Package list
dev-perl / Ace : Object-Oriented Access to ACEDB Databases
dev-perl / Acme-Damn : Module that 'unblesses' Perl objects
dev-perl / Algorithm-Annotate : Represent a series of changes in annotate form
dev-perl / Algorithm-C3 : Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
dev-perl / Algorithm-ClusterPoints : Find clusters inside a set of points
dev-perl / Algorithm-Dependency : Toolkit for implementing dependency systems
dev-perl / Algorithm-Diff : Compute intelligent differences between two files / lists
dev-perl / Algorithm-Munkres : Munkres solution to classical Assignment problem
dev-perl / Alien-Base-ModuleBuild : A Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries
dev-perl / Alien-Build : Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
dev-perl / Alien-GMP : Alien package for the GNU Multiple Precision library
dev-perl / Alien-Gnuplot : Find and verify functionality of the gnuplot executable
dev-perl / Alien-HDF4 : Encapsulate install info for HDF4
dev-perl / Alien-LibGumbo : Gumbo parser library
dev-perl / Alien-Libxml2 : Install the C libxml2 library on your system
dev-perl / Alien-OpenSSL : Alien wrapper for OpenSSL
dev-perl / Alien-SDL : Building, finding and using SDL binaries
dev-perl / Alien-wxWidgets : Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
dev-perl / Any-Moose : Use Moose or Mouse modules (DEPRECATED)
dev-perl / AnyEvent : Provides a uniform interface to various event loops
dev-perl / AnyEvent-AIO : truly asynchronous file and directory I/O
dev-perl / AnyEvent-CacheDNS : Simple DNS resolver with caching
dev-perl / AnyEvent-HTTP : Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
dev-perl / AnyEvent-HTTPD : A simple lightweight event based web (application) server
dev-perl / AnyEvent-I3 : Communicate with the i3 window manager
dev-perl / Apache-AuthCookie : Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies
dev-perl / Apache-CGI-Builder : CGI::Builder and Apache2/mod_perl2 integration
dev-perl / Apache-DBI : Authentication and Authorization via Perl's DBI
dev-perl / Apache-LogFormat-Compiler : Compile an Apache log format string to perl-code
dev-perl / Apache-Reload : Automatically reload changed modules without restarting Apache
dev-perl / Apache-Session : Persistence framework for session data
dev-perl / Apache-SizeLimit : Graceful exit for large children
dev-perl / Apache-Test : wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
dev-perl / Apache2-AuthenNTLM : Perform Microsoft NTLM and Basic User Authentication
dev-perl / App-CLI : Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
dev-perl / App-Cmd : Write command line apps with less suffering
dev-perl / App-FatPacker : Pack your dependencies onto your script file
dev-perl / App-Nopaste : Easy access to any pastebin
dev-perl / App-cpanminus : Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
dev-perl / App-perlbrew : Manage perl installations in your $HOME
dev-perl / App-pwhich : Perl-only 'which'
dev-perl / AppConfig : Perl5 module for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments
dev-perl / Archive-Any : Single interface to deal with file archives
dev-perl / Archive-Any-Lite : Simple CPAN package extractor
dev-perl / Archive-Extract : Generic archive extracting mechanism
dev-perl / Archive-Tar-Stream : Pure perl IO-friendly tar file management
dev-perl / Archive-Tar-Wrapper : API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
dev-perl / Archive-Zip : A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive members as if they were files
dev-perl / Array-Compare : Perl extension for comparing arrays
dev-perl / Array-Diff : Find the differences between two arrays
dev-perl / Array-RefElem : Set up array elements as aliases
dev-perl / Array-Window : Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
dev-perl / Astro-FITS-Header : Interface to FITS headers
dev-perl / AtExit : atexit() function to register exit-callbacks
dev-perl / Audio-CD-disc-cover : Perl Module needed for app-cdr/disc-cover
dev-perl / Audio-DSP : Perl interface to *NIX digital audio device
dev-perl / Audio-FLAC-Header : Access to FLAC audio metadata
dev-perl / Audio-Mixer : Perl extension for Sound Mixer control
dev-perl / Audio-Musepack : An OO interface to Musepack file information and APE tag fields
dev-perl / Audio-Scan : Fast C metadata and tag reader for all common audio file formats
dev-perl / Audio-WMA : Extension for reading WMA/ASF metadata
dev-perl / Audio-Wav : Modules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files
dev-perl / Authen-DigestMD5 : SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication (RFC2831)
dev-perl / Authen-Htpasswd : Interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
dev-perl / Authen-Libwrap : Perl access to the TCP Wrappers interface
dev-perl / Authen-NTLM : An NTLM authentication module
dev-perl / Authen-OATH : OATH One Time Passwords
dev-perl / Authen-PAM : Interface to PAM library
dev-perl / Authen-Radius : Communicate with a Radius server from Perl
dev-perl / Authen-SASL : Perl SASL interface
dev-perl / Authen-SASL-SASLprep : A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013)
dev-perl / Authen-SCRAM : Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (RFC 5802)
dev-perl / Authen-Simple : Simple Authentication
dev-perl / Authen-Simple-Passwd : Simple Passwd authentication
dev-perl / AutoXS-Header : Container for the AutoXS header files
dev-perl / B-COW : Additional B helpers to check COW status
dev-perl / B-Debug : Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
dev-perl / B-Flags : Friendlier flags for B
dev-perl / B-Hooks-EndOfScope : Execute code after a scope finished compilation
dev-perl / B-Hooks-OP-Check : Wrap OP check callbacks
dev-perl / B-Hooks-Parser : Interface to perls parser variables
dev-perl / B-Keywords : Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
dev-perl / B-OPCheck : PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
dev-perl / B-Utils : Helper functions for op tree manipulation
dev-perl / BDB : Asynchronous Berkeley DB access
dev-perl / BSD-Resource : Perl module for BSD process resource limit and priority functions
dev-perl / BSON : BSON serialization and deserialization (EOL)
dev-perl / BZ-Client : A client for the Bugzilla web services API
dev-perl / BackupPC-XS : Perl extension for BackupPC libraries
dev-perl / Benchmark-Timer : Perl code benchmarking tool
dev-perl / BerkeleyDB : This module provides Berkeley DB interface for Perl
dev-perl / Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene : Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
dev-perl / Bio-DB-HTS : Perl bindings for sci-libs/htslib
dev-perl / Bio-Das : Interface to Distributed Annotation System
dev-perl / Bio-Graphics : Generate images from Bio::Seq objects for visualization purposes
dev-perl / Bit-Vector : Efficient bit vector, set of integers and big int math library
dev-perl / Bit-Vector-Minimal : Object-oriented wrapper around vec()
dev-perl / Boulder : An API for hierarchical tag/value structures
dev-perl / Browser-Open : Open a browser at a given URL
dev-perl / Business-FedEx-DirectConnect : Interface to FedEx Ship Manager Direct
dev-perl / Business-Hours : Calculate business hours in a time period
dev-perl / Business-ISBN : Work with ISBN as objects
dev-perl / Business-ISBN-Data : Data pack for Business::ISBN
dev-perl / Business-ISMN : International Standard Music Numbers
dev-perl / Business-ISSN : Object and functions to work with International Standard Serial Numbers
dev-perl / Business-Tax-VAT-Validation : A class for european VAT numbers validation
dev-perl / Business-UPS : UPS Interface Module
dev-perl / Bytes-Random-Secure : Extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
dev-perl / C-Scan : Scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
dev-perl / CBOR-XS : Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR, RFC7049)
dev-perl / CDB_File : Perl extension for access to cdb databases
dev-perl / CDDB : High-level interface to cddb/freedb protocol
dev-perl / CDDB-File : Parse a CDDB/freedb data file
dev-perl / CDDB_get : Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive
dev-perl / CGI : Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
dev-perl / CGI-Ajax : Perl-specific system for writing Asynchronous web applications
dev-perl / CGI-Application : Framework for building reusable web-applications
dev-perl / CGI-Application-Dispatch : Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects
dev-perl / CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect : Easy external redirects in CGI::Application
dev-perl / CGI-Application-Server : a simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
dev-perl / CGI-Builder : Framework to build simple or complex web-apps
dev-perl / CGI-Compile : Compile .cgi scripts to a code reference like ModPerl::Registry
dev-perl / CGI-Emulate-PSGI : PSGI adapter for CGI
dev-perl / CGI-Fast : CGI Interface for Fast CGI
dev-perl / CGI-FastTemplate : High Performance Templates and Variable Interpolation
dev-perl / CGI-FormBuilder : Extremely fast, reliable form generation and processing module
dev-perl / CGI-PSGI : Adapt to the PSGI protocol
dev-perl / CGI-Session : persistent session data in CGI applications
dev-perl / CGI-Simple : A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant
dev-perl / CHI : Unified cache handling interface
dev-perl / CPAN-Changes : Read and write Changes files
dev-perl / CPAN-Checksums : Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
dev-perl / CPAN-DistnameInfo : Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename
dev-perl / CPAN-Meta-Check : Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
dev-perl / CPAN-Meta-Requirements : Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
dev-perl / CPAN-Mini : Create a minimal mirror of CPAN
dev-perl / CPAN-Mini-Inject : Inject modules into a CPAN::Mini mirror
dev-perl / CPAN-Perl-Releases : Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
dev-perl / CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic : Dynamic prerequisites in meta files
dev-perl / CPAN-Uploader : Upload things to the CPAN
dev-perl / CQL-Parser : compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypes
dev-perl / CSS-Minifier : Perl extension for minifying CSS
dev-perl / CSS-Minifier-XS : XS based CSS minifier
dev-perl / CSS-Packer : A fast pure Perl CSS minifier
dev-perl / CSS-Squish : Compact many CSS files into one big file
dev-perl / CSS-Tiny : Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
dev-perl / Cache : the Cache interface
dev-perl / Cache-Cache : Generic cache interface and implementations
dev-perl / Cache-FastMmap : Uses an mmaped file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache
dev-perl / Cache-Memcached : Perl API for memcached
dev-perl / Cache-Memcached-Fast : Perl client for memcached, in C language
dev-perl / Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry : Lightweight cache with timed expiration
dev-perl / Cairo : Perl interface to the cairo library
dev-perl / Cairo-GObject : Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
dev-perl / Calendar-Simple : Perl extension to create simple calendars
dev-perl / Canary-Stability : Canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules
dev-perl / Capture-Tiny : Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
dev-perl / Carp-Always : Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces
dev-perl / Carp-Assert : Executable comments in carp
dev-perl / Carp-Assert-More : Convenience assertions for common situations
dev-perl / Carp-Clan : Report errors from perspective of caller of a clan of modules
dev-perl / Chart : The Perl Chart Module
dev-perl / Chart-Math-Axis : Implements an algorithm to find good values for chart axis
dev-perl / Chatbot-Eliza : Clone of the classic Eliza program
dev-perl / Cisco-IPPhone : Cisco IP Phone interface using XML Objects
dev-perl / Cisco-Reconfig : Parse and generate Cisco configuration files
dev-perl / Class-Accessor : Automated accessor generation
dev-perl / Class-Accessor-Chained : Perl module to make chained class accessors
dev-perl / Class-Accessor-Grouped : Lets you build groups of accessors
dev-perl / Class-Accessor-Lite : A minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
dev-perl / Class-Adapter : Implementation of the 'Adapter' Design Pattern
dev-perl / Class-Autouse : Runtime aspect loading of one or more classes
dev-perl / Class-Base : Useful base class for deriving other modules
dev-perl / Class-C3 : Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
dev-perl / Class-C3-Componentised : Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
dev-perl / Class-C3-XS : XS speedups for Class::C3
dev-perl / Class-Container : Glue object frameworks together transparently
dev-perl / Class-DBI : Simple Database Abstraction
dev-perl / Class-DBI-AbstractSearch : Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract::Limit
dev-perl / Class-DBI-Plugin : Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins
dev-perl / Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch : deep_search_where() method for Class::DBI
dev-perl / Class-DBI-mysql : Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
dev-perl / Class-Data-Accessor : Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation
dev-perl / Class-Data-Inheritable : Inheritable, overridable class data
dev-perl / Class-Default : Static calls apply to a default instantiation
dev-perl / Class-ErrorHandler : Automated accessor generation
dev-perl / Class-Factory-Util : Provide utility methods for factory classes
dev-perl / Class-ISA : Report the search path thru an ISA tree
dev-perl / Class-InsideOut : Safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
dev-perl / Class-Inspector : Provides information about Classes
dev-perl / Class-Load : Working (require q{Class::Name}) and more
dev-perl / Class-Load-XS : XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
dev-perl / Class-Loader : Load modules and create objects on demand
dev-perl / Class-MakeMethods : Automated method creation module for Perl
dev-perl / Class-Member : A set of modules to make the module developement easier
dev-perl / Class-Method-Modifiers : Provides Moose-like method modifiers
dev-perl / Class-MethodMaker : Create generic methods for OO Perl
dev-perl / Class-Mix : Dynamic class mixing
dev-perl / Class-Refresh : Refresh your classes during runtime
dev-perl / Class-ReturnValue : Return-value object that lets you treat it as as a boolean, array or object
dev-perl / Class-Singleton : Implementation of a Singleton class
dev-perl / Class-Spiffy : Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
dev-perl / Class-Std : Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
dev-perl / Class-Std-Fast : Faster but less secure than Class::Std
dev-perl / Class-Tiny : Minimalist class construction
dev-perl / Class-Trigger : Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
dev-perl / Class-Unload : Unload a class
dev-perl / Class-Virtual : Base class for virtual base classes
dev-perl / Class-WhiteHole : base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
dev-perl / Class-XPath : adds xpath matching to object trees
dev-perl / Class-XSAccessor : Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
dev-perl / Clipboard : Copy and paste with any OS
dev-perl / Clone : Recursively copy Perl datatypes
dev-perl / Clone-Choose : Choose appropriate clone utility
dev-perl / Clone-PP : Recursively copy Perl datatypes
dev-perl / Color-Calc : Simple calculations with RGB colors
dev-perl / Color-Library : An easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
dev-perl / Compiler-Lexer : Lexical Analyzer for Perl5
dev-perl / Compress-Bzip2 : Interface to Bzip2 compression library
dev-perl / Compress-LZF : Extremely light-weight Lempel-Ziv-Free compression
dev-perl / Compress-Raw-Lzma : Perl interface for reading and writing lzma, lzip, and xz files/buffers
dev-perl / Conf-Libconfig : Perl extension for libconfig
dev-perl / Config-Any : Load configuration from different file formats, transparently
dev-perl / Config-ApacheFormat : Use Apache format config files
dev-perl / Config-Auto : Magical config file parser
dev-perl / Config-AutoConf : Module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl
dev-perl / Config-Crontab : Read/Write Vixie compatible crontab(5) files
