dev-lang / pypy

A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (3.10) language

Official package sites : · ·

v3. :: 3.10/pypy310-pp73-384 :: gentoo

amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86-linux
USE flags
ensurepip gdbm jit ncurses sqlite symlink test-install tk

v2. :: 2.7/73 :: gentoo

amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86-linux
USE flags
bzip2 full-stdlib gdbm jit ncurses sqlite tk


Enable bzip2 compression support
Install the ensurepip module that uses bundled wheels to bootstrap pip and setuptools (if disabled, it will be only possible to use venv `--without-pip`)
Install complete stdlib as necessary to use PyPy for general purpose programs. By default, only a limited subset that is used when building PyPy3 executables is installed. Note that PyPy2.7's stdlib contains multiple known vulnerabilities.
Add support for sys-libs/gdbm (GNU database libraries)
Enable just-in-time compilation for improved performance. May prevent use of some PaX memory protection features in Gentoo Hardened.
Add ncurses support (console display library)
Add support for sqlite - embedded sql database
Install "pypy3" symlink, making this PyPy slot the default PyPy3 implementation that is used for building Gentoo packages.
Install the test suite packages, that are required to run tests in a few reverse dependencies.
Add support for Tk GUI toolkit

dev-db / sqlite : SQL database engine

dev-lang / python-exec : Python script wrapper

dev-lang / tk : Tk Widget Set

dev-libs / openssl : Robust, full-featured Open Source Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)

dev-python / ensurepip-wheels : Shared wheels for ensurepip Python module

dev-python / gentoo-common : Common files shared by Python implementations in Gentoo

dev-python / pypy : A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language

dev-python / pypy-exe : PyPy executable (build from source)

dev-python / pypy-exe-bin : PyPy executable (pre-built version)

dev-python / pypy3_10-exe : PyPy3.10 executable (build from source)

dev-python / pypy3_10-exe-bin : PyPy3.10 executable (pre-built version)

dev-tcltk / tix : A widget library for Tcl/Tk

sys-libs / gdbm : Standard GNU database libraries

dev-db / sqlite : SQL database engine

dev-lang / python-exec : Python script wrapper

dev-lang / tk : Tk Widget Set

dev-libs / openssl : Robust, full-featured Open Source Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)

dev-python / ensurepip-wheels : Shared wheels for ensurepip Python module

dev-python / gentoo-common : Common files shared by Python implementations in Gentoo

dev-python / pypy : A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language

dev-python / pypy-exe : PyPy executable (build from source)

dev-python / pypy-exe-bin : PyPy executable (pre-built version)

dev-python / pypy3_10-exe : PyPy3.10 executable (build from source)

dev-python / pypy3_10-exe-bin : PyPy3.10 executable (pre-built version)

dev-tcltk / tix : A widget library for Tcl/Tk

sys-libs / gdbm : Standard GNU database libraries

app-admin / ananicy : ANother Auto NICe daemon

app-admin / supervisor : A system for controlling process state under UNIX

app-arch / brotli : Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm

app-benchmarks / bootchart2 : Performance analysis and visualization of the system boot process

app-emulation / protontricks : app-emulation/winetricks wrapper for Proton (Steam Play) games

app-misc / binwalk : Analyzes data for embedded file types

app-misc / check-jsonschema : A CLI and set of pre-commit hooks for jsonschema validation

app-misc / icdiff : Colourized diff that supports side-by-side diffing

app-misc / yq : Command-line YAML processor - jq wrapper for YAML documents

app-portage / elicense : Tool to find installed packages in Gentoo with non-accepted license(s)

app-portage / elogv : Curses based utility to parse the contents of elogs created by Portage

app-portage / gemato : Stand-alone Manifest generation & verification tool

app-portage / gentoolkit : Collection of administration scripts for Gentoo

app-portage / gentoopm : A common interface to Gentoo package managers

app-portage / pycargoebuild : A generator for Rust/Cargo ebuilds written in Python

app-portage / smart-live-rebuild : Check live packages for updates and emerge them as necessary

app-text / asciidoc : A plain text human readable/writable document format

app-text / grip : Preview GitHub Markdown files like Readme locally before committing them

app-text / htmlmin : A configurable HTML Minifier with safety features

dev-build / meson : Open source build system

dev-debug / systemtap : Linux trace/probe tool

dev-lang / jsonnet : A data templating language for app and tool developers

dev-libs / tre : Lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching library

dev-python / a2wsgi : Convert WSGI app to ASGI app or ASGI app to WSGI app

dev-python / accessible-pygments : A collection of accessible pygments styles

dev-python / aiodns : Simple DNS resolver for asyncio

dev-python / aiofiles : File support for asyncio

dev-python / aiohappyeyeballs : Happy Eyeballs for pre-resolved hosts

dev-python / aiohttp : HTTP client/server for asyncio

dev-python / aiohttp-cors : Implements CORS support for aiohttp asyncio-powered asynchronous HTTP server

dev-python / aiohttp-socks : SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp

dev-python / aioitertools : itertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables

dev-python / aiosignal : A list of registered asynchronous callbacks

dev-python / aiostream : Generator-based operators for asynchronous iteration

dev-python / aiounittest : Test asyncio code more easily

dev-python / alabaster : A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme

dev-python / alembic : Database migrations tool, written by the author of SQLAlchemy

dev-python / aniso8601 : A library for parsing ISO 8601 strings

dev-python / annotated-types : Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated

dev-python / anyascii : Unicode to ASCII transliteration

dev-python / anyio : Compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations

dev-python / apipkg : Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism

dev-python / appdirs : Module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs

dev-python / argcomplete : Bash tab completion for argparse

dev-python / argh : A simple argparse wrapper

dev-python / argon2-cffi : CFFI bindings to the Argon2 password hashing library

dev-python / argon2-cffi-bindings : Low-level CFFI bindings for the Argon2 password hashing library

dev-python / argparse-manpage : Automatically build man-pages for your Python project

dev-python / arrow : Better dates and times for Python

dev-python / asgiref : ASGI utilities (successor to WSGI)

dev-python / asn1crypto : Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API

dev-python / astor : Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs

dev-python / astroid : Abstract Syntax Tree for logilab packages

dev-python / asttokens : Annotate Python AST trees with source text and token information

dev-python / async-lru : Simple lru_cache for asyncio

dev-python / async-timeout : Timeout context manager for asyncio programs

dev-python / atomicwrites : Atomic file writes

dev-python / attrs : Attributes without boilerplate

dev-python / authres : Parse and generate Authentication-Results headers

dev-python / autocommand : Library to create a command-line program from a function

