Package list
dev-libs / 9libs : Plan 9 compatibility libraries
dev-libs / FBGEMM : Facebook GEneral Matrix Multiplication
dev-libs / FP16 : conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
dev-libs / FXdiv : Division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse
dev-libs / Ice : ICE middleware C++ library and generator tools
dev-libs / OpenNI : OpenNI SDK
dev-libs / OpenNI2 : OpenNI2 SDK
dev-libs / amdgpu-pro-opencl : Proprietary OpenCL implementation for AMD GPUs
dev-libs / aml : Event timer executor loop
dev-libs / angelscript : A flexible, cross-platform scripting library
dev-libs / antlr-c : The ANTLR3 C Runtime
dev-libs / apache-arrow : A cross-language development platform for in-memory data.
dev-libs / appstream : Cross-distro effort for providing metadata for software in the Linux ecosystem
dev-libs / appstream-glib : Provides GObjects and helper methods to read and write AppStream metadata
dev-libs / apr : Apache Portable Runtime Library
dev-libs / apr-util : Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
dev-libs / argtable : An ANSI C library for parsing GNU-style command-line options with minimal fuss
dev-libs / asmjit : Machine code generation for C++
dev-libs / atf : Libraries to write tests in C, C++ and shell
dev-libs / atk : GTK+ & GNOME Accessibility Toolkit
dev-libs / avro-c : c library for the apache avro data serialization system
dev-libs / aws-c-cal : Crypto Abstraction Layer: Cross-Platform C99 wrapper for cryptography primitives
dev-libs / aws-c-common : Core c99 package for AWS SDK for C
dev-libs / aws-c-event-stream : C99 implementation of the content-type
dev-libs / aws-c-io : AWS SDK for C module, handles IO and TLS work for application protocols
dev-libs / aws-checksums : Cross-Platform HW accelerated CRC32c and CRC32 with software fallbacks
dev-libs / ayatana-ido : Ayatana Application Indicators (Shared Library)
dev-libs / bcm2835 : Provides access to GPIO and other IO functions on the Broadcom BCM2835
dev-libs / bemenu : dmenu clone for wayland
dev-libs / bglibs : Bruce Guenter's Libraries Collection
dev-libs / bitset : A compressed bitset with supporting data structures and algorithms
dev-libs / bitshuffle : Bitshuffle C library
dev-libs / blake3 : a fast cryptographic hash function
dev-libs / boehm-gc : The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector
dev-libs / boost : Boost Libraries for C++
dev-libs / boron : A scripting language similar to REBOL
dev-libs / botan : C++ crypto library
dev-libs / boxfort : Convenient & cross-platform sandboxing C library
dev-libs / c-blosc : Blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library
dev-libs / c-blosc2 : Blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library
dev-libs / c-capnproto : C library/compiler for the Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC protocol
dev-libs / c-siphash : Streaming-capable SipHash Implementation
dev-libs / c-stdaux : Auxiliary macros and functions for the C standard library
dev-libs / cJSON : Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
dev-libs / capnproto : RPC/Serialization system with capabilities support
dev-libs / capstone : disassembly/disassembler framework + bindings
dev-libs / castxml : C-family abstract syntax tree XML output tool
dev-libs / cdk : A library of curses widgets
dev-libs / cereal : Header-only C++11 serialization library
dev-libs / cgilib : Simple and lightweight interface to the CGI for C and C++ programs
dev-libs / cglm : OpenGL Mathematics (glm) for C
dev-libs / cgreen : Unit test and mocking framework for C and C++
dev-libs / check : A unit test framework for C
dev-libs / chmlib : Library for MS CHM (compressed html) file format
dev-libs / cjose : C library implementing the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
dev-libs / cl : OpenCL bindings for Erlang
dev-libs / clog : C-style (a-la printf) logging library
dev-libs / collada-dom : COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) C++ Library
dev-libs / concurrencykit : A library with concurrency related algorithms and data structures in C
dev-libs / confuse : a configuration file parser library
dev-libs / console_bridge : A ROS-independent package for logging into rosconsole/rosout
dev-libs / cowsql : Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine (fork of dqlite)
dev-libs / cppcodec : C++11 library to encode/decode base64, base64url, base32, base32hex and hex
dev-libs / cpuinfo : CPU INFOrmation library
dev-libs / crc32c : CRC32C implementation with support for CPU-specific acceleration instructions
dev-libs / criterion : Cross platform unit testing framework for C and C++
dev-libs / crossguid : Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library
dev-libs / crypto++ : C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
dev-libs / cudnn : NVIDIA Accelerated Deep Learning on GPU library
dev-libs / cudnn-frontend : A c++ wrapper for the cudnn backend API
dev-libs / cutlass : CUDA Templates for Linear Algebra Subroutines
dev-libs / cvector : An ANSI C implementation of dynamic arrays (approximation of C++ vectors)
dev-libs / cxxopts : Lightweight C++ command line option parser
dev-libs / cxxtools : Collection of general purpose C++-classes
dev-libs / cyberjack : REINER SCT cyberJack USB chipcard reader user space driver
dev-libs / cyrus-sasl : The Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
dev-libs / d0_blind_id : Blind-ID library for user identification using RSA blind signatures
dev-libs / darts : Darts-clone (Double-ARray Trie System) C++ library