dev-perl / Config-General : Config file parser module
dev-perl / Config-Grammar : Grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
dev-perl / Config-INI : Simple .ini-file format
dev-perl / Config-IniFiles : Module for reading .ini-style configuration files
dev-perl / Config-JSON : A JSON based config file system
dev-perl / Config-MVP : Multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
dev-perl / Config-MVP-Reader-INI : MVP config reader for .ini files
dev-perl / Config-MVP-Slicer : Extract embedded plugin config from parent config
dev-perl / Config-Properties : Configuration using Java style properties
dev-perl / Config-Simple : Simple configuration file class
dev-perl / Config-Tiny : Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
dev-perl / ConfigReader : Read directives from a configuration file
dev-perl / Const-Fast : Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
dev-perl / Context-Preserve : Return chained, modified values from subs, without losing context
dev-perl / Contextual-Return : Create context-sensitive return values
dev-perl / Convert-ASCII-Armour : Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
dev-perl / Convert-ASN1 : Standard en/decode of ASN.1 structures
dev-perl / Convert-BER : Class for encoding/decoding BER messages
dev-perl / Convert-Base32 : Encoding and decoding of base32 strings
dev-perl / Convert-BinHex : Extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
dev-perl / Convert-Binary-C : Binary Data Conversion using C Types
dev-perl / Convert-Color : Color space conversions and named lookups
dev-perl / Convert-PEM : Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
dev-perl / Convert-TNEF : Perl module for reading TNEF files
dev-perl / Convert-UU : Perl replacement for uuencode
dev-perl / Convert-UUlib : decode uu/xx/b64/mime/yenc/etc-encoded data
dev-perl / Cookie-Baker : Cookie string generator / parser
dev-perl / Cookie-Baker-XS : Accelerate Cookie::Baker's crush_cookie
dev-perl / Coro : The only real threads in perl
dev-perl / Cpanel-JSON-XS : cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
dev-perl / Crypt-Blowfish : Perl Blowfish encryption module
dev-perl / Crypt-CAST5_PP : CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
dev-perl / Crypt-CBC : Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode
dev-perl / Crypt-CipherSaber : Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryption
dev-perl / Crypt-Cracklib : Perl interface to Alec Muffett's Cracklib
dev-perl / Crypt-Curve25519 : Shared secret elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman generator
dev-perl / Crypt-DES : Perl DES encryption module
dev-perl / Crypt-DES_EDE3 : Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
dev-perl / Crypt-DH : Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
dev-perl / Crypt-DH-GMP : Crypt::DH Using GMP Directly
dev-perl / Crypt-DSA : DSA Signatures and Key Generation
dev-perl / Crypt-ECB : Use block ciphers using ECB mode
dev-perl / Crypt-Eksblowfish : Eksblowfish block cipher
dev-perl / Crypt-IDEA : An implementation of the IDEA symmetric-key block cipher
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenPGP : Pure-Perl OpenPGP-compatible PGP implementation
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum : OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA : Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSL
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-EC : Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA : OpenSSL ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) Perl extension
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess : Guess OpenSSL include path
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA : RSA encoding and decoding using the OpenSSL libraries
dev-perl / Crypt-OpenSSL-Random : OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator access
dev-perl / Crypt-PBKDF2 : The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
dev-perl / Crypt-PWSafe3 : Read and write Passwordsafe v3 files
dev-perl / Crypt-PasswdMD5 : Provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions
dev-perl / Crypt-Password : Unix-style, Variously Hashed Passwords
dev-perl / Crypt-Primes : Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications
dev-perl / Crypt-RC4 : Implements the RC4 encryption algorithm
dev-perl / Crypt-RIPEMD160 : Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
dev-perl / Crypt-RSA : RSA public-key cryptosystem
dev-perl / Crypt-Random : Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
dev-perl / Crypt-Random-Seed : Simple method to get strong randomness
dev-perl / Crypt-Random-Source : Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources
dev-perl / Crypt-Random-TESHA2 : Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
dev-perl / Crypt-Rijndael : Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module
dev-perl / Crypt-SMIME : S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption
dev-perl / Crypt-SSLeay : OpenSSL support for LWP
dev-perl / Crypt-Simple : encrypt stuff simply
dev-perl / Crypt-SmbHash : LM/NT hashing, for Samba's smbpasswd entries
dev-perl / Crypt-Twofish : The Twofish Encryption Algorithm
dev-perl / Crypt-URandom : Provide non blocking randomness
dev-perl / Crypt-X509 : Parse a X.509 certificate
dev-perl / CryptX : Self-contained crypto toolkit
dev-perl / Curses : Curses interface modules for Perl
dev-perl / Curses-UI : Perl UI framework based on the curses library
dev-perl / CursesWidgets : Provide high level APIs for rapid user interface design on the console in Perl
dev-perl / Cwd-Guard : Temporary changing working directory (chdir)
dev-perl / DBD-MariaDB : MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
dev-perl / DBD-Pg : PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
dev-perl / DBD-SQLite : Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
dev-perl / DBD-mysql : MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
dev-perl / DBI : Database independent interface for Perl
dev-perl / DBI-Shell : Interactive command shell for the DBI
dev-perl / DBICx-TestDatabase : Create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
dev-perl / DBIx-Class : Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
dev-perl / DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault : Automatically set and update fields
dev-perl / DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Boolean : Auto-create boolean objects from columns
dev-perl / DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP : Auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
dev-perl / DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum : Allows a DBIx::Class user to define a Object::Enum column
dev-perl / DBIx-Class-UserStamp : Automatically set update and create user id fields
dev-perl / DBIx-ContextualFetch : Add contextual fetches to DBI
dev-perl / DBIx-DBSchema : Database-independent schema objects
dev-perl / DBIx-Migration : Seamless DB schema up- and downgrades
dev-perl / DBIx-Safe : Safer access to your database through a DBI database handle
dev-perl / DBIx-SearchBuilder : Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple Perl objects
dev-perl / DBIx-Simple : Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
dev-perl / DB_File-Lock : Locking with flock wrapper for DB_File
dev-perl / Daemon-Generic : Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
dev-perl / Danga-Socket : Non-blocking socket object; uses epoll()
dev-perl / Data-AMF : (de)serializer perl module for Adobe's AMF (Action Message Format)
dev-perl / Data-Binary : Simple detection of binary versus text in strings
dev-perl / Data-Buffer : Read/write buffer class
dev-perl / Data-Compare : Compare perl data structures
dev-perl / Data-Diver : Simple, ad-hoc access to elements of deeply nested structures
dev-perl / Data-Dump : Pretty printing of data structures
dev-perl / Data-Dump-Streamer : Accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code
dev-perl / Data-DumpXML : Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
dev-perl / Data-Dumper-Concise : Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
dev-perl / Data-Float : Details of the floating point data type
dev-perl / Data-Flow : Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
dev-perl / Data-FormValidator : Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile
dev-perl / Data-GUID : Simple interface for generating and using globally unique identifiers
dev-perl / Data-HexDump : Hexadecimal Dumper
dev-perl / Data-Hexify : Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
dev-perl / Data-Hierarchy : Handle data in a hierarchical structure
dev-perl / Data-ICal : Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
dev-perl / Data-IEEE754 : Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
dev-perl / Data-ObjectDriver : Simple, transparent data interface, with caching
dev-perl / Data-OptList : Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
dev-perl / Data-Page : Help when paging through sets of results
dev-perl / Data-Page-Pageset : Change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
dev-perl / Data-Password : Extension for assessing password quality
dev-perl / Data-Password-passwdqc : Check password strength and generate password using passwdqc
dev-perl / Data-Perl : Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
dev-perl / Data-Printer : Colored and full-featured pretty print of Perl data structures and objects
dev-perl / Data-Random : Module used to generate random data
dev-perl / Data-Section : Read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
dev-perl / Data-Section-Simple : Read data out of the DATA section
dev-perl / Data-Serializer : Modules that serialize data structures
dev-perl / Data-ShowTable : routines to display tabular data in several formats
dev-perl / Data-Stag : Structured Tags datastructures
dev-perl / Data-Stream-Bulk : N at a time iteration API
dev-perl / Data-Structure-Util : Change nature of data within a structure
dev-perl / Data-Types : Validate and convert data types
dev-perl / Data-URIEncode : Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
dev-perl / Data-UUID : Generate Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
dev-perl / Data-Uniqid : Perl extension for simple generating of unique ids
dev-perl / Data-Utilities : Merge nested Perl data structures
dev-perl / Data-Validate-Domain : Domain and host name validation
dev-perl / Data-Validate-IP : IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
dev-perl / Data-Visitor : Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
dev-perl / Date-Calc : Gregorian calendar date calculations
dev-perl / Date-Extract : Extract probable dates from strings
dev-perl / Date-ICal : ICal format date base module for Perl
dev-perl / Date-Leapyear : Simple Perl module that tracks Gregorian leap years
dev-perl / Date-Manip : Perl date manipulation routines
dev-perl / Date-Pcalc : Gregorian calendar date calculations
dev-perl / Date-Range : Work with a range of dates
dev-perl / Date-Simple : Simple date object
dev-perl / DateTime : Date and time object
dev-perl / DateTime-Calendar-Julian : Dates in the Julian calendar
dev-perl / DateTime-Event-ICal : Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
dev-perl / DateTime-Event-Recurrence : DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence sets
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Builder : Create DateTime parser classes and objects
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-DateParse : Parses Date::Parse compatible formats
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Flexible : Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-HTTP : Date conversion routines
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Human-Duration : Get a locale specific string describing the span of a given duration
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-ICal : Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-ISO8601 : Parses ISO8601 formats
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Mail : Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Natural : Parse informal natural language date/time strings
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-SQLite : Parse and format SQLite dates and times
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-Strptime : Parse and Format DateTimes using Strptime
dev-perl / DateTime-Format-W3CDTF : Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
dev-perl / DateTime-HiRes : Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
dev-perl / DateTime-Locale : Localization support for DateTime
dev-perl / DateTime-Set : Datetime sets and set math
dev-perl / DateTime-TimeZone : Time zone object base class and factory
dev-perl / DateTime-Tiny : Date object, with as little code as possible
dev-perl / DateTimeX-Easy : Parse a date/time string using the best method available
dev-perl / Debug-Client : Client side code for perl debugger
dev-perl / Deliantra : Deliantra suppport module to read/write archetypes, maps etc
dev-perl / DelimMatch : A Perl 5 module for locating delimited substrings with proper nesting
dev-perl / Devel-ArgNames : Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines
dev-perl / Devel-CallChecker : Custom OP checking attached to subroutines
dev-perl / Devel-Caller : Meatier versions of caller
dev-perl / Devel-CheckBin : check that a command is available
dev-perl / Devel-CheckCompiler : Check the compiler's availability
dev-perl / Devel-CheckLib : Check that a library is available
dev-perl / Devel-CheckOS : Check what OS we're running on
dev-perl / Devel-Cover : Code coverage metrics for Perl
dev-perl / Devel-Cycle : Find memory cycles in objects
dev-perl / Devel-Declare : (DEPRECATED) Adding keywords to perl, in perl
dev-perl / Devel-Dumpvar : Pure-OO reimplementation of
dev-perl / Devel-FindPerl : Find the path to your perl
dev-perl / Devel-GlobalDestruction : Returns the equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq DESTRUCT for older perls
dev-perl / Devel-GlobalPhase : Detect perl's global phase on older perls
dev-perl / Devel-Hide : Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)
dev-perl / Devel-Leak : Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
dev-perl / Devel-LexAlias : Alias lexical variables
dev-perl / Devel-NYTProf : Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
dev-perl / Devel-OverloadInfo : Introspect overloaded operators
dev-perl / Devel-OverrideGlobalRequire : Override CORE::GLOBAL::require safely
dev-perl / Devel-PatchPerl : Patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's
dev-perl / Devel-REPL : A modern perl interactive shell
dev-perl / Devel-Refactor : Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
dev-perl / Devel-SimpleTrace : See where you code warns and dies using stack traces
dev-perl / Devel-Size : Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
dev-perl / Devel-SmallProf : Per-line Perl profiler
dev-perl / Devel-StackTrace : An object representing a stack trace
dev-perl / Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML : Displays stack trace in HTML
dev-perl / Devel-Symdump : Dump symbol names or the symbol table
dev-perl / Device-SerialPort : Serial port Perl Module
dev-perl / Digest-BubbleBabble : Create bubble-babble fingerprints
dev-perl / Digest-CRC : Generic CRC functions
dev-perl / Digest-GOST : Perl interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm
dev-perl / Digest-HMAC : Keyed Hashing for Message Authentication
dev-perl / Digest-JHash : Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm
dev-perl / Digest-MD2 : Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
dev-perl / Digest-MD4 : MD4 message digest algorithm
dev-perl / Digest-MD5-File : Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls
dev-perl / Digest-Nilsimsa : Perl version of Nilsimsa code
dev-perl / Digest-Perl-MD5 : Pure perl implementation of MD5
dev-perl / Digest-SHA1 : NIST SHA message digest algorithm
dev-perl / Digest-SHA3 : Perl extension for SHA-3
dev-perl / Dist-CheckConflicts : Declare version conflicts for your dist
dev-perl / Dist-Metadata : Information about a perl module distribution
dev-perl / Dist-Milla : Distribution builder, Opinionated but Unobtrusive
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla : Distribution builder; installer not included!