dev-python / automat : Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go

dev-python / autopep8 : Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide

dev-python / babel : Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications

dev-python / backports-ssl-match-hostname : The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3.7

dev-python / backports-strenum : Create enumerated constants that are also subclasses of str

dev-python / backports-tarfile : Backport of CPython tarfile module (from Python 3.12)

dev-python / bcrypt : Modern password hashing for software and servers

dev-python / beautifulsoup4 : Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying an HTML/XML parse tree

dev-python / beniget : Extract semantic information about static Python code

dev-python / betamax : python-requests HTTP exchanges recorder

dev-python / binaryornot : Ultra-lightweight pure Python package to guess whether a file is binary or text

dev-python / black : The uncompromising Python code formatter

dev-python / bleach : An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool

dev-python / blessed : Library for making terminal apps using colors, keyboard input and positioning

dev-python / blinker : Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling

dev-python / blosc : High performance compressor optimized for binary data

dev-python / boltons : Pure-python utilities in the same spirit as the standard library

dev-python / boolean-py : Define boolean algebras, create and parse boolean expressions

dev-python / bottle : A fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications

dev-python / bottleneck : Fast NumPy array functions written in C

dev-python / brotlicffi : Python binding to the Brotli library

dev-python / build : A simple, correct PEP517 package builder

dev-python / cachecontrol : httplib2 caching for requests

dev-python / cachetools : Extensible memoizing collections and decorators

dev-python / cairocffi : CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo

dev-python / calver : Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions

dev-python / capturer : Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses

dev-python / cattrs : Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses

dev-python / cbor2 : Pure Python CBOR (de)serializer with extensive tag support

dev-python / cerberus : A lightweight and extensible data-validation library for Python

dev-python / certifi : A certifi hack to use system trust store on Linux/FreeBSD

dev-python / chameleon : Fast HTML/XML template compiler for Python

dev-python / characteristic : Python attributes without the boilerplate

dev-python / chardet : Universal encoding detector

dev-python / charset-normalizer : The Real First Universal Charset Detector

dev-python / cheroot : High-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy

dev-python / cherrypy : CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework

dev-python / chump : API wrapper for Pushover

dev-python / cleo : Python tool for building testable command-line interfaces

dev-python / click : A Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces

dev-python / click-default-group : Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name

dev-python / click-didyoumean : Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click

dev-python / click-option-group : Click-extension package that adds option groups missing in Click

dev-python / clint : Python Command-line Application Tools

dev-python / cloudpickle : Extended pickling support for Python objects

dev-python / colorama : ANSI escape character sequences for colored terminal text & cursor positioning

dev-python / colorclass : Colorful worry-free console applications for multiple platforms

dev-python / coloredlogs : Colored stream handler for the logging module

dev-python / colorful : Terminal string styling done right, in Python

dev-python / colorlog : Log formatting with colors

dev-python / comm : Jupyter Python Comm implementation, for usage in ipykernel, xeus-python

dev-python / commentjson : Add Python and JavaScript style comments in your JSON files

dev-python / commonmark : Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec

dev-python / configupdater : Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files

dev-python / confuse : Confuse is a configuration library for Python that uses YAML

dev-python / constantly : Symbolic constants in Python

dev-python / contourpy : Python library for calculating contours in 2D quadrilateral grids

dev-python / cookies : Friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer

dev-python / coverage : Code coverage measurement for Python

dev-python / cppy : C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules

dev-python / cramjam : Thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust

dev-python / crashtest : Python library that makes exceptions handling and inspection easier

dev-python / crc32c : CRC32c algorithm in hardware and software

dev-python / cryptography : Library providing cryptographic recipes and primitives

dev-python / csscompressor : A python port of YUI CSS Compressor

dev-python / cssselect : Parse CSS3 Selectors and translate them to XPath 1.0

dev-python / cycler : Composable style cycles

dev-python / cython : A Python to C compiler

dev-python / cython-test-exception-raiser : A trivial extension that just raises an exception (for testing)

dev-python / ddt : Data-Driven/Decorated Tests

dev-python / decorator : Simplifies the usage of decorators for the average programmer

dev-python / defusedxml : XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules, an xml serialiser

dev-python / dep-logic : Python dependency specifications supporting logical operations

dev-python / deprecated : Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old API

dev-python / deprecation : A library to handle automated deprecations

dev-python / dict2xml : Small utility to convert a python dictionary into an XML string

dev-python / diff-match-patch : Diff, match and patch algorithms for plain text

dev-python / dill : Serialize all of Python (almost)

dev-python / dirty-equals : Doing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals

dev-python / distlib : Low-level components of distutils2/packaging

dev-python / distro : Reliable machine-readable Linux distribution information for Python

dev-python / dj-database-url : Use Database URLs in your Django Application

dev-python / dj-email-url : Use an URL to configure email backend settings in your Django Application

dev-python / dj-search-url : Use Search URLs in your Django Haystack Application

dev-python / django : High-level Python web framework

dev-python / django-cache-url : Use Cache URLs in your Django application

dev-python / django-configurations : A helper for organizing Django settings

dev-python / dnspython : DNS toolkit for Python

dev-python / docopt : Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile

dev-python / docstring-to-markdown : On the fly conversion of Python docstrings to markdown

dev-python / docutils : Python Documentation Utilities (reference reStructuredText impl.)

dev-python / dominate : Library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API

dev-python / dparse : A parser for Python dependency files

dev-python / ecdsa : ECDSA cryptographic signature library in pure Python

dev-python / editables : A Python library for creating 'editable wheels'

dev-python / elementpath : XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml

dev-python / email-validator : A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library

dev-python / entrypoints : Discover and load entry points from installed packages

dev-python / ephemeral-port-reserve : Bind to an ephemeral port, force it into the TIME_WAIT state, and unbind it

dev-python / eradicate : Removes commented-out code from Python files

dev-python / et-xmlfile : An implementation of lxml.xmlfile for the standard library

dev-python / evdev : Python library for evdev bindings

dev-python / exceptiongroup : Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)

dev-python / execnet : Rapid multi-Python deployment

dev-python / executing : Get information about what a Python frame is currently doing

dev-python / expandvars : Expand system variables Unix style

dev-python / extras : Useful extra bits for Python that should be in the standard library

dev-python / faker : A Python package that generates fake data for you

dev-python / fakeredis : Fake implementation of redis API for testing purposes

dev-python / fastimport : Library for parsing the fastimport VCS serialization format

