtime charting library for Java
dev-java / jcifs : Library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in Java
dev-java / jclasslib : Java bytecode viewer
dev-java / jcommander : Command line parsing framework for Java
dev-java / jctools-core : Java Concurrency Tools Core Library
dev-java / jdbc-mysql : JDBC Type 4 driver for MySQL
dev-java / jdbc-postgresql : Java JDBC 4.2 (JRE 8+) driver for PostgreSQL database
dev-java / jdepend : Traverses Java class file directories and generates design quality metrics
dev-java / jdisasm : A disassembler for Java .class files
dev-java / jdom : Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating, and outputting XML data
dev-java / jeromq : Pure Java implementation of libzmq
dev-java / jetbrains-annotations : Annotations for JVM-based languages
dev-java / jffi : Java Foreign Function Interface
dev-java / jflex : JFlex is a lexical analyzer generator for Java
dev-java / jgoodies-common : JGoodies Common Library
dev-java / jgoodies-looks : JGoodies Looks Library
dev-java / jide-oss : JIDE Common Layer (Professional Swing Components)
dev-java / jimfs : An in-memory file system for Java 7+
dev-java / jline : A Java library for handling console input
dev-java / jmc : JDK Mission Control
dev-java / jmh-core : Harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks
dev-java / jmh-generator-annprocess : Harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks
dev-java / jmock : An expressive Mock Object library for Test Driven Development
dev-java / jna : Java Native Access
dev-java / jnacl : Pure Java implementation of NaCl: Networking and Cryptography library
dev-java / jnr-a64asm : A pure-java A64 assembler
dev-java / jnr-constants : A set of platform constants (e.g. errno values)
dev-java / jnr-ffi : A library for invoking native functions from java
dev-java / jnr-netdb : Network services database access for java
dev-java / jnr-posix : Common cross-project/cross-platform POSIX APIs
dev-java / jnr-x86asm : A pure-java port of asmjit
dev-java / joda-convert : Library to convert Objects to and from String
dev-java / joda-time : Date and time library to replace JDK date handling
dev-java / jol-core : Java Object Layout: Core
dev-java / jopt-simple : A Java library for parsing command line options
dev-java / jrobin : JRobin is a 100% pure Java alternative to RRDTool
dev-java / jsch : JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2
dev-java / jsch-agent-proxy : a proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java
dev-java / json : A reference implementation of a JSON package in Java
dev-java / json-simple : Java 7+ toolkit to quickly develop RFC 4627 JSON compatible applications
dev-java / json-smart : JSON Small and Fast Parser
dev-java / jsonrpc2-base : Represent, parse and serialise JSON-RPC 2.0 messages
dev-java / jsonrpc2-server : Server framework for processing JSON-RPC 2.0 messages
dev-java / jsr305 : Annotations for Software Defect Detection in Java
dev-java / jstl : Jakarta Standard Tag Library API
dev-java / jstl-api : Jakarta Standard Tag Library API
dev-java / jtds : jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver
dev-java / jtidy : a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer
dev-java / jtwig-core : Jtwig Reflection Library
dev-java / jtwig-reflection : Jtwig Reflection Library
dev-java / jul-to-slf4j : JUL to SLF4J bridge
dev-java / junit : Simple framework to write repeatable tests
dev-java / junit-clptr : ClassLoader per Test runner for JUnit 4.12+
dev-java / junit-dataprovider : The common core for a TestNG like dataprovider runner for JUnit
dev-java / junitparams : Better parameterised tests for JUnit
dev-java / jzlib : JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
dev-java / kafka-clients : Apache Kafka distributed event streaming platform
dev-java / leiningen-bin : Automate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire
dev-java / libg : A library to be statically linked. Contains many small utilities
dev-java / lmax-disruptor : A High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
dev-java / log4j-12-api : The Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API
dev-java / log4j-api : The Apache Log4j API
dev-java / log4j-core : The Apache Log4j Implementation
dev-java / log4j-over-slf4j : Log4j implemented over SLF4J
dev-java / lucene : High-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java
dev-java / lz4-java : LZ4 compression for Java
dev-java / lzma : Java code for LZMA compression and decompression
dev-java / lzmajio : LzmaInputStream/LzmaOutputStream interacting with underlying LZMA en-/decoders
dev-java / maven-bin : Project Management and Comprehension Tool for Java
dev-java / mchange-commons : a library of arguably useful Java utilities.
dev-java / memoryfilesystem : An in memory implementation of a JSR-203 file system.