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Config-Slicer : Config::MVP::Slicer customized for Dist::Zilla
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AuthorsFromGit : Add per-file per-year copyright information
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent : Ensure Changes has content before releasing
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests : check xt tests before release
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Config-Git : Plugin configuration containing settings for a Git repo
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFile : add a file listing all contributors
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromBuild : Copy (or move) specific files after building (for SCM inclusion, etc.)
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromRelease : Copy files from a release (for SCM inclusion, etc.)
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git : Update your git repository after release
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Contributors : Add contributor names from git to your distribution
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GithubMeta : Automatically include GitHub meta information in META.yml
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-LicenseFromModule : Extract License and Copyright from its main_module file
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome : A more awesome MakeMaker plugin for Dist::Zilla
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Contributors : Generate an x_contributors section in distribution metadata
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides : Generating and Populating 'provides' in your META.yml
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package : Extract namespaces/version from traditional packages for provides
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny : Build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build::Tiny
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NameFromDirectory : Guess distribution name from the current directory
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NextVersion-Semantic : update the next version, semantic-wise
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OSPrereqs : List prereqs conditional on operating system
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion : No line insertion and does Package version with our
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver : Weave your Pod together from configuration and Dist::Zilla
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-FromCPANfile : Parse cpanfile for prereqs
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RPM : Build an RPM from your Dist::Zilla release
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod : Automatically convert POD to a README in any format for Dist::Zilla
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod : dzil plugin to generate README from POD
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReversionOnRelease : Bump and reversion $VERSION on release
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run : Run external commands and code at specific phases of Dist::Zilla
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-StaticInstall : Identify a distribution as eligible for static installation
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SurgicalPodWeaver : Surgically apply PodWeaver
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CPAN-Changes : release tests for your changelog
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile : Common tests to check syntax of your modules, using only core modules
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-MinimumVersion : Release tests for minimum required versions
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Perl-Critic : Tests to check your code against best practices
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs : Report on prerequisite versions during automated testing
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Plugin-VersionFromMainModule : Set the distribution version from your main module's
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Role-FileWatcher : Receive notification when something changes a file's contents
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleMetadata : A role for plugins that use Module::Metadata
dev-perl / Dist-Zilla-Role-PluginBundle-PluginRemover : Add '-remove' functionality to a bundle
dev-perl / Dumbbench : More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking
dev-perl / DynaLoader-Functions : Deconstructed Dynamic C Library Loading
dev-perl / EV : Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
dev-perl / Emacs-PDE : Perl Develop Environment in Emacs
dev-perl / Email-Abstract : Unified interface to mail representations
dev-perl / Email-Address : RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
dev-perl / Email-Address-List : RFC close address list parsing
dev-perl / Email-Address-XS : Parse and format RFC 2822 email addresses and groups
dev-perl / Email-Date : Find and Format Date Headers
dev-perl / Email-Date-Format : Produce RFC 822 date strings
dev-perl / Email-Filter : Simple filtering of RFC2822 message format and headers
dev-perl / Email-Find : Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
dev-perl / Email-FolderType : Determine the type of a mail folder
dev-perl / Email-LocalDelivery : Local delivery of RFC2822 message format and headers
dev-perl / Email-MIME : Easy MIME message parsing
dev-perl / Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper : Strip the attachments from a mail
dev-perl / Email-MIME-ContentType : Parse a MIME Content-Type Header or Content-Disposition Header
dev-perl / Email-MIME-Encodings : A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
dev-perl / Email-MessageID : Generate world unique message-ids
dev-perl / Email-Reply : Reply to a Message
dev-perl / Email-Send : Simply Sending Email
dev-perl / Email-Send-Gmail : Send Messages using Gmail
dev-perl / Email-Sender : A library for sending email
dev-perl / Email-Simple : Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
dev-perl / Email-Valid : Check validity of Internet email addresses
dev-perl / Encode-Detect : An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
dev-perl / Encode-EUCJPASCII : An eucJP-open mapping
dev-perl / Encode-HanConvert : Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings
dev-perl / Encode-HanExtra : Extra sets of Chinese encodings
dev-perl / Encode-IMAPUTF7 : Modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
dev-perl / Encode-JIS2K : JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings
dev-perl / Encode-Locale : Determine the locale encoding
dev-perl / Encode-compat : emulation layer
dev-perl / Env-Path : Advanced operations on path variables
dev-perl / Error : Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
dev-perl / Eval-Closure : safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
dev-perl / Eval-LineNumbers : Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source code
dev-perl / Event : Fast, generic event loop
dev-perl / Event-ExecFlow : High level API for event-based execution flow control
dev-perl / Event-RPC : Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
dev-perl / Exception-Base : Error handling with exception class
dev-perl / Exception-Class : Module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
dev-perl / Exception-Died : Convert simple die into real exception object
dev-perl / Exception-System : Exception class for system or library calls
dev-perl / Exception-Warning : Convert simple warn into real exception object
dev-perl / Expect : Expect for Perl
dev-perl / Exporter-Cluster : Extension for easy multiple module imports
dev-perl / Exporter-Lite : Lightweight exporting of variables
dev-perl / Exporter-Tiny : An exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
dev-perl / ExtUtils-AutoInstall : Automatic installation of dependencies via CPAN from within Makefile.PL
dev-perl / ExtUtils-CChecker : Configure-time utilities for using C headers
dev-perl / ExtUtils-Config : Wrapper for perl's configuration
dev-perl / ExtUtils-CppGuess : Guess C++ compiler and flags
dev-perl / ExtUtils-Depends : Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
dev-perl / ExtUtils-F77 : Simple interface to F77 libs
dev-perl / ExtUtils-HasCompiler : Check for the presence of a compiler
dev-perl / ExtUtils-Helpers : Various portability utilities for module builders
dev-perl / ExtUtils-InstallPaths : Build.PL install path logic made easy
dev-perl / ExtUtils-LibBuilder : Tool to build C libraries
dev-perl / ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile : cpanfile support for EUMM
dev-perl / ExtUtils-PkgConfig : Simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
dev-perl / ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default : Set of useful typemaps
dev-perl / ExtUtils-XSBuilder : Modules to parse C header files and create XS glue code
dev-perl / ExtUtils-XSpp : XS for C++
dev-perl / FCGI : Fast CGI module
dev-perl / FCGI-Client : Client library for fastcgi protocol
dev-perl / FCGI-ProcManager : A FastCGI process manager
dev-perl / FFI-CheckLib : Check that a library is available for FFI
dev-perl / FLV-AudioExtractor : Extract audio from Flash Videos
dev-perl / Fatal-Exception : Succeed or throw exception
dev-perl / Feature-Compat-Class : Make class syntax available
dev-perl / Feed-Find : Syndication feed auto-discovery
dev-perl / Festival-Client-Async : Non-blocking interface to a Festival server
dev-perl / File-BOM : Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
dev-perl / File-BaseDir : Use the base directory specification
dev-perl / File-Copy-Link : Perl extension for replacing a link by a copy of the linked file
dev-perl / File-Copy-Recursive : uses File::Copy to recursively copy dirs
dev-perl / File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced : Recursive copying of files and directories within Perl 5 toolchain
dev-perl / File-DesktopEntry : Object to handle .desktop files
dev-perl / File-Find-Object : An object oriented File::Find replacement
dev-perl / File-Find-Object-Rule : Alternative interface to File::Find::Object
dev-perl / File-Find-Rule : Alternative interface to File::Find
dev-perl / File-Find-Rule-Perl : Common rules for searching for Perl things
dev-perl / File-Flat : Implements a flat filesystem
dev-perl / File-Flock : flock() wrapper. Auto-create locks
dev-perl / File-Grep : Find matches to a pattern in a series of files and related functions
dev-perl / File-HomeDir : Get home directory for self or other user
dev-perl / File-KeePass : Interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
dev-perl / File-LibMagic : Perl wrapper for libmagic
dev-perl / File-Listing : Parse directory listings
dev-perl / File-MMagic : The Perl Image-Info Module
dev-perl / File-Map : Memory mapping made simple and safe
dev-perl / File-MimeInfo : Determine file type
dev-perl / File-NCopy : Copy file, file Copy file[s] | dir[s], dir
dev-perl / File-NFSLock : perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
dev-perl / File-Next : An iterator-based module for finding files
dev-perl / File-Path-Expand : Expand filenames
dev-perl / File-Pid : Pid File Manipulation
dev-perl / File-ReadBackwards : Read a file backwards by lines
dev-perl / File-Remove : Remove files and directories
dev-perl / File-RsyncP : An rsync perl module
dev-perl / File-Scan-ClamAV : Connect to a local Clam Anti-Virus clamd service and send commands
dev-perl / File-SearchPath : Search for a file in an environment variable path
dev-perl / File-Share : Extend File::ShareDir to local libraries
dev-perl / File-ShareDir : Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
dev-perl / File-ShareDir-Install : Install shared files
dev-perl / File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir : Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root
dev-perl / File-Slurp : Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Complete Files
dev-perl / File-Slurp-Tiny : Simple, sane and efficient file slurper
dev-perl / File-Slurper : A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
dev-perl / File-Sort : Sort a file or merge sort multiple files
dev-perl / File-Spec-Native : Use native OS implementation of File::Spec from a subclass
dev-perl / File-Stat-Bits : File stat bit mask constants
dev-perl / File-Sync : Perl access to fsync() and sync() function calls
dev-perl / File-Tail : Perl extension for reading from continously updated files
dev-perl / File-Tempdir : Provides an object interface to tempdir() from File::Temp
dev-perl / File-TreeCreate : Recursively create a directory tree
dev-perl / File-Type : Determine file type using magic
dev-perl / File-Which : Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
dev-perl / File-chdir : An alternative to File::Spec and CWD
dev-perl / File-chmod : Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
dev-perl / File-pushd : Change directory temporarily for a limited scope
dev-perl / FileHandle-Unget : A FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
dev-perl / Filesys-Df : Disk free based on Filesys::Statvfs
dev-perl / Filesys-DiskSpace : Disk space information