dev-libs / date : A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
dev-libs / dbus-c++ : Provides a C++ API for D-BUS
dev-libs / dbus-glib : D-Bus bindings for glib
dev-libs / dietlibc : A libc optimized for small size
dev-libs / ding-libs : Set of utility libraries (mostly used by sssd)
dev-libs / distorm3 : The ultimate disassembler library (X86-32, X86-64)
dev-libs / dotconf : dot.conf configuration file parser
dev-libs / double-conversion : Binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles
dev-libs / dqlite : Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine
dev-libs / dynolog : Performance monitoring daemon for heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems
dev-libs / eb : EB is a C library and utilities for accessing CD-ROM books
dev-libs / editline : line editing library for UNIX call compatible with the FSF readline
dev-libs / eekboard : An easy to use virtual keyboard toolkit
dev-libs / efl : Enlightenment Foundation Libraries all-in-one package
dev-libs / elfutils : Libraries/utilities to handle ELF objects (drop in replacement for libelf)
dev-libs / ell : Embedded Linux Library provides core, low-level functionality for system daemons
dev-libs / eventlog : Support library for syslog-ng
dev-libs / expat : Stream-oriented XML parser library
dev-libs / faxpp : Small, fast and conformant XML pull parser written in C
dev-libs / fcgi : FastCGI Developer's Kit
dev-libs / fddl : Free Decision Diagram Library
dev-libs / ferrisloki : Loki C++ library from Modern C++ Design
dev-libs / ffcall : Build foreign function call interfaces in embedded interpreter
dev-libs / flatbuffers : Memory efficient serialization library
dev-libs / folks : Library for aggregating people from multiple sources
dev-libs / foma : Multi-purpose finite-state toolkit
dev-libs / freexl : Simple XLS data extraction library
dev-libs / fribidi : A free implementation of the unicode bidirectional algorithm
dev-libs / fstrm : Frame Streams implementation in C
dev-libs / gdl : GNOME docking library
dev-libs / geoip : GeoIP Legacy C API
dev-libs / gf-complete : A Comprehensive Open Source Library for Galois Field Arithmetic
dev-libs / gf2x : C/C++ routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x]
dev-libs / girara : UI library that focuses on simplicity and minimalism
dev-libs / gjs : Javascript bindings for GNOME
dev-libs / glib : The GLib library of C routines
dev-libs / gmime : Library for creating and parsing MIME messages
dev-libs / gmp : Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic on different type of numbers
dev-libs / gnulib : Gnulib is a library of common routines intended to be shared at the source level
dev-libs / gobject-introspection : Introspection system for GObject-based libraries
dev-libs / gobject-introspection-common : Build infrastructure for GObject Introspection
dev-libs / gom : GObject to SQLite object mapper library
dev-libs / gost-engine : A reference implementation of the Russian GOST crypto algorithms for OpenSSL
dev-libs / granite : Elementary OS library that extends GTK+
dev-libs / grantlee : C++ string template engine based on the Django template system
dev-libs / gumbo : The HTML5 parsing algorithm implemented as a pure C99 library
dev-libs / half : Half-precision floating-point library
dev-libs / heatshrink : A data compression/decompression library for embedded/real-time systems
dev-libs / hidapi : A multi-platform library for USB and Bluetooth HID-Class devices
dev-libs / hipother : ROCclr runtime implementation for non-AMD HIP platforms, like NVIDIA
dev-libs / hiredict : Minimalistic C client library for the Redict database
dev-libs / hiredis : Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database
dev-libs / http-fetcher : Library for downloading files via HTTP using the GET method
dev-libs / hyphen : ALTLinux hyphenation library
dev-libs / hyprgraphics : Hyprland graphics / resource utilities
dev-libs / hyprland-protocols : Wayland protocol extensions for Hyprland
dev-libs / hyprlang : Official implementation library for the hypr config language
dev-libs / icinga-php-library : Icinga PHP libraries for Icinga Web 2
dev-libs / icinga-php-thirdparty : Icinga PHP libraries for Icinga Web 2
dev-libs / icu : International Components for Unicode
dev-libs / icu-layoutex : External layout part of International Components for Unicode
dev-libs / icu-le-hb : ICU Layout Engine API on top of HarfBuzz shaping library
dev-libs / igraph : Creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs
dev-libs / iksemel : eXtensible Markup Language parser library designed for Jabber applications
dev-libs / imath : Imath basic math package
dev-libs / immer : Library of persistent and immutable data structures written in C++
dev-libs / inih : inih (INI not invented here) simple .INI file parser
dev-libs / iniparser : Free stand-alone ini file parsing library
dev-libs / input-pad : On-screen input pad to send characters with mouse
dev-libs / intel-compute-runtime : Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for oneAPI Level Zero and OpenCL Driver
dev-libs / intel-metrics-discovery : A user mode library that provides access to GPU performance data
dev-libs / intel-metrics-library : User mode driver helper library that provides access to GPU performance counters
dev-libs / intel-vc-intrinsics : A set of new intrinsics on top of core LLVM IR instructions
dev-libs / isa-l : Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library
dev-libs / isa-l_crypto : Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library - cryptographic components