dev-java / mersennetwister : Modified MersenneTwister java port for Freenet
dev-java / metainf-services : Generates META-INF/services files automatically
dev-java / miglayout : MiGLayout - Java Layout Manager for Swing, SWT and JavaFX
dev-java / mill-bin : A Java/Scala build tool
dev-java / minidns-core : DNS library for Java and Android systems
dev-java / mockito : Mockito mock objects library core API and implementation
dev-java / msv : Multi-Schema Validator Core package
dev-java / mvel : MVFLEX Expression Language
dev-java / objenesis : A library for instantiating Java objects
dev-java / open-test-reporting-events : Language-agnostic test reporting format and tooling
dev-java / open-test-reporting-schema : Language-agnostic test reporting format and tooling
dev-java / openjdk : Open source implementation of the Java programming language
dev-java / openjdk-bin : Prebuilt Java JDK binaries provided by Eclipse Temurin
dev-java / openjdk-jre-bin : Prebuilt Java JRE binaries provided by Eclipse Temurin
dev-java / openjfx : Java OpenJFX client application platform
dev-java / opentest4j : Open Test Alliance for the JVM
dev-java / osgi-annotation : OSGi Annotation Release 8, Annotations for use in compiling bundles
dev-java / osgi-cmpn : OSGi Service Platform Compendium API (Companion Code)
dev-java / osgi-core : OSGi Service Platform Core API (Companion Code)
dev-java / osgi-service-log : OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.log
dev-java / osgi-service-subsystem : OSGi Companion Code for org.osgi.service.subsystem
dev-java / owasp-java-encoder : OWASP Java Encoder
dev-java / parboiled : Elegant parsing in Java and Scala - lightweight, easy-to-use, powerful
dev-java / pdfbox : Java library and utilities for working with PDF documents
dev-java / pebble : Templating engine for Java
dev-java / picocli : Java command line parser with both an annotations API and a programmatic API
dev-java / plexus-classworlds : The class loader framework of the Plexus project
dev-java / poi : Maven build of Apache POI for Sonar checks
dev-java / protobuf-java : Core Protocol Buffers library
dev-java / qdox : Parser for extracting class/interface/method definitions
dev-java / randomized-runner : JUnit test runner and plugins for running JUnit tests with pseudo-randomness
dev-java / reflections : Reflections - a Java runtime metadata analysis
dev-java / relaxng-datatype : Interface between RELAX NG validators and datatype libraries
dev-java / reload4j : Reload4j revives EOLed log4j 1.x
dev-java / rhino : An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java
dev-java / rome : Java framework for RSS and Atom feeds
dev-java / rxtx : Native library providing serial and parallel communication for Java
dev-java / saslprep : SASLprep: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords
dev-java / sax : SAX: Simple API for XML in Java
dev-java / saxon : A XSLT and XQuery Processor
dev-java / sbt : sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well
dev-java / sbt-bin : sbt, a build tool for Scala
dev-java / scala-cli-bin : CLI to interact with Scala and Java
dev-java / scram : Java Implementation of the Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
dev-java / shrinkwrap-api : Client View of the ShrinkWrap Project
dev-java / shrinkwrap-impl-base : Common Base for Implementations of the ShrinkWrap Project
dev-java / shrinkwrap-spi : Generic Service Provider Contract of the ShrinkWrap Project
dev-java / sjsxp : Sun Java Streaming XML Parser (SJSXP) is the implementation of JSR 173
dev-java / slf4j-api : The slf4j API
dev-java / slf4j-ext : Extensions to the SLF4J API
dev-java / slf4j-nop : SLF4J NOP Binding
dev-java / slf4j-reload4j : SLF4J Reload4j Binding
dev-java / slf4j-simple : SLF4J Simple binding
dev-java / snakeyaml : YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Java
dev-java / snappy-java : Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java
dev-java / sparsebitset : An efficient sparse bitset implementation for Java
dev-java / stax2-api : stax2 API is an extension to basic Stax 1.0 API
dev-java / stringprep : SASLprep: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords
dev-java / stringtemplate : A Java template engine
dev-java / sun-jai-bin : JAI is a class library for managing images
dev-java / swing-layout : Professional cross platform layouts with Swing
dev-java / swingx : A collection of powerful, useful, and just plain fun Swing components
dev-java / swingx-beaninfo : SwingX Beaninfo
dev-java / swingx-ws : Utilities and widgets to integrate Swing GUIs with web applications
dev-java / swt : GTK based SWT Library
dev-java / system-rules : A collection of JUnit rules for testing code which uses java.lang.System.
dev-java / testng : Testing framework inspired by JUnit and NUnit with new features
dev-java / tomcat-native : Allows Tomcat to use certain native resources for better performance
dev-java / tomcat-servlet-api : Tomcat's Servlet API 2.3/JSP API 1.2 implementation
dev-java / treelayout : Efficient and customizable TreeLayout Algorithm in Java.
dev-java / txw2 : TXW is a library that allows you to write XML documents
dev-java / typesafe-config : A library of arguably useful Java utilities
dev-java / unbescape : Advanced yet easy-to-use escape/unescape library for Java
dev-java / univocity-parsers : A collection of extremely fast and reliable parsers for Java
dev-java / velocity : Apache Velocity is a general purpose template engine
dev-java / waffle-jna : Enable drop-in Windows Single Sign On for popular Java web servers
dev-java / woodstox-core : An XML processor that implements Stax (JSR-173), SAX2 and Stax2 APIs
dev-java / wsdl4j : Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit (WSDL4J)
dev-java / xalan : Transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types
dev-java / xalan-serializer : Transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types
dev-java / xerces : Xerces Java XML parser
dev-java / xerial-core : Core library of the Xerial project.
dev-java / xml-commons-external : Externally-defined set of standard interfaces, namely DOM, SAX, and JAXP
dev-java / xml-commons-resolver : An XML Entity and URI Resolver
dev-java / xmlgraphics-commons : XML Graphics Commons
dev-java / xmlunit : XMLUnit extends JUnit and NUnit to enable unit testing of XML
dev-java / xmlunit-assertj : XMLUnit with AssertJ fluent API
dev-java / xmlunit-core : XMLUnit for Java
dev-java / xmlunit-matchers : XMLUnit for Java Hamcrest Matchers
dev-java / xmpbox : An open source Java tool that implements Adobe's XMP(TM) specification
dev-java / xom : XML Object Model
dev-java / xpp2 : A streaming pull XML parser used to quickly process input elements
dev-java / xpp3 : An implementation of XMLPULL V1 API
dev-java / xsdlib : XML Schema datatypes library
dev-java / xz-java : Implementation of xz data compression in pure java
dev-java / zstd-jni : JNI bindings for Zstd native library
dev-java / zxing-core : Core barcode encoding/decoding library
dev-java / zxing-javase : Core barcode encoding/decoding library