dev-perl / Filesys-Notify-Simple : Simple and dumb file system watcher
dev-perl / Filesys-SmbClient : Provide Perl API for
dev-perl / Filesys-Statvfs : Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
dev-perl / Filter : Interface for creation of Perl Filters
dev-perl / Finance-Quote : Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
dev-perl / Finance-YahooQuote : Get stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
dev-perl / Font-AFM : Parse Adobe Font Metric files
dev-perl / Font-TTF : Module for compiling and altering fonts
dev-perl / Format-Human-Bytes : Format a bytecount and make it human readable
dev-perl / FreezeThaw : Convert Perl structures to strings and back
dev-perl / Frontier-RPC : Perform remote procedure calls using extensible markup language
dev-perl / Fuse : Fuse module for perl
dev-perl / Future : Represent an operation awaiting completion
dev-perl / Future-IO : Future-returning IO methods
dev-perl / GD : Interface to Thomas Boutell's gd library
dev-perl / GD-Barcode : Create barcode images with GD
dev-perl / GD-Graph3d : Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::Graph
dev-perl / GD-SVG : Seamlessly enable SVG output from scripts written using GD
dev-perl / GDGraph : Perl5 module to create charts using the GD module
dev-perl / GDTextUtil : Text utilities for use with GD
dev-perl / GSSAPI : Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
dev-perl / Gearman : Gearman distributed job system, client and worker libraries
dev-perl / Gearman-Client-Async : Asynchronous client module for Gearman for Danga::Socket applications
dev-perl / Gearman-Server : Gearman distributed job system - worker/client connector
dev-perl / Gentoo-PerlMod-Version : Convert arbitrary Perl Modules' versions into normalised Gentoo versions
dev-perl / Geo-IP : Look up country by IP Address
dev-perl / GeoIP2 : API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
dev-perl / Geography-Countries : 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
dev-perl / Getopt-ArgvFile : This module is a simple supplement to other option handling modules
dev-perl / Getopt-GUI-Long : Auto-GUI extending Getopt::Long
dev-perl / Getopt-Long-Descriptive : Getopt::Long with usage text
dev-perl / Getopt-Mixed : Getopt::Mixed is used for parsing mixed options
dev-perl / Getopt-Tabular : Table-driven argument parsing with help text
dev-perl / Git-Wrapper : Wrap git(7) command-line interface
dev-perl / Glib-Object-Introspection : Dynamically create Perl language bindings
dev-perl / GnuPG-Interface : Perl interface to GnuPG
dev-perl / GooCanvas2 : Perl binding for GooCanvas2 widget using Glib::Object::Introspection
dev-perl / GooCanvas2-CairoTypes : Bridge between GooCanvas2 and Cairo types
dev-perl / Google-Ads-AdWords-Client : Google AdWords API Perl Client Library
dev-perl / Graph : Data structure and ops for directed graphs
dev-perl / Graph-Easy : Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
dev-perl / GraphViz : Interface to AT&T's GraphViz
dev-perl / GraphViz2 : A wrapper for AT&T's GraphViz
dev-perl / Graphics-ColorNames : Defines RGB values for common color names
dev-perl / Graphics-ColorNames-HTML : HTML color names and equivalent RGB values
dev-perl / Graphics-ColorNames-WWW : WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
dev-perl / Graphics-ColorObject : Convert between color spaces
dev-perl / Growl-GNTP : Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol (Client Part)
dev-perl / Gtk2 : Perl bindings for GTK2
dev-perl / Gtk3 : Perl interface to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit
dev-perl / Gtk3-ImageView : Image viewer widget for Gtk3
dev-perl / Gtk3-SimpleList : Simple interface to GTK+ 3's complex MVC list widget
dev-perl / Guard : Safe cleanup blocks
dev-perl / HTML-Clean : Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
dev-perl / HTML-Element-Extended : Extension for manipulating a table composed of HTML::Element style components
dev-perl / HTML-FillInForm : Populates HTML Forms with data
dev-perl / HTML-Form : Class that represents an HTML form element
dev-perl / HTML-FormatExternal : HTML to text formatting using external programs
dev-perl / HTML-FormatText-WithLinks : HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
dev-perl / HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables : Converts HTML to text with tables intact
dev-perl / HTML-Formatter : Base class for HTML Formatters
dev-perl / HTML-FromText : Convert plain text to HTML
dev-perl / HTML-Gumbo : HTML5 parser based on gumbo C library
dev-perl / HTML-HTMLDoc : Perl interface to the htmldoc program for producing PDF-Files from HTML-Content
dev-perl / HTML-Highlight : A module to highlight words or patterns in HTML documents
dev-perl / HTML-LinkExtractor : Bare-bone HTML parser, similar to HTML::Parser
dev-perl / HTML-Mason : A HTML development and delivery Perl Module
dev-perl / HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler : PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
dev-perl / HTML-Object : A HTML development and delivery Perl Module
dev-perl / HTML-Packer : Another HTML code cleaner
dev-perl / HTML-Parser : Parse HTML documents
dev-perl / HTML-Quoted : Extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
dev-perl / HTML-RewriteAttributes : Perl module for concise attribute rewriting
dev-perl / HTML-Scrubber : Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
dev-perl / HTML-Selector-XPath : CSS Selector to XPath compiler
dev-perl / HTML-SimpleParse : Bare-bones HTML parser, similar to HTML::Parser
dev-perl / HTML-Strip : Extension for stripping HTML markup from text
dev-perl / HTML-StripScripts : Strip scripting constructs out of HTML
dev-perl / HTML-StripScripts-Parser : XSS filter using HTML::Parser
dev-perl / HTML-Table : produces HTML tables
dev-perl / HTML-TableContentParser : Do interesting things with the contents of tables
dev-perl / HTML-TableExtract : The Perl Table-Extract Module
dev-perl / HTML-TableParser : Extract data from an HTML table
dev-perl / HTML-TagFilter : A fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator
dev-perl / HTML-Tagset : Data tables useful in parsing HTML
dev-perl / HTML-Template : Perl module to use HTML Templates
dev-perl / HTML-Template-Expr : HTML::Template extension adding expression support
dev-perl / HTML-Template-JIT : Just-in-time compiler for HTML::Template
dev-perl / HTML-Template-Pro : Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
dev-perl / HTML-TokeParser-Simple : Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface
dev-perl / HTML-Tree : Library to manage HTML-Tree in PERL
dev-perl / HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath : add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
dev-perl / HTTP-Body : HTTP Body Parser
dev-perl / HTTP-BrowserDetect : Determine Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
dev-perl / HTTP-Cache-Transparent : Cache the result of http get-requests persistently
dev-perl / HTTP-CookieJar : Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
dev-perl / HTTP-Cookies : Storage of cookies
dev-perl / HTTP-DAV : A WebDAV client library for Perl5
dev-perl / HTTP-Daemon : Base class for simple HTTP servers
dev-perl / HTTP-Daemon-SSL : A simple http server class with SSL support
dev-perl / HTTP-Date : Date conversion for HTTP date formats
dev-perl / HTTP-Entity-Parser : PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
dev-perl / HTTP-Exception : throw HTTP-Errors as (Exception::Class-) Exceptions
dev-perl / HTTP-Headers-ActionPack : HTTP Action, Adventure and Excitement
dev-perl / HTTP-Headers-Fast : Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
dev-perl / HTTP-Message : Base class for Request/Response
dev-perl / HTTP-MultiPartParser : Low Level MultiPart MIME HTTP parser
dev-perl / HTTP-Negotiate : HTTP content negotiation
dev-perl / HTTP-Request-AsCGI : Set up a CGI environment from an HTTP::Request
dev-perl / HTTP-Response-Encoding : Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response
dev-perl / HTTP-Server-Simple : Lightweight HTTP Server
dev-perl / HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason : An abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
dev-perl / HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI : PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
dev-perl / HTTP-Server-Simple-Static : Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
dev-perl / HTTP-Simple : Simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny
dev-perl / Hash-FieldHash : Lightweight field hash for inside-out objects
dev-perl / Hash-Merge : Merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash
dev-perl / Hash-Merge-Simple : Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
dev-perl / Hash-MoreUtils : Provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util
dev-perl / Hash-MultiValue : Store multiple values per key
dev-perl / Hash-NoRef : Hash to store values without increasing reference count (weak references)
dev-perl / Hash-Ordered : Fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class
dev-perl / Hash-SafeKeys : Get hash contents without resetting each iterator
dev-perl / Heap : Perl extensions for keeping data partially sorted
dev-perl / Hook-LexWrap : Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
dev-perl / IMAP-Admin : Perl module for basic IMAP server administration
dev-perl / IMAP-BodyStructure : IMAP4-compatible BODYSTRUCTURE and ENVELOPE parser
dev-perl / IO-AIO : Asynchronous Input/Output
dev-perl / IO-All : Unified IO operations
dev-perl / IO-Async : Asynchronous event-driven programming
dev-perl / IO-BufferedSelect : Perl module that implements a line-buffered select interface
dev-perl / IO-Capture : Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output
dev-perl / IO-CaptureOutput : Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
dev-perl / IO-Compress-Brotli : Read/write Brotli buffers/streams
dev-perl / IO-Digest : IO::Digest - Calculate digests while reading or writing
dev-perl / IO-Event : Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks
dev-perl / IO-HTML : Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
dev-perl / IO-Handle-Util : Functions for working with IO::Handle like objects
dev-perl / IO-Interactive : Utilities for interactive I/O
dev-perl / IO-Interface : Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
dev-perl / IO-LockedFile : Supply object methods for locking files
dev-perl / IO-Multiplex : Manage IO on many file handles
dev-perl / IO-Pager : Select a pager, optionally pipe it output if destination is a TTY
dev-perl / IO-Pipely : Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another
dev-perl / IO-Prompt : Interactively prompt for user input
dev-perl / IO-SessionData : Session data support module for SOAP::Lite
dev-perl / IO-Socket-INET6 : Work with IO sockets in IPv6
dev-perl / IO-Socket-Multicast : Send and receive multicast messages
dev-perl / IO-Socket-PortState : Perl extension for checking the open or closed status of a port
dev-perl / IO-Socket-SSL : Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET
dev-perl / IO-Socket-Timeout : IO::Socket with read/write timeout
dev-perl / IO-String : IO::File interface for in-core strings
dev-perl / IO-Stty : Change and print terminal line settings
dev-perl / IO-Tee : Multiplex output to multiple output handles
dev-perl / IO-TieCombine : produce tied (and other) separate but combined variables
dev-perl / IO-Tty : IO::Tty and IO::Pty modules for Perl
dev-perl / IO-Util : A selection of general-utility IO function
dev-perl / IO-stringy : I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
dev-perl / IP-Anonymous : Perl port of Crypto-PAn to provide anonymous IP addresses
dev-perl / IP-Country : Lookup country from IP address or hostname
dev-perl / IP-Country-DB_File : Build an IP address to country code database
dev-perl / IPC-Run : system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys
dev-perl / IPC-Run3 : Run a subprocess in batch mode (a la system)
dev-perl / IPC-ShareLite : IPC::ShareLite module for perl
dev-perl / IPC-Shareable : Share Perl variables between processes
dev-perl / IPC-Signal : Translate signal names to/from numbers
dev-perl / IPC-System-Simple : Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
dev-perl / Ima-DBI : Add contextual fetches to DBI
dev-perl / Image-Imlib2 : Interface to the Imlib2 image library
dev-perl / Image-Info : The Perl Image-Info Module
dev-perl / Image-Sane : Access SANE-compatible scanners from Perl
dev-perl / Image-Scale : Fast, high-quality fixed-point image resizing
dev-perl / Image-Size : Library to extract height/width from images
dev-perl / Import-Into : Import packages into other packages
dev-perl / Importer : Alternative interface to modules that export symbols
dev-perl / Inline : Write Perl subroutines in other languages
dev-perl / Inline-C : C Language Support for Inline
dev-perl / Inline-Files : Multiple virtual files in a single file
dev-perl / JSON : JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
dev-perl / JSON-Any : Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes (DEPRECATED)
dev-perl / JSON-MaybeXS : Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP
dev-perl / JSON-Parse : Read JSON into a Perl Variable