dev-libs / isl : A library for manipulating integer points bounded by linear constraints
dev-libs / ivykis : Library for asynchronous I/O readiness notification
dev-libs / jansson : C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
dev-libs / jemalloc : Jemalloc is a general-purpose scalable concurrent allocator
dev-libs / jerasure : A Library in C Facilitating Erasure Coding for Storage Applications
dev-libs / json-c : A JSON implementation in C
dev-libs / json-glib : Library providing GLib serialization and deserialization for the JSON format
dev-libs / json-parser : Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C
dev-libs / jsoncpp : C++ JSON reader and writer
dev-libs / jsonrpc-glib : JSON-RPC library for GLib
dev-libs / jthread : JThread provides some classes to make use of threads easy on different platforms
dev-libs / judy : A C library that implements a dynamic array
dev-libs / kdiagram : Powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams
dev-libs / kdsingleapplication : KDAB's helper class for single-instance policy applications
dev-libs / keybinder : A library for registering global keyboard shortcuts
dev-libs / keystone : assembly/assembler framework + bindings
dev-libs / kirigami-addons : Visual end user components for Kirigami-based applications
dev-libs / kopeninghours : Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions
dev-libs / kosmindoormap : Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information
dev-libs / kpathsea : Path searching library for TeX-related files
dev-libs / kpublictransport : Library for accessing public transport timetables and other information
dev-libs / kqoauth : Library for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0 authentication specification
dev-libs / ktextaddons : Various text handling addons
dev-libs / kweathercore : Library for retrieval of weather information including forecasts and alerts
dev-libs / lager : Library to assist value-oriented design
dev-libs / leatherman : A C++ toolkit
dev-libs / level-zero : oneAPI Level Zero headers, loader and validation layer
dev-libs / leveldb : A fast key-value storage library written at Google
dev-libs / libIDL : CORBA tree builder
dev-libs / libaio : Asynchronous input/output library that uses the kernels native interface
dev-libs / libansilove : library to convert ANSi and artscene related file formats into PNG images
dev-libs / libassuan : IPC library used by GnuPG and GPGME
dev-libs / libatasmart : A small and lightweight parser library for ATA S.M.A.R.T. hard disks
dev-libs / libatomic_ops : Implementation for atomic memory update operations
dev-libs / libax25 : AX.25 library for hamradio applications
dev-libs / libayatana-appindicator : Ayatana Application Indicators (Shared Library)
dev-libs / libayatana-indicator : Ayatana Application Indicators (Shared Library)
dev-libs / libb64 : Fast Base64 encoding/decoding routines
dev-libs / libbase58 : C implementation of Bitcoin's base58 encoding
dev-libs / libbpf : Stand-alone build of libbpf from the Linux kernel
dev-libs / libbsd : Library to provide useful functions commonly found on BSD systems
dev-libs / libbson : Library routines related to building,parsing and iterating BSON documents
dev-libs / libbulletml : A Library of Bullet Markup Language
dev-libs / libburn : Open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
dev-libs / libbytesize : Tiny library providing a C "class" for working with arbitrary big byte sizes
dev-libs / libcbor : CBOR protocol implementation for C and others
dev-libs / libcdada : Basic data structures in C
dev-libs / libcdio : A library to encapsulate CD-ROM reading and control
dev-libs / libcdio-paranoia : an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
dev-libs / libcec : Library for communicating with the Pulse-Eight USB HDMI-CEC Adaptor
dev-libs / libcgroup : Tools and libraries to configure and manage kernel control groups
dev-libs / libclthreads : POSIX threads C++ access library
dev-libs / libconfig : Libconfig is a simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
dev-libs / libcpuid : A small C library for x86 (and x86_64) CPU detection and feature extraction
dev-libs / libcroco : Generic Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit
dev-libs / libcss : CSS parser and selection engine, written in C
dev-libs / libdaemon : Simple library for creating daemon processes in C
dev-libs / libdazzle : Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLib
dev-libs / libdbh : A small library to create and manage 64-bit disk based hash tables
dev-libs / libdbusmenu : Library to pass menu structure across DBus
dev-libs / libdbusmenu-lxqt : LXQt DBusMenu Implementation
dev-libs / libdbusmenu-qt : Library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu specification
dev-libs / libdex : Dex provides Future-based programming for GLib-based applications
dev-libs / libdispatch : A library for concurrent code execution on multicore hardware
dev-libs / libdivecomputer : Library for communication with dive computers from various manufacturers
dev-libs / libdivsufsort : Suffix-sorting library (for BWT)
dev-libs / libdnet : Simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines
dev-libs / libdnsres : A non-blocking DNS resolver library
dev-libs / libdshconfig : Library for parsing configuration files
dev-libs / libdynd : C++ dynamic multi-dimensionnal array library with Python exposure
dev-libs / libebml : Extensible binary format library (kinda like XML)
dev-libs / libedit : BSD replacement for libreadline
dev-libs / libee : An Event Expression Library inspired by CEE