dev-python / fastjsonschema : Fast JSON schema validator for Python

dev-python / feedgenerator : Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator

dev-python / feedparser : Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python

dev-python / fields : Container class boilerplate killer

dev-python / filelock : A platform independent file lock for Python

dev-python / findpython : A utility to find python versions on your system

dev-python / fixtures : Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more

dev-python / flake8 : A wrapper around PyFlakes, pep8 & mccabe

dev-python / flaky : Plugin for pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests

dev-python / flasgger : Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API

dev-python / flask : A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions

dev-python / flask-api : Browsable web APIs for Flask

dev-python / flask-babel : i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz

dev-python / flask-debug : Flask extension that displays various debugging insights during development

dev-python / flask-nav : Easily create navigation for Flask applications

dev-python / flask-paginate : Pagination support for flask

dev-python / flask-sphinx-themes : Sphinx Themes for Flask related projects and Flask itself

dev-python / flask-sqlalchemy : SQLAlchemy support for Flask applications

dev-python / flexmock : Testing library to create mocks, stubs and fakes

dev-python / flit : Simplified packaging of Python modules

dev-python / flit-core : Simplified packaging of Python modules (core module)

dev-python / flit-scm : A PEP 518 build backend combining flit with setuptools_scm

dev-python / fonttools : Library for manipulating TrueType, OpenType, AFM and Type1 fonts

dev-python / fqdn : RFC-compliant FQDN validation and manipulation for Python

dev-python / freetype-py : FreeType Python bindings

dev-python / freezegun : Let your Python tests travel through time

dev-python / frozenlist : A list-like structure which implements

dev-python / fs : Filesystem abstraction layer

dev-python / ftfy : Fixes mojibake and other problems with Unicode, after the fact

dev-python / furo : Clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme

dev-python / gast : A generic AST to represent Python2 and Python3's Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

dev-python / genshi : Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web

dev-python / genty : Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets

dev-python / ghp-import : Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch

dev-python / gpep517 : A backend script to aid installing Python packages in Gentoo

dev-python / graphviz : Simple Python interface for Graphviz

dev-python / h11 : A pure-Python implementation of HTTP/1.1 inspired by hyper-h2

dev-python / h2 : HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation

dev-python / hatch-fancy-pypi-readme : Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch

dev-python / hatch-jupyter-builder : A hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages

dev-python / hatch-nodejs-version : Hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file

dev-python / hatch-vcs : Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS

dev-python / hatchling : Modern, extensible Python build backend

dev-python / hiredis : Python extension that wraps hiredis

dev-python / housekeeping : Reusable deprecation helpers for Python projects

dev-python / hpack : Pure-Python HPACK header compression

dev-python / html2text : Turn HTML into equivalent Markdown-structured text

dev-python / html5lib : HTML parser based on the HTML5 specification

dev-python / httpauth : A WSGI middleware that secures routes using HTTP Digest Authentication

dev-python / httpbin : HTTP Request and Response Service

dev-python / httpcore : A minimal low-level HTTP client

dev-python / httplib2 : A comprehensive HTTP client library

dev-python / httptools : A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils

dev-python / httpx : Fully-featured HTTP client which provides sync and async APIs

dev-python / httpx-socks : Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx

dev-python / huawei-lte-api : API For huawei LAN/WAN LTE Modems

dev-python / humanfriendly : Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python

dev-python / humanize : Common humanization utilities

dev-python / hypercorn : A ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn

dev-python / hyperframe : HTTP/2 framing layer for Python

dev-python / hyperlink : A featureful, correct URL for Python

dev-python / hypothesis : A library for property based testing

dev-python / idna : Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)

dev-python / ifaddr : Enumerate IP addresses on the local network adapters

dev-python / ijson : Iterative JSON parser with a Pythonic interface

dev-python / imagesize : Pure Python module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif files

dev-python / immutables : A high-performance immutable mapping type for Python

dev-python / importlib-metadata : Read metadata from Python packages

dev-python / importlib-resources : Read resources from Python packages

dev-python / incremental : Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects

dev-python / inflect : Correctly inflect words and numbers

dev-python / inflection : A port of Ruby on Rails' inflector to Python

dev-python / ini2toml : Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents

dev-python / iniconfig : Brain-dead simple config-ini parsing

dev-python / inline-snapshot : Create and update inline snapshots in your Python tests

dev-python / insipid-sphinx-theme : Insipid Sphinx theme

dev-python / installer : A library for installing Python wheels

dev-python / intervaltree : Editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3

dev-python / iocapture : Capture stdout, stderr easily

dev-python / ipykernel : IPython Kernel for Jupyter

dev-python / ipyparallel : Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython

dev-python / ipython : Advanced interactive shell for Python

dev-python / ipython-genutils : Vestigial utilities from IPython

dev-python / ipywidgets : IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter

dev-python / iso8601 : Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates

dev-python / isodate : ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter

dev-python / isoduration : Operations with ISO 8601 durations

dev-python / isort : A python utility/library to sort imports

dev-python / iterable-io : Adapt generators and other iterables to a file-like interface

dev-python / itsdangerous : Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back

dev-python / jaraco-classes : Classes used by other projects by developer jaraco

dev-python / jaraco-collections : Models and classes to supplement the stdlib collections module

dev-python / jaraco-context : Context managers by jaraco

dev-python / jaraco-env : Facilities for environment variables

dev-python / jaraco-envs : Classes for orchestrating Python (virtual) environments

dev-python / jaraco-functools : Additional functions used by other projects by developer jaraco

dev-python / jaraco-itertools : Tools for working with iterables. Complements itertools and more_itertools

dev-python / jaraco-logging : Additional facilities to supplement Python's stdlib logging module

dev-python / jaraco-path : Miscellaneous path functions

dev-python / jaraco-stream : Routines for handling streaming data

dev-python / jaraco-test : Testing support by jaraco

dev-python / jaraco-text : Text utilities used by other projects by developer jaraco

dev-python / jaraco-vcs : Facilities for working with VCS repositories

dev-python / jaraco-versioning : More sophisticated version manipulation (than packaging)

dev-python / jdcal : Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars

dev-python / jedi : Autocompletion library for Python

dev-python / jeepney : Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper

dev-python / jellyfish : Python module for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings

dev-python / jinja2 : A full-featured template engine for Python

dev-python / jmespath : JSON Matching Expressions

dev-python / jsmin : JavaScript minifier

dev-python / json5 : A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format