dev-perl / JSON-RPC : JSON RPC 2.0 Server Implementation
dev-perl / JSON-XS : JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
dev-perl / JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo : Support versions 1 and 2 of JSON::XS
dev-perl / JavaScript-Minifier : Perl extension for minifying JavaScript code
dev-perl / JavaScript-Minifier-XS : XS based JavaScript minifier
dev-perl / JavaScript-Packer : Perl version of Dean Edward's Packer.js
dev-perl / Jcode : Japanese transcoding module for Perl
dev-perl / LWP-Authen-Wsse : Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
dev-perl / LWP-MediaTypes : Media types and mailcap processing
dev-perl / LWP-Online : Does your process have access to the web
dev-perl / LWP-Protocol-http10 : Legacy HTTP/1.0 support for LWP
dev-perl / LWP-Protocol-https : Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
dev-perl / LWP-UserAgent-Cached : LWP::UserAgent with simple caching mechanism
dev-perl / LWP-UserAgent-Determined : A virtual browser that retries errors
dev-perl / LWPx-ParanoidAgent : Subclass of LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
dev-perl / LaTeX-Driver : Perl encapsulation of invoking the Latex programs
dev-perl / LaTeX-Encode : Encode characters for LaTeX formatting
dev-perl / LaTeX-Table : Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables
dev-perl / Lab-Measurement : Measurement control and automation with Perl
dev-perl / Lab-VXI11 : Perl interface to the VXI-11 Test&Measurement backend
dev-perl / Lab-Zhinst : Perl bindings to the LabOne API of Zurich Instruments
dev-perl / Lchown : Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl
dev-perl / Lexical-Persistence : Bind lexicals to persistent data
dev-perl / Lexical-SealRequireHints : Prevent leakage of lexical hints
dev-perl / Lingua-EN-Inflect : Perl module to pluralize English words
dev-perl / Lingua-EN-NameCase : Correctly case a person's name from UPERCASE or lowcase
dev-perl / Lingua-EN-NameParse : Routines for manipulating a person's name
dev-perl / Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate : Convert cardinal numbers(3) to ordinal numbers(3rd)
dev-perl / Lingua-PT-Stemmer : Portuguese language stemming
dev-perl / Lingua-Preferred : Pick a language based on user's preferences
dev-perl / Lingua-Stem : Stemming of words
dev-perl / Lingua-Stem-Fr : French Stemming
dev-perl / Lingua-Stem-It : Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian
dev-perl / Lingua-Stem-Ru : Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)
dev-perl / Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da : Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
dev-perl / Lingua-Translit : Transliterates text between writing systems
dev-perl / Linux-DesktopFiles : Perl module to get and parse the Linux .desktop files
dev-perl / Linux-Distribution : Perl extension to detect on which Linux distribution we are running
dev-perl / Linux-Inotify2 : scalable directory/file change notification
dev-perl / Linux-Pid : Interface to Linux getpp?id functions
dev-perl / Linux-PipeMagic : Perl extension to use the zero copy IO syscalls
dev-perl / Linux-Smaps : Perl interface to /proc/PID/smaps
dev-perl / Lirc-Client : Client library for the Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC)
dev-perl / List-AllUtils : Combines many List::* utility modules in one bite-sized package
dev-perl / List-MoreUtils : Provide the missing functionality from List::Util
dev-perl / List-MoreUtils-XS : Compiled List::MoreUtils functions
dev-perl / List-SomeUtils : Collection of List utilities missing from List::Util
dev-perl / List-SomeUtils-XS : XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
dev-perl / List-UtilsBy : Higher-order list utility functions
dev-perl / Locale-Codes : Distribution of Perl modules to handle locale codes
dev-perl / Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy : Maketext from already interpolated strings
dev-perl / Locale-Maketext-Lexicon : Use other catalog formats in Maketext
dev-perl / Locale-Msgfmt : Compile .po files to .mo files
dev-perl / Locale-PO : Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
dev-perl / Locale-gettext : A Perl module for accessing the GNU locale utilities
dev-perl / LockFile-Simple : File locking module for Perl
dev-perl / Log-Agent : General logging framework
dev-perl / Log-Any : Bringing loggers and listeners together
dev-perl / Log-Dispatch : Dispatches messages to one or more outputs
dev-perl / Log-Dispatch-Array : Log events to an array (reference)
dev-perl / Log-Dispatchouli : Simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch
dev-perl / Log-Log4perl : Log4j implementation for Perl
dev-perl / Log-Message : Powerful and flexible message logging mechanism
dev-perl / Log-Message-Simple : Simplified interface to Log::Message
dev-perl / Log-Report : Pluggable, multilingual handler driven problem reporting system
dev-perl / Log-Report-Optional : Lightweight implementation logger for Log::Report
dev-perl / Log-TraceMessages : Logging/debugging aid
dev-perl / MARC-Charset : Convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
dev-perl / MARC-File-XML : Work with MARC data encoded as XML
dev-perl / MARC-Record : Perl extension for handling MARC records
dev-perl / MCE : Many-Core Engine providing parallel processing capabilities
dev-perl / MD5 : The Perl MD5 Module
dev-perl / MIME-Base32 : Base32 encoder / decoder
dev-perl / MIME-Charset : Charset Informations for MIME
dev-perl / MIME-EncWords : Deal with RFC 2047 encoded words (improved)
dev-perl / MIME-Lite : Low-calorie MIME generator
dev-perl / MIME-Lite-HTML : Provide routine to transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
dev-perl / MIME-Types : Definition of MIME types
dev-perl / MIME-tools : A Perl module for parsing and creating MIME entities
dev-perl / MLDBM : Multidimensional/tied hash Perl Module
dev-perl / MLDBM-Sync : Safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
dev-perl / MP3-Info : A Perl module to manipulate/fetch info from MP3 files
dev-perl / MP3-Tag : Module for reading tags of MP3 Audio files
dev-perl / MP4-Info : Fetch info from MPEG-4 files (.mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .3gp)
dev-perl / MRO-Compat : Lets you build groups of accessors
dev-perl / Mail-Audit : Mail sorting/delivery module for Perl
dev-perl / Mail-AuthenticationResults : Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers
dev-perl / Mail-Box : Mail folder manager and MUA backend
dev-perl / Mail-Box-IMAP4 : Mail::Box connector via IMAP4
dev-perl / Mail-Box-POP3 : Mail::Box connector via POP3
dev-perl / Mail-Builder : Easily create plaintext/html e-mail messages with attachments and inline images
dev-perl / Mail-Builder-Simple : Send UTF-8 HTML and text email using templates
dev-perl / Mail-DKIM : Signs/verifies Internet mail using DKIM message signatures
dev-perl / Mail-DMARC : Perl implementation of DMARC
dev-perl / Mail-DomainKeys : A perl implementation of DomainKeys
dev-perl / Mail-IMAPClient : IMAP client module for Perl
dev-perl / Mail-ListDetector : Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
dev-perl / Mail-Mbox-MessageParser : A fast and simple mbox folder reader
dev-perl / Mail-Message : General Message Object for MIME Messsage Handling
dev-perl / Mail-POP3Client : POP3 client module for Perl
dev-perl / Mail-Procmail : Mail sorting/delivery module for Perl
dev-perl / Mail-SPF : An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
dev-perl / Mail-SRS : Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme
dev-perl / Mail-Sender : Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
dev-perl / Mail-Sendmail : Simple platform independent mailer
dev-perl / Mail-Transport : Base class for Email Message Exchange
dev-perl / MailTools : Manipulation of electronic mail addresses
dev-perl / Math-Base-Convert : Very fast base to base conversion
dev-perl / Math-Base36 : Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
dev-perl / Math-Bezier : Solution of Bezier Curves
dev-perl / Math-BigInt-GMP : Use the GMP library for Math::BigInt routines
dev-perl / Math-BigInt-Lite : What BigInts are before they become big
dev-perl / Math-CDF : Generate probabilities and quantiles from statistical functions
dev-perl / Math-Calc-Units : Human-readable unit-aware calculator
dev-perl / Math-Derivative : 1st and 2nd order differentiation of data
dev-perl / Math-FFT : Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
dev-perl / Math-Factor-XS : Factorize numbers and calculate matching multiplications
dev-perl / Math-GMP : High speed arbitrary size integer math
dev-perl / Math-Int128 : Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
dev-perl / Math-Int64 : Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
dev-perl / Math-Libm : wrapper to libm functions
dev-perl / Math-ModInt : modular integer arithmetic
dev-perl / Math-NumSeq : Number sequences (for example from OEIS)
dev-perl / Math-NumberCruncher : Collection of useful math-related functions
dev-perl / Math-Pari : Perl interface to PARI
dev-perl / Math-PlanePath : Mathematical paths through the 2-D plane
dev-perl / Math-Prime-XS : Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
dev-perl / Math-Random : Random Number Generators
dev-perl / Math-Random-ISAAC : Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
dev-perl / Math-Random-ISAAC-XS : C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
dev-perl / Math-Random-MT : The Mersenne Twister PRNG
dev-perl / Math-Random-Secure : Cryptographically-secure, cross-platform replacement for rand()
dev-perl / Math-Round : Perl extension for rounding numbers
dev-perl / Math-Spline : Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
dev-perl / Math-Utils : Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
dev-perl / Math-Vec : Vectors for perl
dev-perl / Math-VecStat : Some basic numeric stats on vectors
dev-perl / MaxMind-DB-Common : Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
dev-perl / MaxMind-DB-Reader : Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
dev-perl / MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS : Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
dev-perl / MediaWiki-API : A OO interface to the Mediawiki API
dev-perl / Memory-Process : Perl class to determine actual memory usage
dev-perl / Memory-Usage : Tools to determine actual memory usage
dev-perl / Metrics-Any : Set the Metrics::Any adapter for the program
dev-perl / Mixin-Linewise : Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
dev-perl / Mo : Perl Micro Object framework
dev-perl / Mock-Config : Temporarily set Config or XSConfig values
dev-perl / Mock-Sub : Mock package, object and standard subroutines, with unit testing in mind
dev-perl / Modem-Vgetty : Interface to voice modems using vgetty
dev-perl / Modern-Perl : Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
dev-perl / Module-Build : Build and install Perl modules
dev-perl / Module-Build-Tiny : Tiny replacement for Module::Build
dev-perl / Module-Build-WithXSpp : XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build
dev-perl / Module-Build-XSUtil : A Module::Build class for building XS modules
dev-perl / Module-CPANTS-Analyse : Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
dev-perl / Module-CPANfile : Parse cpanfile
dev-perl / Module-Compile : Perl Module Compilation
dev-perl / Module-Find : Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
dev-perl / Module-Implementation : Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
dev-perl / Module-Info : Information about Perl modules
dev-perl / Module-Install : Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
dev-perl / Module-Install-AuthorTests : Designate tests only run by module authors
dev-perl / Module-Locate : Locate modules in the same fashion as require and use
dev-perl / Module-Manifest : Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
dev-perl / Module-Path : Get the full path to a locally installed module
dev-perl / Module-Pluggable : Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
dev-perl / Module-Refresh : Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
dev-perl / Module-Runtime : Runtime module handling
dev-perl / Module-Runtime-Conflicts : Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
dev-perl / Module-ScanDeps : Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
dev-perl / Module-Signature : Module signature file manipulation
dev-perl / Module-Starter : A simple starter kit for any module
dev-perl / Module-Util : Module name tools and transformations
dev-perl / Module-Versions-Report : Report versions of all modules in memory
dev-perl / MogileFS-Client : Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system
dev-perl / MogileFS-Client-Async : MogileFS Client using AnyEvent non-blocking IO
dev-perl / MogileFS-Network : Network awareness and extensions for MogileFS::Server
dev-perl / MogileFS-Server : Server for the MogileFS distributed file system
dev-perl / MogileFS-Utils : Server for the MogileFS distributed file system
dev-perl / Mojolicious : Real-time web framework
dev-perl / Mon : A Monitor Perl Module
dev-perl / Monitoring-Plugin : Modules to streamline Nagios, Icinga, Shinken, etc. plugins
dev-perl / Moo : Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity)