dev-libs / libei : Library for Emulated Input, primarily aimed at the Wayland stack
dev-libs / libelf : ELF object file access library
dev-libs / liberasurecode : Erasure Code API library written in C with pluggable Erasure Code backends
dev-libs / libestr : Library for some string essentials
dev-libs / libev : A high-performance event loop/event model with lots of feature
dev-libs / libevdev : Handler library for evdev events
dev-libs / libevent : Library to execute a function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor
dev-libs / libezV24 : Library that provides an easy API to Linux serial ports
dev-libs / libf2c : Library that converts FORTRAN to C source
dev-libs / libfastjson : Fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing
dev-libs / libffi : Portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions
dev-libs / libffi-compat : a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions
dev-libs / libfido2 : Provides library functionality for FIDO 2.0
dev-libs / libfilezilla : C++ library offering some basic functionality for platform-independent programs
dev-libs / libflatarray : Struct of arrays library with object oriented interface for C++
dev-libs / libfmt : Small, safe and fast formatting library
dev-libs / libfstrcmp : Make fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arrays
dev-libs / libgamin : Library providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor API
dev-libs / libgaminggear : Provides functionality for gaming input devices
dev-libs / libgcrypt : General purpose crypto library based on the code used in GnuPG
dev-libs / libgcrypt-compat : Old version of libgcrypt needed by some binaries
dev-libs / libgdata : GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol
dev-libs / libgee : GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures
dev-libs / libgit2 : A linkable library for Git
dev-libs / libgit2-glib : Git library for GLib
dev-libs / libglib-testing : Libglib-testing is a test library providing test harnesses and mock classes
dev-libs / libgnome-games-support : Library for code common to GNOME games
dev-libs / libgnt : Pidgin's GLib Ncurses Toolkit
dev-libs / libgpg-error : Contains error handling functions used by GnuPG software
dev-libs / libgpiod : C library and tools for interacting with the linux GPIO character device
dev-libs / libgrapheme : Unicode string library
dev-libs / libgudev : GObject bindings for libudev
dev-libs / libgusb : GObject wrapper for libusb
dev-libs / libgweather : Location and timezone database and weather-lookup library
dev-libs / libhid : Provides a generic and flexible way to access and interact with USB HID devices
dev-libs / libical : Implementation of basic iCAL protocols
dev-libs / libiconv : GNU charset conversion library for libc which doesn't implement it
dev-libs / libindicate : Library to raise flags on DBus for other components of the desktop
dev-libs / libinput : Library to handle input devices in Wayland
dev-libs / libintl : the GNU international library (split out of gettext)
dev-libs / libisoburn : Creation/expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems on CD/DVD media supported by libburn
dev-libs / libisofs : Open-source library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
dev-libs / libite : A collection of useful BSD APIs
dev-libs / libixion : General purpose formula parser & interpreter
dev-libs / libjcat : Library and tool for reading and writing Jcat files
dev-libs / libjodycode : Shared code used by several utilities written by Jody Bruchon
dev-libs / libjwt : JWT C Library
dev-libs / libkdumpfile : Kernel coredump file access
dev-libs / libkpass : Libkpass is a C implementation to access KeePass 1.x format password databases
dev-libs / libksba : X.509 and CMS (PKCS#7) library
dev-libs / libliftoff : Lightweight KMS plane library
dev-libs / liblinear : A Library for Large Linear Classification
dev-libs / liblogging : Easy to use, portable, open source library for system logging
dev-libs / liblognorm : Fast samples-based log normalization library
dev-libs / liblouis : An open-source braille translator and back-translator
dev-libs / libltdl : A shared library tool for developers
dev-libs / liblzw : small C library for reading LZW compressed files (.Z)
dev-libs / libmaa : Library with low-level data structures which are helpful for writing compilers
dev-libs / libmacaroons : C library for generation and use of macaroons authorization credentials
dev-libs / libmanette : Simple GObject game controller library
dev-libs / libmateweather : MATE library to access weather information from online services
dev-libs / libmaxminddb : C library for the MaxMind DB file format
dev-libs / libmba : A library of generic C modules
dev-libs / libmcfp : A library that can collect configuration options from command line arguments
dev-libs / libmcrypt : Provides an uniform interface to access several encryption algorithms
dev-libs / libmelf : libmelf is a library interface for manipulating ELF object files
dev-libs / libmemcached : a C client library to the memcached server
dev-libs / libmemcached-awesome : a C/C++ memcached client library
dev-libs / libmirage : CD and DVD image access library
dev-libs / libmix : Programs Crypto/Network/Multipurpose Library
dev-libs / libmodbus : Modbus library which supports RTU communication over a serial line or a TCP link
dev-libs / libmoe : Multi octet character encoding handling library
dev-libs / libmowgli : Useful set of performance and usability-oriented extensions to C