dev-python / jsonpointer : Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (according to draft 08)

dev-python / jsonschema : An implementation of JSON-Schema validation for Python

dev-python / jsonschema-path : JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths

dev-python / jsonschema-spec : JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths

dev-python / jsonschema-specifications : The JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies, exposed as a Registry

dev-python / jupyter-client : Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries

dev-python / jupyter-console : A terminal-based console frontend for Jupyter kernels

dev-python / jupyter-core : Core common functionality of Jupyter projects

dev-python / jupyter-events : Jupyter Event System library

dev-python / jupyter-lsp : Multi-Language Server WebSocket proxy for Jupyter Notebook/Lab

dev-python / jupyter-packaging : Tools to help build and install Jupyter Python packages

dev-python / jupyter-server : Core services, APIs, and REST endpoints to Jupyter web applications

dev-python / jupyter-server-terminals : A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals

dev-python / jupyterlab : JupyterLab computational environment

dev-python / jupyterlab-pygments : Pygments theme making use of JupyterLab CSS variables

dev-python / jupyterlab-server : Server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications

dev-python / jupyterlab-widgets : Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab

dev-python / jwcrypto : Implements JWK,JWS,JWE specifications using python-cryptography

dev-python / kaptan : Configuration manager in your pocket

dev-python / kconfiglib : A flexible Python Kconfig implementation

dev-python / kerberos : A high-level Python wrapper for Kerberos/GSSAPI operations

dev-python / keyring : Provides access to the system keyring service

dev-python / keyrings-alt : Alternate keyring implementations

dev-python / kgb : Python function spy support for unit tests

dev-python / kiwisolver : An efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm

dev-python / lark : Python module to propose a modern general-purpose parsing library for Python

dev-python / lazy-object-proxy : A fast and thorough lazy object proxy

dev-python / ldap3 : A strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client

dev-python / libcst : A concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python

dev-python / libtmux : Typed library that provides an ORM wrapper for tmux, a terminal multiplexer

dev-python / license-expression : Parse, compare, simplify and normalize license expressions

dev-python / linkify-it-py : Links recognition library with full unicode support

dev-python / littleutils : Small personal collection of Python utility functions

dev-python / llfuse : Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API

dev-python / lmdb : Python bindings for the Lightning Database

dev-python / lockfile : Platform-independent file locking module

dev-python / looseversion : A backwards/forwards-compatible fork of distutils.version.LooseVersion

dev-python / lxml : A Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries

dev-python / mako : A Python templating language

dev-python / markdown : Python implementation of the markdown markup language

dev-python / markdown-it-py : Python port of markdown-it, Markdown parser

dev-python / markdown2 : Python Markdown language reimplementation

dev-python / markupsafe : Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python

dev-python / matplotlib : Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax

dev-python / matplotlib-inline : Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter

dev-python / mccabe : flake8 plugin: McCabe complexity checker

dev-python / mdit-py-plugins : Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py

dev-python / mdurl : Markdown URL utilities

dev-python / mechanicalsoup : A Python library for automating interaction with websites

dev-python / mergedeep : A deep merge tool for Python

dev-python / meson-python : Meson PEP 517 Python build backend

dev-python / minify-html : Extremely fast and smart HTML + JS + CSS minifier

dev-python / miniupnpc : Python bindings for UPnP client library

dev-python / mistletoe : A fast, extensible Markdown parser in pure Python

dev-python / mistune : The fastest markdown parser in pure Python

dev-python / mkautodoc : Auto documentation for MkDocs

dev-python / mkdocs : Project documentation with Markdown

dev-python / mkdocs-autorefs : Automatically link across pages in MkDoc

dev-python / mkdocs-bootstrap : Bootstrap theme for MkDocs

dev-python / mkdocs-bootswatch : Bootswatch themes for MkDocs

dev-python / mkdocs-get-deps : extension that lists all dependencies according to a mkdocs.yml file

dev-python / mkdocs-htmlproofer-plugin : A MkDocs plugin that validates URLs in rendered HTML files

dev-python / mkdocs-minify-plugin : An MkDocs plugin to minify HTML and/or JS files prior to being written to disk

dev-python / mkdocs-monorepo-plugin : Build multiple documentation folders in a single Mkdocs

dev-python / mkdocs-redirects : Plugin for Mkdocs page redirects

dev-python / mock : Rolling backport of unittest.mock for all Pythons

dev-python / more-itertools : More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools

dev-python / mpmath : Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic

dev-python / msgpack : MessagePack (de)serializer for Python

dev-python / multidict : multidict implementation

dev-python / multipart : Parser for multipart/form-data

dev-python / multiprocess : Better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python

dev-python / munch : A dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)

dev-python / munkres : Module implementing munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem

dev-python / musicbrainzngs : Python bindings for the MusicBrainz NGS and the Cover Art Archive webservices

dev-python / mypy-extensions : Type system extensions for programs checked with mypy

dev-python / myst-parser : Extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to Sphinx

dev-python / nagiosplugin : A class library for writing nagios-compatible plugins

dev-python / natsort : Natural sorting for Python

dev-python / nbclassic : Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server Extension

dev-python / nbclient : A client library for executing Jupyter notebooks

dev-python / nbconvert : Converting Jupyter Notebooks

dev-python / nbformat : Reference implementation of the Jupyter Notebook format

dev-python / nbval : A pytest plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks

dev-python / nest-asyncio : Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops

dev-python / netifaces : Portable network interface information

dev-python / nh3 : Ammonia HTML sanitizer Python binding

dev-python / node-semver : Python version of node-semver, the semantic versioner for npm

dev-python / noseofyeti : A custom python codec that provides an RSpec style dsl for python

dev-python / notebook : Jupyter Interactive Notebook

dev-python / notebook-shim : A shim layer for notebook traits and config

dev-python / nox : Flexible test automation for Python

dev-python / numexpr : Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy

dev-python / numpy : Fast array and numerical python library

dev-python / objgraph : Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz

dev-python / olefile : Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files

dev-python / openapi-core : Client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3

dev-python / openapi-schema-validator : OpenAPI schema validation for Python

dev-python / openapi-spec-validator : OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0 spec validator

dev-python / openpyxl : Pure python reader and writer of Excel OpenXML files

dev-python / ordered-set : A mutable set that remembers the order of its entries

dev-python / orderly-set : A package containing multiple implementations of Ordered Set

dev-python / outcome : Capture the outcome of Python function calls

dev-python / overrides : A decorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method.