dev-perl / MooX-HandlesVia : NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
dev-perl / MooX-StrictConstructor : Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
dev-perl / MooX-TypeTiny : Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
dev-perl / MooX-Types-MooseLike : Some Moosish types and a type builder
dev-perl / MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric : Moo types for numbers
dev-perl / MooX-late : Easily translate Moose code to Moo
dev-perl / Moose : Postmodern object system for Perl 5
dev-perl / Moose-Autobox : Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
dev-perl / MooseX-Aliases : Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-ClassAttribute : Declare class attributes Moose-style
dev-perl / MooseX-ConfigFromFile : An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
dev-perl / MooseX-FollowPBP : Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo(), whatever that may mean
dev-perl / MooseX-Getopt : Moose role for processing command line options
dev-perl / MooseX-GlobRef : Store a Moose object in glob reference
dev-perl / MooseX-Has-Sugar : Sugar Syntax for moose 'has' fields
dev-perl / MooseX-LazyRequire : Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
dev-perl / MooseX-MultiInitArg : Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments
dev-perl / MooseX-NonMoose : Easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
dev-perl / MooseX-Object-Pluggable : Make your classes pluggable
dev-perl / MooseX-OneArgNew : Teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
dev-perl / MooseX-Params-Validate : An extension of Params::Validate using Moose types
dev-perl / MooseX-Role-Parameterized : Roles with composition parameters
dev-perl / MooseX-Role-WithOverloading : Roles which support overloading (DEPRECATED)
dev-perl / MooseX-SetOnce : Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-SimpleConfig : A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
dev-perl / MooseX-StrictConstructor : Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
dev-perl / MooseX-Types : Organise your Moose types in libraries
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-DateTime : DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions : Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-JSON : JSON datatype for Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-Path-Class : A Path::Class type library for Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny : Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-Perl : Moose types that check against Perl syntax
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-Stringlike : Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects
dev-perl / MooseX-Types-URI : URI related types and coercions for Moose
dev-perl / Mouse : Moose minus the antlers
dev-perl / MouseX-NativeTraits : Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
dev-perl / MouseX-Types : Organize your Mouse types in libraries
dev-perl / Mozilla-CA : Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format (Gentoo stub)
dev-perl / Mozilla-PublicSuffix : Get a domain name's public suffix via the Mozilla Public Suffix List
dev-perl / MusicBrainz-DiscID : Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
dev-perl / Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ : interact with RabbitMQ over AMQP using librabbitmq
dev-perl / Net-ARP : Perl extension for creating ARP packets
dev-perl / Net-Amazon : Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
dev-perl / Net-Amazon-S3 : Framework for accessing the Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service
dev-perl / Net-Bonjour : Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour)
dev-perl / Net-CIDR : Manipulate netblock lists in CIDR notation
dev-perl / Net-CIDR-Lite : Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
dev-perl / Net-CUPS : CUPS C API Interface
dev-perl / Net-DBus : Perl extension for the DBus message system
dev-perl / Net-DNS : Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
dev-perl / Net-DNS-Async : Asynchronous DNS helper for high volume applications
dev-perl / Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock : Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
dev-perl / Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable : programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
dev-perl / Net-DNS-SEC : DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS
dev-perl / Net-Daemon : Perl extension for portable daemons
dev-perl / Net-Domain-TLD : Current top level domain names including new ICANN additions and ccTLDs
dev-perl / Net-FreeDB : OOP interface to the FreeDB database
dev-perl / Net-Google-SafeBrowsing-Blocklist : Query a Google SafeBrowsing table
dev-perl / Net-HTTP : Low-level HTTP connection (client)
dev-perl / Net-IDN-Encode : Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
dev-perl / Net-IMAP-Simple : Perl extension for simple IMAP account handling
dev-perl / Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL : SSL support for Net::IMAP::Simple
dev-perl / Net-IP : Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
dev-perl / Net-IP-Minimal : Minimal functions from Net::IP
dev-perl / Net-IPv4Addr : Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
dev-perl / Net-IRC : Perl IRC module
dev-perl / Net-IRR : Internet Route Registry daemon (IRRd) client
dev-perl / Net-Ident : Lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
dev-perl / Net-Jabber : Jabber Perl library
dev-perl / Net-LDAP-Server : LDAP server side protocol handling
dev-perl / Net-LDAPapi : Perl5 Module Supporting LDAP API
dev-perl / Net-LibIDN : Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
dev-perl / Net-LibIDN2 : Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2
dev-perl / Net-Netmask : Parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
dev-perl / Net-OAuth : OAuth protocol support
dev-perl / Net-OpenID-Common : Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server
dev-perl / Net-OpenID-Consumer : Library for consumers of OpenID identities
dev-perl / Net-OpenSSH : Net::OpenSSH, Perl wrapper for OpenSSH secure shell client
dev-perl / Net-Patricia : Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
dev-perl / Net-Pcap : Interface to the pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
dev-perl / Net-PcapUtils : Utility routines for use with Net::Pcap
dev-perl / Net-RBLClient : Queries multiple Realtime Blackhole Lists in parallel
dev-perl / Net-RFC3161-Timestamp : Utility functions to request RFC3161 timestamps
dev-perl / Net-RawIP : Raw IP packets manipulation Module
dev-perl / Net-SFTP : Secure File Transfer Protocol client
dev-perl / Net-SFTP-Foreign : SSH File Transfer Protocol client
dev-perl / Net-SMTP-SSL : (Deprecated) SSL support for Net::SMTP
dev-perl / Net-SMTP-TLS : A SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
dev-perl / Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained : An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
dev-perl / Net-SMTPS : SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
dev-perl / Net-SNMP : A SNMP Perl Module
dev-perl / Net-SNPP : libnet SNPP component
dev-perl / Net-SSH-Any : Use any SSH module
dev-perl / Net-SSH-AuthorizedKeysFile : Read and modify ssh's authorized_keys files
dev-perl / Net-SSH-Perl : Perl client Interface to SSH
dev-perl / Net-SSH2 : Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
dev-perl / Net-SSLeay : Perl extension for using OpenSSL
dev-perl / Net-Server : Extensible, general Perl server engine
dev-perl / Net-Server-Coro : A co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
dev-perl / Net-Server-Mail : Class to easily create a mail server
dev-perl / Net-Subnet : Fast IP-in-subnet matcher for IPv4 and IPv6, CIDR or mask
dev-perl / Net-Telnet : interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports in Perl
dev-perl / Net-Telnet-Cisco : Automate telnet sessions w/ routers&switches
dev-perl / Net-Trackback : Object-oriented interface for developing Trackback clients and servers
dev-perl / Net-UPnP : Perl extension for UPnP
dev-perl / Net-Whois-IP : Perl extension for looking up the whois information for ip addresses
dev-perl / Net-Works : Sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
dev-perl / Net-XMPP : XMPP Perl Library
dev-perl / Net-Z3950-ZOOM : Perl extension for invoking the ZOOM-C API
dev-perl / NetAddr-IP : Manipulation and operations on IP addresses
dev-perl / NetPacket : Assemble / disassemble network packets at the protocol level
dev-perl / News-Newsrc : Manage newsrc files
dev-perl / Nmap-Parser : Parse nmap scan data with perl
dev-perl / Number-Bytes-Human : Convert byte count to human readable format
dev-perl / Number-Compare : Numeric comparisons
dev-perl / Number-Format : Package for formatting numbers for display
dev-perl / Number-Fraction : Perl extension to model fractions
dev-perl / Number-WithError : Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
dev-perl / OLE-StorageLite : Simple Class for OLE document interface
dev-perl / OOTools : Pragma to implement lvalue accessors with options
dev-perl / ORLite : Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
dev-perl / ORLite-Migrate : Extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
dev-perl / Object-Enum : Replacement for if ($foo eq 'bar')
dev-perl / Object-Event : A class that provides an event callback interface
dev-perl / Object-MultiType : Perl Objects as Hash, Array, Scalar, Code and Glob at the same time
dev-perl / Object-Pad : Simple syntax for lexical field-based objects
dev-perl / Object-Realize-Later : Delayed creation of objects
dev-perl / Ogg-Vorbis-Header : An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields
dev-perl / Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl : Object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment fields
dev-perl / Olson-Abbreviations : Globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
dev-perl / OpenGL : Perl interface providing graphics display using OpenGL
dev-perl / OpenGL-GLUT : Perl bindings to GLUT/FreeGLUT GUI toolkit
dev-perl / PAR : Perl Archive Toolkit
dev-perl / PAR-Dist : Create and manipulate PAR distributions
dev-perl / PBKDF2-Tiny : Minimalist PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) with HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA2
dev-perl / PBS-Client : Perl interface to submit jobs to PBS (Portable Batch System)
dev-perl / PDF-API2 : Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
dev-perl / PDF-Builder : Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
dev-perl / PDF-Create : Create PDF documents in Perl
dev-perl / PDL : Perl Data Language for scientific computing
dev-perl / PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot : Gnuplot-based plotting for PDL
dev-perl / PDL-IO-CSV : Load/save PDL from/to CSV file (optimized for speed and large data)
dev-perl / PDL-Transform-Color : Useful color system conversions for PDL
dev-perl / PGPLOT : Allow subroutines in the PGPLOT graphics library to be called from Perl
dev-perl / PHP-Serialization : Convert PHP's serialize() into the equivalent Perl structure, and vice versa
dev-perl / POE : Framework for creating multitasking programs in Perl
dev-perl / POE-Component-Client-DNS : Non-blocking, parallel DNS client
dev-perl / POE-Component-Client-Keepalive : Manage connections, with keep-alive
dev-perl / POE-Component-IKC : Inter-Kernel Communication for POE
dev-perl / POE-Component-PreforkDispatch : Preforking task dispatcher
dev-perl / POE-Component-Resolver : A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
dev-perl / POE-Test-Loops : Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
dev-perl / POE-XS-Loop-EPoll : An XS implementation of POE::Loop, using Linux epoll(2)
dev-perl / POE-XS-Loop-Poll : An XS implementation of POE::Loop, using poll(2)
dev-perl / POE-XS-Queue-Array : An XS implementation of POE::Queue::Array
dev-perl / POSIX-strftime-Compiler : GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
dev-perl / PPI : Parse, Analyze, and Manipulate Perl (without perl)
dev-perl / PPI-HTML : Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
dev-perl / PPI-PowerToys : A handy collection of small PPI-based utilities
dev-perl / PPIx-EditorTools : Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
dev-perl / PPIx-QuoteLike : Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
dev-perl / PPIx-Regexp : Represent a regular expression of some sort
dev-perl / PPIx-Utilities : Extensions to PPI
dev-perl / PPIx-Utils : Utility functions for PPI
dev-perl / Package-Constants : List all constants declared in a package
dev-perl / Package-DeprecationManager : Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
dev-perl / Package-Stash : Routines for manipulating stashes
dev-perl / Package-Stash-XS : Faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
dev-perl / Package-Variant : Parameterizable packages
dev-perl / PadWalker : play with other peoples' lexical variables
dev-perl / Palm : Read & write Palm OS databases (both PDB and PRC)
dev-perl / Palm-PDB : Parse Palm database files
dev-perl / Pango : Layout and render international text
dev-perl / Panotools-Script : A perl module for reading, writing, and manipulating hugin script files