dev-libs / libmpack : Simple implementation of msgpack in C
dev-libs / libmspack : A library for Microsoft compression formats
dev-libs / libnatspec : library to smooth charset/localization issues
dev-libs / libnfc : Near Field Communications (NFC) library
dev-libs / libnl : Libraries providing APIs to netlink protocol based Linux kernel interfaces
dev-libs / libnop : C++ Native Object Protocols
dev-libs / libnsfb : C library for framebuffer abstraction
dev-libs / libnsutils : C library for base64 and time
dev-libs / libofx : Library to support the Open Financial eXchange XML format
dev-libs / liboil : Library of simple functions that are optimized for various CPUs
dev-libs / liborcus : Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents
dev-libs / libotf : Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
dev-libs / libowfat : reimplement libdjb - excellent libraries from Dan Bernstein
dev-libs / libp11 : Abstraction layer to simplify PKCS#11 API
dev-libs / libparserutils : C library for building efficient parsers
dev-libs / libpcre : Perl-compatible regular expression library
dev-libs / libpcre-debian : libpcre(posix).so.3 symlinks for compatibility with Debian
dev-libs / libpcre2 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
dev-libs / libpeas : A GObject plugins library
dev-libs / libpfm : Hardware-based performance monitoring interface for Linux
dev-libs / libphonenumber : Library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers
dev-libs / libpipeline : A pipeline manipulation library
dev-libs / libplatform : Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
dev-libs / libportal : Flatpak portal library
dev-libs / libpqxx : Standard front-end for writing C++ programs that use PostgreSQL
dev-libs / libpsl-native : Functionality missing from .NET Core via system calls
dev-libs / libpthread-stubs : Pthread functions stubs for platforms missing them
dev-libs / libptytty : A library for mostly OS-independent handling of pty/tty/utmp/wtmp/lastlog
dev-libs / libpwquality : Library for password quality checking and generating random passwords
dev-libs / libpy : Utilities for writing C++ extension modules
dev-libs / libqt6pas : Free Pascal Qt6 bindings library updated by lazarus IDE
dev-libs / libqtxdg : Qt Implementation of XDG Standards
dev-libs / libratbag : Library to configure gaming mice
dev-libs / librdkafka : Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
dev-libs / librelp : An easy to use library for the RELP protocol
dev-libs / libretls : Port of libtls from LibreSSL to OpenSSL
dev-libs / librevenge : Helper library for REVerse ENGineered formats filters
dev-libs / libsass : A C/C++ implementation of a Sass CSS compiler
dev-libs / libscfg : C library for a simple configuration file format
dev-libs / libsecp256k1 : Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
dev-libs / libserdes : Avro SerializationDeserialization w/ Confluent schema-registry support
dev-libs / libserialport : Cross platform serial port access library
dev-libs / libsigc++ : Typesafe callback system for standard C++
dev-libs / libsigsegv : Library for handling page faults in user mode
dev-libs / libslz : Stateless, zlib-compatible, and very fast compression library
dev-libs / libsodium : Portable fork of NaCl, a higher-level cryptographic library
dev-libs / libspnav : libspnav is a replacement for the magellan library with a cleaner API
dev-libs / libspt : Library for handling root privilege
dev-libs / libstroke : Stroke and Gesture recognition Library
dev-libs / libstrophe : A simple, lightweight C library for writing XMPP clients
dev-libs / libtar : C library for manipulating tar archives
dev-libs / libtasn1 : ASN.1 library
dev-libs / libtecla : Tecla command-line editing library
dev-libs / libtermkey : Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
dev-libs / libthreadar : Threading library used by dar archiver
dev-libs / libtimezonemap : GTK+3 timezone map widget
dev-libs / libtomcrypt : LibTomCrypt is a comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit
dev-libs / libtomfloat : library for floating point number manipulation
dev-libs / libtommath : Optimized and portable routines for integer theoretic applications
dev-libs / libtompoly : Portable ISO C library for polynomial basis arithmetic
dev-libs / libtpms : Library providing software emulation of a TPM
dev-libs / libtracecmd : Linux kernel tracecmd library
dev-libs / libtraceevent : Linux kernel trace event library
dev-libs / libtracefs : Linux kernel trace file system library
dev-libs / libtsm : Terminal Emulator State Machine
dev-libs / libucl : Universal configuration library parser
dev-libs / libudfread : Library for reading UDF from raw devices and image files
dev-libs / libuev : Lightweight event loop library for Linux epoll() family APIs
dev-libs / libugpio : Lib for the use of linux kernel's sysfs gpio interface from C programs
dev-libs / libunibreak : Line and word breaking library
dev-libs / libuninum : A library for converting unicode strings to numbers and vice versa
dev-libs / libunique : A library for writing single instance application
dev-libs / libunistring : Library for manipulating Unicode and C strings according to Unicode standard
dev-libs / libusb : Userspace access to USB devices
dev-libs / libusb-compat : Userspace access to USB devices (libusb-0.1 compat wrapper)
dev-libs / libusbhp : USB Hotplug Library
dev-libs / libutf8proc : A clean C Library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
dev-libs / libuv : Cross-platform asychronous I/O