dev-python / packaging : Core utilities for Python packages

dev-python / paginate : Divides large result sets into pages for easier browsing

dev-python / paho-mqtt : MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class

dev-python / pallets-sphinx-themes : Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects

dev-python / pandocfilters : Utilities for writing pandoc filters in python

dev-python / parameterized : Parameterized testing with any Python test framework

dev-python / paramiko : SSH2 protocol library

dev-python / parse : Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax

dev-python / parsedatetime : Parse human-readable date/time strings

dev-python / parso : A python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing

dev-python / passlib : Password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes

dev-python / paste : Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack

dev-python / pastedeploy : Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers

dev-python / path : A module wrapper for os.path

dev-python / path-and-address : Functions for server CLI applications used by humans

dev-python / pathable : Object-oriented paths

dev-python / pathspec : Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths

dev-python / patiencediff : Python implementation of the patiencediff algorithm

dev-python / patsy : Python module to describe statistical models and design matrices

dev-python / pbkdf2 : Implementation of PBKDF2, specified in RSA PKCS#5 v2.0

dev-python / pbr : Inject some useful and sensible default behaviors into setuptools

dev-python / pdm-backend : A PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata

dev-python / pexpect : Python module for spawning child apps and responding to expected patterns

dev-python / pickleshare : A small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support

dev-python / pid : Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking

dev-python / piexif : Exif manipulation with pure Python

dev-python / pikepdf : Python library to work with pdf files based on qpdf

dev-python / pillow : Python Imaging Library (fork)

dev-python / pip : The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages

dev-python / pip-run : Install packages and run Python with them

dev-python / pipdeptree : Utility for displaying installed packages in a dependency tree

dev-python / pipenv : Python Development Workflow for Humans

dev-python / pipx : Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments

dev-python / pkgconfig : Interface Python with pkg-config

dev-python / pkginfo : Provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in a PKG-INFO file

dev-python / platformdirs : A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs

dev-python / plette : Structured Pipfile and Pipfile.lock models

dev-python / pluggy : Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python

dev-python / ply : Python Lex-Yacc library

dev-python / poetry-core : Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend

dev-python / pooch : Manage your Python library's sample data files

dev-python / portend : TCP port monitoring utilities

dev-python / pretend : A library for stubbing in Python

dev-python / prettytable : Easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format

dev-python / priority : A pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree

dev-python / process-tests : Tools for testing processes

dev-python / progress : Easy to use progress bars

dev-python / progressbar2 : Text progressbar library for python

dev-python / prometheus-client : Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system

dev-python / prompt-toolkit : Building powerful interactive command lines in Python

dev-python / propcache : Yet another URL library

dev-python / psutil : Retrieve information on running processes and system utilization

dev-python / psycopg : PostgreSQL database adapter for Python

dev-python / ptyprocess : Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal

dev-python / pulsectl : Python high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse)

dev-python / pure-eval : Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects

dev-python / py : library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities

dev-python / py-cpuinfo : Get CPU info with pure Python 2 & 3

dev-python / py-zabbix : Zabbix module for Python

dev-python / pyaes : Pure-Python Implementation of the AES block-cipher and common modes of operation

dev-python / pyasn1 : ASN.1 library for Python

dev-python / pyasn1-modules : pyasn1 modules

dev-python / pybind11 : AST-based Python refactoring library

dev-python / pycairo : Python bindings for the cairo library

dev-python / pycares : Python interface for c-ares

dev-python / pycodestyle : Python style guide checker (fka pep8)

dev-python / pycountry : Database of countries, subdivisions, languages, currencies and script

dev-python / pycparser : C parser and AST generator written in Python

dev-python / pycryptodome : A self-contained cryptographic library for Python

dev-python / pydantic : Data parsing and validation using Python type hints

dev-python / pydantic-core : Core validation logic for pydantic written in Rust

dev-python / pydata-sphinx-theme : Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community

dev-python / pyenchant : Python bindings for the Enchant spellchecking system

dev-python / pyfakefs : A fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules

dev-python / pyflakes : Passive checker for Python programs

dev-python / pygame : Python bindings for SDL multimedia library

dev-python / pyglet : Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python

dev-python / pygments : Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python

dev-python / pygments-github-lexers : Pygments Github custom lexers

dev-python / pygobject : Python bindings for GObject Introspection

dev-python / pyhamcrest : Hamcrest framework for matcher objects

dev-python / pyinotify : Python module used for monitoring filesystems events

dev-python / pylibmc : Libmemcached wrapper written as a Python extension

dev-python / pylint : Python code static checker

dev-python / pylint-venv : Init-hook to use the same Pylint with different virtual environments

dev-python / pymdown-extensions : Extensions for Python Markdown

dev-python / pymdstat : Python library to parse Linux /proc/mdstat

dev-python / pymediainfo : A wrapper around the mediainfo library

dev-python / pymongo : Python driver for MongoDB

dev-python / pymysql : Pure-Python MySQL Driver

dev-python / pynacl : Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library

dev-python / pynvim : Python client for Neovim

dev-python / pyopengl : Python OpenGL bindings

dev-python / pyopenssl : Python interface to the OpenSSL library

dev-python / pyparsing : Easy-to-use Python module for text parsing

dev-python / pypiserver : Minimal PyPI server

dev-python / pypng : Pure Python PNG image encoder/decoder

dev-python / pyproject-api : API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects

dev-python / pyproject-fmt : Format your pyproject.toml file

dev-python / pyproject-fmt-rust : Format your pyproject.toml file (Rust extension)

dev-python / pyproject-hooks : Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks

dev-python / pyproject-metadata : PEP 621 metadata parsing

dev-python / pypy3 : A backwards compatibility package for dev-lang/pypy:3.10

dev-python / pyquery : A jQuery-like library for python

dev-python / pyrate-limiter : Python Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorimth Family

dev-python / pyro5 : Distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)

dev-python / pyroute2 : A pure Python netlink and Linux network configuration library

dev-python / pyrsistent : Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures

dev-python / pyserial : Python Serial Port extension

dev-python / pysnmpcrypto : Strong cryptography support for PySNMP (SNMP library for Python)

dev-python / pysocks : SOCKS client module

dev-python / pysrt : Python library used to edit or create SubRip files

dev-python / pysubs2 : Python library for editing subtitle files

dev-python / pytest : Simple powerful testing with Python

dev-python / pytest-aiohttp : pytest plugin for aiohttp support

dev-python / pytest-asyncio : Library for testing asyncio code with pytest

dev-python / pytest-click : Pytest plugin for Click

dev-python / pytest-console-scripts : Pytest plugin for testing console scripts

dev-python / pytest-cov : pytest plugin for coverage reporting

dev-python / pytest-custom-exit-code : Exit pytest test session with custom exit code in different scenarios