dev-perl / ParaDNS : a DNS lookup class for the Danga::Socket framework
dev-perl / Parallel-ForkManager : A simple parallel processing fork manager
dev-perl / Parallel-Iterator : Simple parallel execution
dev-perl / Parallel-Prefork : A simple prefork server framework
dev-perl / Params-Classify : Argument type classification
dev-perl / Params-Util : Utility functions to aid in parameter checking
dev-perl / Params-Validate : Flexible system for validation of method/function call parameters
dev-perl / Params-ValidationCompiler : Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
dev-perl / Parse-Distname : Parse a distribution name
dev-perl / Parse-ErrorString-Perl : Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
dev-perl / Parse-ExuberantCTags : Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
dev-perl / Parse-RecDescent : Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers
dev-perl / Parse-Syslog : Parse::Syslog - Parse Unix syslog files
dev-perl / Parse-Yapp : Compiles yacc-like LALR grammars to generate Perl OO parser modules
dev-perl / Passwd-Linux : Perl module for manipulating the passwd and shadow files
dev-perl / Passwd-Unix : Access to standard unix passwd files
dev-perl / PatchReader : Module for reading diff-compatible patch files
dev-perl / Path-Class : Cross-platform path specification manipulation
dev-perl / Path-Dispatcher : Flexible and extensible dispatch
dev-perl / Path-FindDev : Find a development path somewhere in an upper hierarchy
dev-perl / Path-IsDev : Determine if a given Path resembles a development source tree
dev-perl / Path-Iterator-Rule : Iterative, recursive file finder
dev-perl / Path-Tiny : File path utility
dev-perl / Pegex : Acmeist PEG Parser Framework
dev-perl / Perl-Critic : Critique Perl source code for best-practices
dev-perl / Perl-Critic-Deprecated : Perl::Critic policies which have been superseded by others
dev-perl / Perl-Critic-Dynamic : Base class for dynamic Policies
dev-perl / Perl-Critic-Nits : policies of nits I like to pick
dev-perl / Perl-Critic-Policy-Dynamic-NoIndirect : Perl::Critic policy against indirect method calls
dev-perl / Perl-LanguageServer : Language Server and Debug Protocol Adapter for Perl
dev-perl / Perl-MinimumVersion : Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
dev-perl / Perl-PrereqScanner : Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
dev-perl / Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite : Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
dev-perl / Perl-Strip : reduce file size by stripping whitespace, comments, pod etc
dev-perl / Perl-Tags : Generate (possibly exuberant) Ctags style tags for Perl sourcecode
dev-perl / Perl-Tidy : Perl script indenter and beautifier
dev-perl / Perl-Unsafe-Signals : Allow unsafe handling of signals in selected blocks
dev-perl / Perl-Version : Parse and manipulate Perl version strings
dev-perl / Perl6-Junction : Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
dev-perl / PerlIO-Layers : Querying your filehandle's capabilities
dev-perl / PerlIO-eol : PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
dev-perl / PerlIO-gzip : PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
dev-perl / PerlIO-utf8_strict : Fast and correct UTF-8 IO
dev-perl / PerlIO-via-Timeout : PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle
dev-perl / PerlIO-via-dynamic : Dynamic PerlIO layers
dev-perl / Perlbal : Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
dev-perl / PlRPC : The Perl RPC Module
dev-perl / Plack : Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (PSGI toolkit)
dev-perl / Plucene : Plucene - the Perl lucene port
dev-perl / Pod-Abstract : Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
dev-perl / Pod-Coverage : Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
dev-perl / Pod-Elemental : Work with nestable Pod elements
dev-perl / Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger : Thing that takes a string of Perl and rewrites its documentation
dev-perl / Pod-Eventual : read a POD document as a series of trivial events
dev-perl / Pod-LaTeX : Convert Pod data to formatted LaTeX
dev-perl / Pod-Markdown : Convert POD to Markdown
dev-perl / Pod-Markdown-Github : Convert POD to Github's specific markdown
dev-perl / Pod-POM : POD Object Model
dev-perl / Pod-POM-View-Restructured : View for Pod::POM that outputs reStructuredText
dev-perl / Pod-Parser : POD filters and translators
dev-perl / Pod-Readme : Intelligently generate a README file from POD
dev-perl / Pod-Simple-LaTeX : format Pod as LaTeX
dev-perl / Pod-Spell : A formatter for spellchecking Pod
dev-perl / Pod-Strip : Remove POD from Perl code
dev-perl / Pod-Tests : Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
dev-perl / Pod-Weaver : Weave together a Pod document from an outline
dev-perl / PostScript : An object that may be used to construct a block of text in PostScript
dev-perl / PostScript-Simple : Allows you to have a simple method of writing PostScript files from Perl
dev-perl / Probe-Perl : Information about the currently running perl
dev-perl / Proc-Background : Generic interface to background process management
dev-perl / Proc-Daemon : Run Perl program as a daemon process
dev-perl / Proc-Guard : process runner with RAII pattern
dev-perl / Proc-ProcessTable : Unix process table information
dev-perl / Proc-Simple : Launch and control background processes
dev-perl / Proc-Wait3 : Perl extension for wait3 system call
dev-perl / Proc-WaitStat : Interpret and act on wait() status values
dev-perl / Quota : Perl interface to file system quotas
dev-perl / REST-Client : A simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources
dev-perl / RPC-XML : An implementation of XML-RPC
dev-perl / RRD-Simple : Simple interface to create and store data in RRD files
dev-perl / RTF-Writer : RTF::Writer - for generating documents in Rich Text Format
dev-perl / Rcs : Perl bindings for Revision Control System
dev-perl / Readonly : Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
dev-perl / Readonly-XS : Companion module for, to speed up read-only scalar variables
dev-perl / Redis : Perl bindings for Redis database
dev-perl / RedisDB : Perl extension to access redis database
dev-perl / RedisDB-Parser : Redis protocol parser for RedisDB
dev-perl / Ref-Util : Utility functions for checking references
dev-perl / Ref-Util-XS : XS Implementation for Ref::Util
dev-perl / Regexp-Common : Provide commonly requested regular expressions
dev-perl / Regexp-Common-net-CIDR : Provides patterns for CIDR blocks
dev-perl / Regexp-IPv6 : Regular expression for IPv6 addresses
dev-perl / Regexp-RegGrp : Groups a regular expressions collection
dev-perl / Regexp-Shellish : Regexp::Shellish - Shell-like regular expressions
dev-perl / Regexp-Trie : builds trie-ized regexp
dev-perl / Regexp-Util : General purpose utilities for working with Regular Expressions
dev-perl / Return-Value : Polymorphic Return Values
dev-perl / Role-Basic : Just roles. Nothing else
dev-perl / Role-HasMessage : Thing with a message method
dev-perl / Role-Hooks : Role callbacks
dev-perl / Role-Identifiable : Thing with a list of tags
dev-perl / Role-Tiny : Roles: a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose
dev-perl / Roman : Perl module for conversion between Roman and Arabic numerals
dev-perl / Router-Simple : Simple HTTP router
dev-perl / SDL : Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) bindings for perl
dev-perl / SGMLSpm : Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
dev-perl / SNMP_Session : A SNMP Perl Module
dev-perl / SOAP-Lite : Lightweight interface to the SOAP protocol both on client and server side
dev-perl / SOAP-WSDL : SOAP with WSDL support
dev-perl / SQL-Abstract : Generate SQL from Perl data structures
dev-perl / SQL-Abstract-Classic : Generate SQL from Perl data structures with backwards/forwards compat
dev-perl / SQL-Abstract-Limit : Portable LIMIT emulation
dev-perl / SQL-Statement : Small SQL parser and engine
dev-perl / SQL-Translator : Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)
dev-perl / SRU : Search and Retrieval by URL
dev-perl / SUPER : control superclass method dispatch
dev-perl / SVG : Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents
dev-perl / SVG-Graph : Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
dev-perl / Safe-Hole : Exec subs in the original package from Safe
dev-perl / Safe-Isa : Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
dev-perl / Scalar-Properties : run-time properties on scalar variables
dev-perl / Scalar-Readonly : Functions for controlling whether any scalar variable is read-only
dev-perl / Schedule-At : OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command
dev-perl / Schedule-Cron-Events : Take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur
dev-perl / Scope-Guard : Lexically scoped resource management
dev-perl / Scope-Upper : Act on upper scopes
dev-perl / Search-Sitemap : Perl extension for managing Search Engine Sitemaps
dev-perl / Search-Xapian : Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
dev-perl / Sereal : Fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
dev-perl / Sereal-Decoder : Fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
dev-perl / Sereal-Encoder : Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
dev-perl / Server-Starter : A superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
dev-perl / Set-Crontab : Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
dev-perl / Set-Infinite : Sets of intervals
dev-perl / Set-IntSpan : Manages sets of integers
dev-perl / Set-Object : Set of objects and strings
dev-perl / Set-Scalar : Scalar set operations
dev-perl / Shell : Run shell commands transparently within perl
dev-perl / Shell-Command : Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands
dev-perl / Shell-Config-Generate : Portably generate config for any shell
dev-perl / Shell-EnvImporter : Import environment variable changes from external commands or shell scripts
dev-perl / Shell-Guess : Make an educated guess about the shell in use
dev-perl / ShipIt : Software Release Tool
dev-perl / Signal-Mask : Signal masks made easy
dev-perl / Snowball-Norwegian : Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian
dev-perl / Snowball-Swedish : Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish
dev-perl / Socket-GetAddrInfo : Address-family independent name resolving functions
dev-perl / Socket6 : IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
dev-perl / Software-License : Packages that provide templated software licenses
dev-perl / Sort-Key : sort objects by some (calculated) key
dev-perl / Sort-Key-IPv4 : Sort IP v4 addresses
dev-perl / Sort-Naturally : sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
dev-perl / Sort-Tree : Organize list of objects into parent/child order
dev-perl / Sort-Versions : A perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
dev-perl / Specio : Type constraints and coercions for Perl
dev-perl / Speech-Recognizer-SPX : Interface to Sphinx-II speech recognition
dev-perl / Sphinx-Config : Sphinx search engine configuration file read/modify/write
dev-perl / Sphinx-Search : Perl API client for Sphinx search engine
dev-perl / Spiffy : Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
dev-perl / Spreadsheet-ParseExcel : Read information from an Excel file
dev-perl / Spreadsheet-WriteExcel : Write cross-platform Excel binary file
dev-perl / Spreadsheet-XLSX : Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
dev-perl / Starlet : A simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
dev-perl / Stat-lsMode : Perl Stat-lsMode Module
dev-perl / Statistics-Basic : A collection of very basic statistics modules
dev-perl / Statistics-CaseResampling : Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
dev-perl / Statistics-ChiSquare : How well-distributed is your data?
dev-perl / Statistics-Descriptive : Module of basic descriptive statistical functions
dev-perl / Statistics-Descriptive-Discrete : Statistics-Descriptive-Discrete module
dev-perl / Statistics-Distributions : Perl module for calculating critical values
dev-perl / Statistics-TTest : module to compute the confidence interval
dev-perl / Stream-Buffered : Temporary buffer to save bytes
dev-perl / String-Approx : Perl extension for approximate string matching (fuzzy matching)
dev-perl / String-CRC32 : Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
dev-perl / String-Ediff : Produce common sub-string indices for two strings
dev-perl / String-Errf : Simple sprintf-like dialect
dev-perl / String-Escape : Backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc
dev-perl / String-Flogger : String munging for loggers
dev-perl / String-Format : sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions
dev-perl / String-Formatter : Build sprintf-like functions of your own
dev-perl / String-Print : Extensions to printf
dev-perl / String-Random : Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
dev-perl / String-RewritePrefix : Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
dev-perl / String-ShellQuote : Quote strings for passing through the shell
dev-perl / String-Tokenizer : A simple string tokenizer
dev-perl / String-Truncate : Module for when strings are too long to be displayed in...