dev-libs / libvarlink : C implementation of the Varlink protocol and command line tool
dev-libs / libverto : Main event loop abstraction library
dev-libs / libvformat : Library to read and write vcard files
dev-libs / libvoikko : Spell checking, hyphenation and morphological analysis tool for Finnish language
dev-libs / libvterm : An abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
dev-libs / libwacom : Library for identifying Wacom tablets and their model-specific features
dev-libs / libwapcaplet : string internment library, written in C
dev-libs / libwbxml : Library and tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents
dev-libs / libx86 : A hardware-independent library for executing real-mode x86 code
dev-libs / libx86emu : A library for emulating x86
dev-libs / libxdg-basedir : Small library to access XDG Base Directories Specification paths
dev-libs / libxdiff : Library for creating diff files
dev-libs / libxls : A library which can read Excel (xls) files
dev-libs / libxlsxwriter : C library for creating Excel XLSX files
dev-libs / libxml2 : XML C parser and toolkit
dev-libs / libxmlb : Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
dev-libs / libxslt : XSLT libraries and tools
dev-libs / libyaml : YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
dev-libs / libzia : Platform abstraction code for tucnak package
dev-libs / libzip : Library for manipulating zip archives
dev-libs / light : A program to control backlights (and other hardware lights)
dev-libs / link-grammar : A Syntactic English parser
dev-libs / linux-syscall-support : Linux Syscall Support
dev-libs / lockdev : Library for locking devices
dev-libs / log4cplus : C++ port of the Log for Java (log4j) logging library
dev-libs / log4cpp : C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations
dev-libs / log4cxx : Library of C++ classes for logging to files, syslog and other destinations
dev-libs / log4sh : A flexible logging framework for shell scripts
dev-libs / luise : Programming interface for the Wallbraun LCD-USB-Interface
dev-libs / lzo : An extremely fast compression and decompression library
dev-libs / m17n-lib : Multilingual Library for Unix/Linux
dev-libs / maloc : Minimal Abstraction Layer for Object-oriented C/C++ programs
dev-libs / marisa : Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge
dev-libs / mathjax : JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath
dev-libs / mdns : Public domain mDNS/DNS-SD library in C
dev-libs / metee : Cross-platform access library for Intel CSME HECI interface
dev-libs / mimalloc : A compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance
dev-libs / mimetic : C++ MIME library designed to be easy to use and integrate, fast and efficient
dev-libs / miniaudio : Single file library for audio playback and capture
dev-libs / miniz : A lossless, high performance data compression library
dev-libs / mm : Shared Memory Abstraction Library
dev-libs / mmtf-cpp : The pure C++ implementation of the MMTF API, decoder and encoder
dev-libs / modsecurity : Application firewall and intrusion detection
dev-libs / mongo-c-driver : Client library written in C for MongoDB
dev-libs / mpc : A library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding
dev-libs / mpdecimal : Correctly-rounded arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic
dev-libs / mpfr : Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding
dev-libs / msgpack : MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format
dev-libs / mxml : A small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML data files or strings
dev-libs / nanomsg : High-performance messaging interface for distributed applications
dev-libs / nativefiledialog-extended : Cross platform native file dialog library with C and C++ bindings
dev-libs / ncnn : High-performance neural network inference framework
dev-libs / nettle : Low-level cryptographic library
dev-libs / newt : Redhat's Newt windowing toolkit development files
dev-libs / nmeap : Extensible NMEA-0183 (GPS) data parser in standard C
dev-libs / npth : New GNU Portable Threads Library
dev-libs / nsgenbind : Generate Javascript-to-DOM bindings from w3c webidl files
dev-libs / nspr : Netscape Portable Runtime
dev-libs / nss : Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support
dev-libs / nss-pem : PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
dev-libs / nsync : C library that exports various synchronization primitives, such as mutexes
dev-libs / ntl : High-performance and portable C++ number theory library
dev-libs / nwjs : Framework that lets you call all Node.js modules directly from the DOM
dev-libs / olm : Implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++
dev-libs / oneDNN : oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library
dev-libs / onigmo : Onigmo is a regular expressions library forked from Oniguruma
dev-libs / oniguruma : Regular expression library for different character encodings
dev-libs / opencl-clang : OpenCL-oriented thin wrapper library around clang
dev-libs / opencl-icd-loader : Official Khronos OpenCL ICD Loader
dev-libs / opencryptoki : PKCS#11 provider cryptographic hardware
dev-libs / openct : library for accessing smart card terminals
dev-libs / openobex : Implementation of the OBEX protocol used for transferring data to mobile devices
dev-libs / openpace : Cryptographic library for EAC version 2
dev-libs / opensc : Libraries and applications to access smartcards
dev-libs / openspecfun : A collection of special mathematical functions
dev-libs / openssl : Robust, full-featured Open Source Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)