dev-python / pytest-datadir : Pytest plugin for manipulating test data directories and files

dev-python / pytest-datafiles : Create a 'tmp_path' containing predefined files/directories

dev-python / pytest-django : A Django plugin for pytest

dev-python / pytest-expect : pytest plugin that stores test expectations by saving the set of failing tests

dev-python / pytest-forked : Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses

dev-python / pytest-freezer : Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for spulec/freezegun

dev-python / pytest-helpers-namespace : Provides a helpers pytest namespace

dev-python / pytest-home : Home directory fixtures

dev-python / pytest-httpbin : Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin

dev-python / pytest-httpserver : HTTP server for pytest to test HTTP clients

dev-python / pytest-import-check : pytest plugin to check whether Python modules can be imported

dev-python / pytest-jupyter : Pytest plugin for testing Jupyter libraries and extensions

dev-python / pytest-lazy-fixtures : Allows you to use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize

dev-python / pytest-localserver : Pytest plugin to test server connections locally

dev-python / pytest-metadata : A plugin for pytest that provides access to test session metadata

dev-python / pytest-mock : Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest

dev-python / pytest-param-files : Pytest parametrize decorators from external files.

dev-python / pytest-regressions : Easy to use fixtures to write regression tests

dev-python / pytest-repeat : pytest plugin for repeating tests

dev-python / pytest-reraise : Make multi-threaded pytest test cases fail when they should

dev-python / pytest-rerunfailures : pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures

dev-python / pytest-services : Collection of fixtures and utility functions to run service processes for pytest

dev-python / pytest-subprocess : A plugin to fake subprocess for pytest

dev-python / pytest-subtests : Unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture

dev-python / pytest-sugar : Plugin that changes the default look and feel of pytest

dev-python / pytest-timeout : pytest plugin to abort hanging tests

dev-python / pytest-tornado : Fixtures and markers to simplify testing of asynchronous tornado applications

dev-python / pytest-tornasync : Pytest plugin for testing Python 3.5+ Tornado code

dev-python / pytest-trio : This is a pytest plugin to help you test projects that use Trio

dev-python / pytest-xdist : Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes

dev-python / pytest-xprocess : Manage external processes across test runs

dev-python / python-ctags3 : Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings

dev-python / python-daemon : Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process

dev-python / python-dateutil : Extensions to the standard Python datetime module

dev-python / python-dotenv : Manage .env files

dev-python / python-editor : Programmatically open an editor, capture the result

dev-python / python-gnupg : A Python wrapper for GnuPG

dev-python / python-json-logger : Standard python logging to output log data as json objects

dev-python / python-ldap : Various LDAP-related Python modules

dev-python / python-lsp-jsonrpc : JSON RPC 2.0 server library

dev-python / python-magic : Access the libmagic file type identification library

dev-python / python-markdown-math : Math extension for Python-Markdown

dev-python / python-memcached : Pure python memcached client

dev-python / python-mimeparse : Basic functions for handling mime-types in python

dev-python / python-multipart : A streaming multipart parser for Python

dev-python / python-slugify : A Python Slugify application that handles Unicode

dev-python / python-snappy : Python library for the snappy compression library from Google

dev-python / python-socks : SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTP tunneling functionality for Python

dev-python / python-subunit : A streaming protocol for test results

dev-python / python-utils : Collection of small Python functions & classes

dev-python / python-xmp-toolkit : Library for working with XMP metadata

dev-python / pythondialog : A Python module for making simple text/console-mode user interfaces

dev-python / pythonfinder : PythonFinder: Cross Platform Search Tool for Finding Pythons

dev-python / pythran : Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels

dev-python / pytidylib : Python wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib)

dev-python / pytoolconfig : Python tool configuration

dev-python / pytz : World timezone definitions for Python

dev-python / pywayland : Python bindings for the libwayland library

dev-python / pyxattr : Python interface to xattr

dev-python / pyxdg : A Python module to deal with specifications

dev-python / pyyaml : YAML parser and emitter for Python

dev-python / pyyaml-env-tag : A custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables in YAML files

dev-python / pyzbar : Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python

dev-python / pyzmq : Lightweight and super-fast messaging library built on top of the ZeroMQ library

dev-python / qrcode : QR Code generator on top of PIL

dev-python / quart : A Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask

dev-python / quart-trio : A Quart extension to provide trio support

dev-python / rapidfuzz : Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics

dev-python / rarfile : Module for RAR archive reading

dev-python / re-assert : Show where your regex match assertion failed

dev-python / readme-renderer : A library for rendering 'readme' descriptions for Warehouse

dev-python / readthedocs-sphinx-ext : Code specific for Read the Docs and Sphinx

dev-python / readtime : Calculates the time some text takes the average human to read

dev-python / redis : Python client for Redis key-value store

dev-python / referencing : Cross-specification JSON referencing (JSON Schema, OpenAPI...)

dev-python / regress : Python bindings to the Rust regress crate

dev-python / repoze-lru : A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator

dev-python / requests : HTTP library for human beings

dev-python / requests-cache : Persistent cache for requests library

dev-python / requests-download : A convenient function to download to a file using requests

dev-python / requests-futures : Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans

dev-python / requests-mock : Mock out responses from the requests package

dev-python / requests-toolbelt : A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests

dev-python / requests-unixsocket : Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket

dev-python / requests-wsgi-adapter : WSGI Transport Adapter for Requests

dev-python / resolvelib : Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones

dev-python / responses : Utility for mocking out the Python Requests library

dev-python / retrying : General-purpose retrying library

dev-python / rfc3339-validator : A pure python RFC3339 validator

dev-python / rfc3986 : Validating URI References per RFC 3986

dev-python / rfc3986-validator : Pure python RFC3986 validator

dev-python / rfc3987 : Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)

dev-python / rfc8785 : Pure-Python impl. of RFC 8785 (JSON Canonicalization Scheme)

dev-python / rich : Python library for rendering rich text, tables, etc. to the terminal

dev-python / routes : A re-implementation of Rails routes system, mapping URLs to Controllers/Actions

dev-python / rpds-py : Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)

dev-python / rst-linker : Sphinx plugin to add links and timestamps to the changelog

dev-python / ruamel-yaml : YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip comment preservation

dev-python / ruamel-yaml-clib : C-based reader/scanner and emitter for dev-python/ruamel-yaml

dev-python / schema : Simple data validation library

dev-python / scikit-build : Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions

dev-python / scikit-build-core : Build backend for CMake based projects

dev-python / scipy : Scientific algorithms library for Python

dev-python / scripttest : A very small text templating language

dev-python / scrypt : Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library

dev-python / secretstorage : Python bindings to Secret Service API

dev-python / securesystemslib : Cryptographic routines for Secure Systems Lab projects at NYU

dev-python / seedir : Package for creating, editing, and reading folder tree diagrams

dev-python / segno : Python QR Code and Micro QR Code encoder

dev-python / selenium : Python language binding for Selenium Remote Control

dev-python / semantic-version : Python library providing a few tools handling SemVer in Python

dev-python / semver : A Python module for semantic versioning

dev-python / send2trash : Sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin)

dev-python / serpent : A simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval

dev-python / service-identity : Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL

dev-python / setproctitle : Allow customization of the process title

dev-python / setuptools : Collection of extensions to Distutils

dev-python / setuptools-git : Setuptools revision control system plugin for Git

dev-python / setuptools-rust : A plugin for setuptools to build Rust Python extensions

dev-python / setuptools-scm : Manage versions by scm tags via setuptools

dev-python / sgmllib3k : Py3k port of sgmllib

dev-python / sh : Python subprocess interface

dev-python / shellingham : Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell

dev-python / shtab : Automagic shell tab completion for Python CLI applications

dev-python / sigstore-rekor-types : Python models for Rekor's API types

dev-python / simple-websocket : Simple WebSocket server and client for Python

dev-python / simplejson : Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python

dev-python / simsimd : Fastest SIMD-Accelerated Vector Similarity Functions for x86 and Arm

dev-python / siphash24 : Streaming-capable SipHash-1-3 and SipHash-2-4 Implementation

dev-python / six : Python 2 and 3 compatibility library

dev-python / snakeoil : misc common functionality and useful optimizations

dev-python / sniffio : Sniff out which async library your code is running under

dev-python / snowballstemmer : Stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms

dev-python / socksio : Sans-I/O implementation of SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, and SOCKS5

dev-python / sortedcontainers : Python library to sort collections and containers

dev-python / soupsieve : A modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup

dev-python / sphinx : Python documentation generator

dev-python / sphinx-basic-ng : A modern skeleton for Sphinx themes

dev-python / sphinx-bootstrap-theme : Sphinx theme integrates the Bootstrap CSS / JavaScript framework

dev-python / sphinx-epytext : Sphinx epytext extension

dev-python / sphinx-notfound-page : Create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded

dev-python / sphinx-prompt : Sphinx directive to add unselectable prompt

dev-python / sphinx-pytest : Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions

dev-python / sphinx-rtd-theme : theme for Sphinx

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-applehelp : Sphinx extension which outputs Apple help book

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-devhelp : Sphinx extension which outputs Devhelp documents

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp : Sphinx extension which outputs HTML help book

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-jquery : Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-jsmath : Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet : Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-qthelp : Sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml : Sphinx extension which outputs outputs serialized HTML files

dev-python / sphinxcontrib-websupport : Sphinx websupport extension

dev-python / spyder-kernels : Kernels used by spyder on its ipython console

dev-python / sqlalchemy : Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

dev-python / sqlparse : A non-validating SQL parser module for Python

dev-python / srt : Tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files

dev-python / ssl-fetch : Small convenience library for fetching files securely

dev-python / stack-data : Extract data from Python tracebacks for informative displays

dev-python / starlette : The little ASGI framework that shines

dev-python / statsd : A simple statsd client

dev-python / strict-rfc3339 : Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions

dev-python / stripe : Stripe Python bindings

dev-python / symengine : Python wrappers to the symengine C++ library

dev-python / sympy : Computer Algebra System in pure Python

dev-python / tables : Hierarchical datasets for Python

dev-python / tabulate : Pretty-print tabular data

dev-python / tap-py : Test Anything Protocol (TAP) tools

dev-python / taskgroup : Backport of asyncio.TaskGroup, asyncio.Runner and asyncio.timeout

dev-python / tblib : Traceback fiddling library for Python

dev-python / tempora : Objects and routines pertaining to date and time

dev-python / tenacity : General-purpose retrying library

dev-python / termcolor : ANSI Color formatting for output in terminal

dev-python / terminado : Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets

dev-python / test : Virtual to install 'test' package from stdlib

dev-python / testpath : Test utilities for code working with files and commands

dev-python / testresources : A pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources

dev-python / testscenarios : A pyunit extension for dependency injection

dev-python / testtools : Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework

dev-python / text-unidecode : The most basic port of the Text::Unidecode Perl library

dev-python / textdistance : Compute distance between the two texts

dev-python / three-merge : Simple Python library to perform a 3-way merge between strings

dev-python / timeout-decorator : Timeout decorator

dev-python / tiny-proxy : Simple proxy server (SOCKS4(a), SOCKS5(h), HTTP tunnel)

dev-python / tinycss2 : A complete yet simple CSS parser for Python

dev-python / tinyhtml5 : HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification

dev-python / toml-fmt-common : Common logic to the TOML formatter

dev-python / tomli : A lil' TOML parser

dev-python / tomli-w : A lil' TOML writer

dev-python / tomlkit : Style preserving TOML library

dev-python / toolz : List processing tools and functional utilities

dev-python / tornado : Python web framework and asynchronous networking library

dev-python / tox : virtualenv-based automation of test activities

dev-python / tqdm : Add a progress meter to your loops in a second

dev-python / traitlets : A configuration system for Python applications

dev-python / trio : Python library for async concurrency and I/O

dev-python / trio-websocket : WebSocket client and server implementation for Python Trio

dev-python / trove-classifiers : Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (

dev-python / trustme : #1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester

dev-python / truststore : Verify certificates using native system trust stores

dev-python / twine : Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI

dev-python / twisted : An asynchronous networking framework written in Python

dev-python / typeguard : Run-time type checker for Python

dev-python / typing-extensions : Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+

dev-python / tzdata : tzdata shim to satisfy requirements (while using system tzdata)

dev-python / tzlocal : tzinfo object for the local timezone

dev-python / u-msgpack-python : A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer

dev-python / uc-micro-py : Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects

dev-python / ujson : Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python

dev-python / ukkonen : Implementation of bounded Levenshtein distance (Ukkonen)