dev-libs / openssl-compat : Full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)
dev-libs / optix : NVIDIA Ray Tracing Engine
dev-libs / ossp-uuid : An ISO-C:1999 API with CLI for generating DCE, ISO/IEC and RFC compliant UUID
dev-libs / pakchois : PaKChoiS - PKCS #11 wrapper library
dev-libs / papi : Performance Application Programming Interface
dev-libs / pcc-libs : pcc compiler support libs
dev-libs / pcl : Portable Coroutine Library
dev-libs / pegtl : Header-only library for creating parsers according to Parsing Expression Grammar
dev-libs / pfs : Production grade, very easy to use, procfs parsing library in C++
dev-libs / pigpio : A library for the Raspberry which allows control of the GPIOs
dev-libs / pkcs11-helper : PKCS#11 helper library
dev-libs / plasma-wayland-protocols : Plasma Specific Protocols for Wayland
dev-libs / pmdk : Persistent Memory Development Kit
dev-libs / pocketfft : PocketFFT for C++
dev-libs / pocl : Portable Computing Language (an implementation of OpenCL)
dev-libs / poco : C++ libraries for building network-based applications
dev-libs / popt : Parse Options - Command line parser
dev-libs / ppl : The Parma Polyhedra Library for numerical analysis of complex systems
dev-libs / protobuf : Google's Protocol Buffers - Extensible mechanism for serializing structured data
dev-libs / protobuf-c : Protocol Buffers implementation in C
dev-libs / psimd : P(ortable) SIMD
dev-libs / pslib : pslib is a C-library to create PostScript files on the fly
dev-libs / ptexenc : Library for Japanese pTeX providing a better way of handling character encodings
dev-libs / pthreadpool : Portable and efficient thread pool implementation
dev-libs / pugixml : Light-weight, simple, and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
dev-libs / qcoro : C++ Coroutine Library for Qt
dev-libs / qcoro5 : C++ Coroutine Library for Qt5
dev-libs / qcustomplot : Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization
dev-libs / qhotkey : A global shortcut/hotkey library for desktop Qt applications
dev-libs / qoauth : Qt-based library for OAuth support
dev-libs / qqwing : Sudoku puzzle generator and solver
dev-libs / qr-code-generator : QR Code Generator Library in Multiple Languages
dev-libs / qtkeychain : Qt API for storing passwords securely
dev-libs / quazip : Simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package
dev-libs / qxlsx : Excel file(*.xlsx) reader/writer library using Qt
dev-libs / raft : C implementation of the Raft consensus protocol
dev-libs / rapidjson : A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
dev-libs / rasqal : Library that handles Resource Description Framework (RDF)
dev-libs / rccl : ROCm Communication Collectives Library (RCCL)
dev-libs / re2 : An efficient, principled regular expression library
dev-libs / redis-ipc : A (redis) client library for using redis as system IPC msg/event bus
dev-libs / redland : High-level interface for the Resource Description Framework
dev-libs / redland-bindings : Language bindings for Redland
dev-libs / rinutils : Set of C headers containing macros and static functions
dev-libs / rlog : A C++ logging library
dev-libs / rocdbgapi : AMD Debugger API
dev-libs / rocksdb : Embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage
dev-libs / rocm-comgr : Radeon Open Compute Code Object Manager
dev-libs / rocm-device-libs : Radeon Open Compute Device Libraries
dev-libs / rocm-opencl-runtime : Radeon Open Compute OpenCL Compatible Runtime
dev-libs / rocr-runtime : Radeon Open Compute Runtime
dev-libs / roct-thunk-interface : Radeon Open Compute Thunk Interface
dev-libs / rremove : A simple library to recursively delete non-empty directories
dev-libs / s2n : Simple, small, fast and secure C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
dev-libs / sdformat : Simulation Description Format (SDF) parser
dev-libs / sentry-native : Sentry SDK for C, C++ and native applications
dev-libs / serd : Library for RDF syntax which supports reading and writing Turtle and NTriples
dev-libs / serdisplib : Library to drive several displays with built-in controllers or display modules
dev-libs / sexpp : S-expressions parser and generator library in C++
dev-libs / shhopt : library for parsing command line options
dev-libs / simde : Header-only library providing implementations of SIMD instruction sets
dev-libs / simdjson : SIMD accelerated C++ JSON library
dev-libs / skalibs : General-purpose libraries from
dev-libs / sleef : Implements vectorized versions of C standard math functions
dev-libs / snowball-stemmer : Snowball compiler and stemming algorithms
dev-libs / softhsm : A software PKCS#11 implementation
dev-libs / sord : Library for storing RDF data in memory
dev-libs / spdlog : Fast C++ logging library
dev-libs / spsdeclib : Kryoflux SPS Decoder Library
dev-libs / squareball : A general-purpose library for C99
dev-libs / starpu : Unified runtime system for heterogeneous multicore architectures
dev-libs / stb : single-file public domain (or MIT licensed) libraries for C/C++
dev-libs / stfl : A library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
dev-libs / teakra : Emulator, assembler, etc for XpertTeak, the DSP used by DSi/3DS
dev-libs / template-glib : Templating library for GLib
dev-libs / thrift : C++ bindings for Apache Thrift
dev-libs / tinyxml : Simple and small C++ XML parser
dev-libs / tinyxml2 : A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser
dev-libs / tllist : Header-only implementation of a typed linked list in C