dev-python / unearth : A utility to fetch and download python packages

dev-python / unidecode : Module providing ASCII transliterations of Unicode text

dev-python / unittest-mixins : A set of mixin classes and other helpers for unittest test case classes

dev-python / unittest-or-fail : Run unittests or fail if no tests were found

dev-python / untangle : Convert XML documents into Python objects

dev-python / uri-template : URI Template expansion in strict adherence to RFC 6570

dev-python / uritemplate : Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template

dev-python / url-normalize : URL normalization for Python

dev-python / urllib3 : HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more

dev-python / userpath : Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH

dev-python / uvicorn : Lightning-fast ASGI server implementation

dev-python / validators : Python Data Validation for Humans

dev-python / vdf : A module for (de)serialization to and from VDF, Valve's key-value text format

dev-python / verboselogs : Verbose logging for Python's logging module

dev-python / versioneer : Easy VCS-based management of project version strings

dev-python / vine : Python Promises

dev-python / virtualenv : Virtual Python Environment builder

dev-python / visitor : A tiny pythonic visitor implementation

dev-python / waitress : A pure-Python WSGI server

dev-python / wand : Ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python

dev-python / watchdog : Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events

dev-python / watchfiles : Simple, modern file watching and code reload in Python

dev-python / wcag-contrast-ratio : A library for computing contrast ratios, as required by WCAG 2.0

dev-python / wcwidth : Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes

dev-python / webcolors : Color names and value formats defined by the HTML and CSS specifications

dev-python / webencodings : Character encoding aliases for legacy web content

dev-python / webob : WSGI request and response object

dev-python / websocket-client : WebSocket client for python with hybi13 support

dev-python / websockets : Library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python

dev-python / webtest : Helper to test WSGI applications

dev-python / werkzeug : Collection of various utilities for WSGI applications

dev-python / whatthepatch : A patch parsing and application library.

dev-python / wheel : A built-package format for Python

dev-python / whisper : Fixed size round-robin style database

dev-python / whoosh : Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search and spell checking library

dev-python / widgetsnbextension : IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter

dev-python / wrapt : Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching

dev-python / wsgiproxy2 : HTTP proxying tools for WSGI apps

dev-python / wsproto : WebSockets state-machine based protocol implementation

dev-python / wtforms : Flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development

dev-python / wurlitzer : Capture C-level stdout/stderr in Python

dev-python / xcffib : A drop in replacement for xpyb, an XCB python binding

dev-python / xkbcommon : Python bindings for libxkbcommon using cffi

dev-python / xlrd : Library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

dev-python / xlsxwriter : Python module for creating Excel XLSX files

dev-python / xlwt : Python library to create spreadsheet files compatible with Excel

dev-python / xmlschema : An XML Schema validator and decoder

dev-python / xmltodict : Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON

dev-python / yapf : A formatter for Python files

dev-python / yarl : Yet another URL library

dev-python / yaxmldiff : Yet Another XML Differ

dev-python / zc-lockfile : Basic inter-process locks

dev-python / zipp : Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files

dev-python / zipstream-ng : A modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator

dev-python / zope-deprecation : Zope Deprecation Infrastructure

dev-python / zope-event : Event publishing / dispatch, used by Zope Component Architecture

dev-python / zope-exceptions : General purpose exceptions for Zope packages

dev-python / zope-i18nmessageid : Zope support for i18nmessageid (tagging source of i18n strings)

dev-python / zope-interface : Interfaces for Python

dev-python / zope-schema : Zope schema Architecture

dev-python / zope-testing : Zope testing helpers

dev-python / zstandard : Zstandard Bindings for Python

dev-util / babeltrace : A command-line tool and library to read and convert trace files

dev-util / codespell : Check text files for common misspellings

dev-util / cookiecutter : Command-line utility to create projects from cookiecutters (project templates)

dev-util / cram : Functional testing framework for command line applications

dev-util / maturin : Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings

dev-vcs / notify-webhook : Git post-receive web hook notifier in Python

media-plugins / vamp-aubio-plugins : Onset detection, pitch tracking, note tracking and tempo tracking plugins

net-analyzer / greenbone-feed-sync : New script for syncing the Greenbone Community Feed

net-analyzer / gvm-tools : Remote control for Greenbone Vulnerability Manager, previously named openvas-cli

net-analyzer / notus-scanner : Notus is a vulnerability scanner for creating results from local security checks

net-analyzer / ospd-openvas : This is an OSP server implementation to allow GVM to remotely control OpenVAS

net-analyzer / pontos : Common utilities and tools maintained by Greenbone Networks

net-analyzer / python-gvm : Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library

net-libs / stem : Stem is a Python controller library for Tor

net-mail / notmuch : Thread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging

net-misc / httpstat : httpstat visualizes cURL statistics in a way of beauty and clarity

net-misc / nyx : Utility to monitor real time Tor status information

net-misc / yt-dlp : youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes

net-p2p / torrentinfo : A torrent file parser

net-vpn / riseup-vpn : Anonymous encrypted VPN client powered by Bitmask

sci-mathematics / petsc : Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation

sys-apps / portage : The package management and distribution system for Gentoo

sys-process / glances : CLI curses based monitoring tool

www-servers / gunicorn : A WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX

dev-lang/pypy: wire up PGO
<dev-lang/python-{3.10.15_p2,3.9.20_p2,3.8.20_p3}, <dev-lang/pypy-, dev-python/pypy3_10: Improper validation of IPv6 and IPvFuture addresses
dev-lang/pypy- calls cc directly
<dev-lang/python-{3.13.1,3.12.8,3.11.11,3.10.16,3.9.21,3.8.20_p3}, <dev-lang/pypy- multiple vulnerabilities
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Remove old
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Sam James · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize amd64, #945848
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Sam James · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize x86, #945848
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Bump to
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Backport SSL patch as
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Remove old
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize amd64, #943631
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Sam James · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize x86, #943631
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Bump to
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Sam James · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize amd64, #943161
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Sam James · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize x86, #943161
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Jakov Smolić · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize x86, #943061
Signed-off-by: Jakov Smolić <>
Jakov Smolić · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Stabilize amd64, #943061
Signed-off-by: Jakov Smolić <>
Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Import from dev-python/pypy3_10
See-Also: Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Michał Górny · gentoo
dev-lang/pypy: Import from dev-python/pypy
Introduce a dev-lang/pypy:2.7 slotted package as an alternative to the split dev-python/pypy. While at it, do some cleanup and copy some improvements from PyPy3.10. See-Also: Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>