dev-libs / tlsh : Fuzzy matching library
dev-libs / tntnet : Modular, multithreaded web application server extensible with C++
dev-libs / tomsfastmath : Fast public domain large integer arithmetic library
dev-libs / totem-pl-parser : Playlist parsing library
dev-libs / tre : Lightweight, robust, and efficient POSIX compliant regexp matching library
dev-libs / tree-sitter : Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library
dev-libs / tree-sitter-bash : Bash grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-c : C grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-c-sharp : C# grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-cmake : CMake grammar for tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-cpp : C++ grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-css : CSS grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-embedded-template : Embedded template languages (like ERB, EJS) grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-gleam : Gleam grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-go : Go grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-haskell : Haskell grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-html : HTML grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-java : Java grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-javascript : JavaScript grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-jsdoc : JSDoc grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-json : JSON grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-julia : Julia grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-lua : Lua grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-markdown : Markdown grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-markdown-inline : Markdown-inline grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-meta : Metapackage for Tree Sitter packages
dev-libs / tree-sitter-ocaml : OCaml grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-php : PHP grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-python : Python grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-ql : Semmle QL grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-query : Tree-sitter query grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-regex : Regular Expressions grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-ruby : Ruby grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-rust : Rust grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-scala : Scala grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-tsq : Tree-sitter query language grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-tsx : TSX grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-typescript : TypeScript grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-vim : Vimscript grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / tree-sitter-vimdoc : Vimdoc grammar for Tree-sitter
dev-libs / trio : Portable string functions, focus on the *printf() and *scanf() clones
dev-libs / tvision : Text User Interface that implements the well known CUA widgets
dev-libs / tvmet : Tiny Vector Matrix library using Expression Templates
dev-libs / ucl : the UCL Compression Library
dev-libs / udis86 : Disassembler library for the x86/-64 architecture sets
dev-libs / unibilium : A very basic terminfo library
dev-libs / unittest++ : A lightweight unit testing framework for C++
dev-libs / univalue : C++ universal value object and JSON library
dev-libs / urdfdom : URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library
dev-libs / urdfdom_headers : URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers
dev-libs / uriparser : Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library in C
dev-libs / userspace-rcu : Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library
dev-libs / utfcpp : UTF-8 C++ library
dev-libs / uthash : An easy-to-use hash implementation for C programmers
dev-libs / uulib : Library that supports Base64 (MIME), uuencode, xxencode and binhex coding
dev-libs / vala-common : Build infrastructure for packages that use Vala
dev-libs / vc : SIMD Vector Class Library for C++
dev-libs / vectorscan : A portable fork of the high-performance regular expression matching library
dev-libs / voikko-fi : Finnish dictionary for libvoikko based spell checkers (vvfst format)
dev-libs / volume_key : Library for manipulating and storing storage volume encryption keys
dev-libs / wayland : Wayland protocol libraries
dev-libs / wayland-protocols : Wayland protocol files
dev-libs / weston : Wayland reference compositor
dev-libs / xalan-c : XSLT processor for transforming XML into HTML, text, or other XML types
dev-libs / xapian : Xapian Probabilistic Information Retrieval library
dev-libs / xapian-bindings : SWIG and JNI bindings for Xapian
dev-libs / xbyak : JIT assembler for x86(IA-32)/x64(AMD64, x86-64)
dev-libs / xerces-c : Validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++
dev-libs / xmlrpc-c : A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP
dev-libs / xmlsec : Command line tool for signing, verifying, encrypting and decrypting XML
dev-libs / xxhash : Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
dev-libs / yajl : Small event-driven (SAX-style) JSON parser
dev-libs / yaz : C/C++ toolkit for Z39.50v3 clients and servers
dev-libs / yyjson : Fast JSON library in C
dev-libs / zix : Lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures
dev-libs / zug : Transducers for C++
dev-libs / zziplib : Lightweight library for extracting data from files archived in a single zip file