dev-perl / String-Util : String processing utility functions
dev-perl / Struct-Compare : Recursive diff for perl structures
dev-perl / Struct-Dumb : Make simple lightweight record-like structures
dev-perl / Sub-Delete : Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines
dev-perl / Sub-Exporter : Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
dev-perl / Sub-Exporter-ForMethods : Helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
dev-perl / Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter : Export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors
dev-perl / Sub-Exporter-Progressive : Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
dev-perl / Sub-HandlesVia : Alternative handles_via implementation
dev-perl / Sub-Identify : Retrieve names of code references
dev-perl / Sub-Info : Tool for inspecting subroutines
dev-perl / Sub-Install : Install subroutines into packages easily
dev-perl / Sub-Name : (Re)name a sub
dev-perl / Sub-Override : Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
dev-perl / Sub-Quote : Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
dev-perl / Sub-Uplevel : Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
dev-perl / Switch : A switch statement for Perl
dev-perl / Symbol-Global-Name : Finds name and type of a global variable
dev-perl / Symbol-Util : Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation
dev-perl / Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Simple : Simple Syntax Highlight Engine
dev-perl / Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Simple-Perl : Experimental Perl code highlighting class
dev-perl / Syntax-Keyword-Junction : Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
dev-perl / Syntax-Keyword-Try : A try/catch/finally syntax for Perl
dev-perl / Sys-CPU : Access CPU info. number, etc on Win and UNIX
dev-perl / Sys-CpuLoad : A module to retrieve system load averages
dev-perl / Sys-Hostname-Long : Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
dev-perl / Sys-MemInfo : Memory informations
dev-perl / Sys-Mmap : Uses mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
dev-perl / Sys-SigAction : Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
dev-perl / Sys-Statistics-Linux : Collect linux system statistics
dev-perl / Sys-Syscall : Access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to
dev-perl / Sys-Virt : API for using the libvirt library from Perl
dev-perl / Sysadm-Install : Typical installation tasks for system administrators
dev-perl / TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP : Stream TAP from pgTAP test scripts
dev-perl / Taint-Runtime : Runtime enable taint checking
dev-perl / Taint-Util : Test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
dev-perl / Task-Weaken : Ensure that a platform has weaken support
dev-perl / TeX-Encode : Encode/decode Perl utf-8 strings into TeX
dev-perl / Template-DBI : DBI plugin for the Template Toolkit
dev-perl / Template-GD : GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
dev-perl / Template-Plugin-Cycle : Cyclically insert into a Template from a sequence of values
dev-perl / Template-Plugin-Latex : LaTeX support for the Template Toolkit
dev-perl / Template-Tiny : Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
dev-perl / Template-Toolkit : The Template Toolkit
dev-perl / Template-XML : XML plugins for the Template Toolkit
dev-perl / Term-ANSIScreen : Terminal control using ANSI escape sequences
dev-perl / Term-Encoding : Detect encoding of the current terminal
dev-perl / Term-ProgressBar : Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
dev-perl / Term-ProgressBar-Quiet : Provide a progress meter if run interactively
dev-perl / Term-ProgressBar-Simple : Simple progess bars
dev-perl / Term-ReadLine-Gnu : Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
dev-perl / Term-ReadLine-Perl : Quick implementation of readline utilities
dev-perl / Term-ReadLine-TTYtter : Quick implementation of readline utilities for ttytter
dev-perl / Term-ReadPassword : Asking the user for a password
dev-perl / Term-Screen : A simple Term::Cap based screen positioning module
dev-perl / Term-ScreenColor : A Term::Screen based screen positioning and coloring module
dev-perl / Term-Shell : A simple command-line shell framework
dev-perl / Term-ShellUI : A fully-featured shell-like command line environment
dev-perl / Term-UI : User interfaces via Term::ReadLine made easy
dev-perl / TermReadKey : Change terminal modes, and perform non-blocking reads
dev-perl / Test-Assert : Assertion methods for those who like JUnit
dev-perl / Test-Base : A Data Driven Testing Framework
dev-perl / Test-Bits : Provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
dev-perl / Test-CPAN-Meta : Validate your CPAN META.yml file
dev-perl / Test-CheckDeps : Check for presence of dependencies
dev-perl / Test-Class : Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
dev-perl / Test-ClassAPI : Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
dev-perl / Test-CleanNamespaces : Check for uncleaned imports
dev-perl / Test-Cmd : Module for portable testing of commands and scripts
dev-perl / Test-Command : Test routines for external commands
dev-perl / Test-Command-Simple : Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules
dev-perl / Test-Compile : Check whether Perl files compile correctly
dev-perl / Test-Deep : Extremely flexible deep comparison testing
dev-perl / Test-Deep-JSON : Compare JSON with Test::Deep
dev-perl / Test-Dependencies : Ensure that your dependency listing is complete
dev-perl / Test-DiagINC : List modules and versions loaded if tests fail
dev-perl / Test-Differences : Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
dev-perl / Test-DistManifest : Author test that validates a package MANIFEST
dev-perl / Test-Distribution : perform tests on all modules of a distribution
dev-perl / Test-EOL : Check the correct line endings in your project
dev-perl / Test-Exception : Test functions for exception based code
dev-perl / Test-Expander : Expansion of test functionality that is frequently used while testing
dev-perl / Test-ExpectAndCheck : expect/check-style unit testing with object methods
dev-perl / Test-FailWarnings : Add test failures if warnings are caught
dev-perl / Test-Fatal : Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
dev-perl / Test-File : Test file attributes
dev-perl / Test-File-Contents : Test routines for examining the contents of files
dev-perl / Test-File-ShareDir : Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing
dev-perl / Test-Filename : Portable filename comparison
dev-perl / Test-Files : A Test::Builder based module to ease testing with files and dirs
dev-perl / Test-Fork : test code which forks
dev-perl / Test-Future-IO-Impl : Acceptance tests for Future::IO implementations
dev-perl / Test-HTTP-Server-Simple : Test::More functions for HTTP::Server::Simple
dev-perl / Test-InDistDir : Test environment setup for development with IDE
dev-perl / Test-Inline : Inline test suite support for Perl
dev-perl / Test-Inter : Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
dev-perl / Test-Kit : Build custom test packages with only the features you want
dev-perl / Test-Kwalitee : Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it
dev-perl / Test-LWP-UserAgent : A LWP::UserAgent suitable for simulating and testing network calls
dev-perl / Test-LeakTrace : Traces memory leaks
dev-perl / Test-LectroTest : Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
dev-perl / Test-LongString : A library to test long strings
dev-perl / Test-Manifest : Interact with a t/test_manifest file
dev-perl / Test-Memory-Cycle : Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
dev-perl / Test-Metrics-Any : Assert that code produces metrics via Metrics::Any
dev-perl / Test-MinimumVersion : does your code require newer perl than you think?
dev-perl / Test-Mock-LWP : Mocks LWP::UserAgent
dev-perl / Test-Mock-LWP-Dispatch : Mocks LWP::UserAgent and dispatches your requests/responses
dev-perl / Test-MockModule : Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
dev-perl / Test-MockObject : Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
dev-perl / Test-MockRandom : Replaces random number generation with non-random number generation
dev-perl / Test-MockTime : Replaces actual time with simulated time
dev-perl / Test-MockTime-HiRes : Replace actual time with simulated high resolution time
dev-perl / Test-More-UTF8 : Enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
dev-perl / Test-Most : Most commonly needed test functions and features
dev-perl / Test-Needs : Skip tests when modules not available
dev-perl / Test-NoTabs : Check the presence of tabs in your project
dev-perl / Test-NoWarnings : Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
dev-perl / Test-Number-Delta : Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
dev-perl / Test-Object : Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
dev-perl / Test-Output : Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
dev-perl / Test-Perl-Critic : Use Perl::Critic in test programs
dev-perl / Test-Pod : Check for POD errors in files
dev-perl / Test-Pod-Coverage : Check for pod coverage in your distribution
dev-perl / Test-Portability-Files : Check file names portability
dev-perl / Test-Refcount : Assert reference counts on objects
dev-perl / Test-Regexp : Provide commonly requested regular expressions
dev-perl / Test-Requires : Checks to see if the module can be loaded
dev-perl / Test-RequiresInternet : Easily test network connectivity
dev-perl / Test-Script : Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
dev-perl / Test-SharedFork : Ensure that tests work correctly when fork() is used
dev-perl / Test-Snapshot : Test against data stored in automatically-named file
dev-perl / Test-Spec : Write tests in a declarative specification style
dev-perl / Test-Strict : Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
dev-perl / Test-SubCalls : Track the number of times subs are called
dev-perl / Test-TCP : Testing TCP program
dev-perl / Test-Taint : Tools to test taintedness
dev-perl / Test-TempDir-Tiny : Temporary directories that stick around when tests fail
dev-perl / Test-Time : Overrides the time() and sleep() core functions for testing
dev-perl / Test-Timer : test module to test/assert response times
dev-perl / Test-TrailingSpace : Test for trailing space in source files
dev-perl / Test-Trap : Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc
dev-perl / Test-Unit-Lite : Unit testing without external dependencies
dev-perl / Test-UseAllModules : do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
dev-perl / Test-Version : Check to see that version's in modules are sane
dev-perl / Test-WWW-Mechanize : Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
dev-perl / Test-Warn : Perl extension to test methods for warnings
dev-perl / Test-Warnings : Test for warnings and the lack of them
dev-perl / Test-Without-Module : Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
dev-perl / Test-YAML : Testing Module for YAML Implementations
dev-perl / Test-utf8 : Handy utf8 tests
dev-perl / Test2-Plugin-IOEvents : Turn STDOUT and STDERR into Test2 events
dev-perl / Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings : Fail if tests warn
dev-perl / Test2-Tools-Explain : Explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework
dev-perl / Text-Aligner : Used to justify strings to various alignment styles
dev-perl / Text-Aspell : Perl interface to the GNU Aspell Library
dev-perl / Text-Autoformat : Automatic text wrapping and reformatting
dev-perl / Text-BibTeX : A Perl library for reading, parsing, and processing BibTeX files
dev-perl / Text-CSV : Manipulate comma-separated value strings
dev-perl / Text-CSV-Simple : Text::CSV::Simple - Simpler parsing of CSV files
dev-perl / Text-CSV_XS : Comma-separated values manipulation routines
dev-perl / Text-CharWidth : Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
dev-perl / Text-Diff : Perform diffs on files and record sets
dev-perl / Text-FindIndent : Heuristically determine the indent style
dev-perl / Text-Format : Various subroutines to format text
dev-perl / Text-German : German grundform reduction
dev-perl / Text-Glob : Match globbing patterns against text
dev-perl / Text-Iconv : A Perl interface to the iconv() codeset conversion function
dev-perl / Text-Kakasi : This module provides libkakasi interface for Perl
dev-perl / Text-Levenshtein : An implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
dev-perl / Text-LevenshteinXS : An XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
dev-perl / Text-Markdown : Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
dev-perl / Text-Netstring : Create and manipulate netstrings
dev-perl / Text-Password-Pronounceable : Generate pronounceable passwords
dev-perl / Text-Patch : Patches text with given patch
dev-perl / Text-Quoted : Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
dev-perl / Text-Reform : Manual text wrapping and reformatting
dev-perl / Text-Roman : Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarisms
dev-perl / Text-Shellwords : Parse text and return a set of tokens using the same rules as the Unix shell
dev-perl / Text-Soundex : Implementation of the soundex algorithm
dev-perl / Text-Table : Organize Data in Tables
dev-perl / Text-Template : Expand template text with embedded Perl
dev-perl / Text-Unidecode : Plain ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
dev-perl / Text-VimColor : Syntax highlighting using vim
dev-perl / Text-WikiFormat : Translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
dev-perl / Text-WordDiff : Track changes between documents
dev-perl / Text-WrapI18N : Internationalized substitute of Text::Wrap
dev-perl / Text-Wrapper : Word wrap text by breaking long lines
dev-perl / Text-vFile-asData : Perl module to parse vFile formatted files into data structures
dev-perl / TheSchwartz : Reliable job queue
dev-perl / Thread-SigMask : Thread specific signal masks
dev-perl / Throwable : A role for classes that can be thrown
dev-perl / Tie-Array-CSV : Tied array which combines the power of Tie::File and Text::CSV
dev-perl / Tie-Array-Sorted : An array which is kept sorted
dev-perl / Tie-CPHash : Case preserving but case insensitive hash table
dev-perl / Tie-Cache : In memory size limited LRU cache
dev-perl / Tie-Cache-LRU : A Least-Recently Used cache
dev-perl / Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires : Extends Tie::Cache::LRU with expiring
dev-perl / Tie-Cycle : Cycle through a list of values via a scalar
dev-perl / Tie-EncryptedHash : Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
dev-perl / Tie-Hash-Method : Tied hash with specific methods overriden by callbacks
dev-perl / Tie-IxHash : Ordered associative arrays for Perl
dev-perl / Tie-LLHash : Implements an ordered hash-like object
dev-perl / Tie-ShadowHash : Merge multiple data sources into a hash
dev-perl / Tie-Simple : Module for creating easier variable ties
dev-perl / Tie-StrictHash : A hash with strict-like semantics
dev-perl / Tie-Sub : Tying a subroutine, function or method to a hash
dev-perl / Tie-ToObject : Tie to an existing object
dev-perl / Time-Duration : Rounded or exact English expression of durations
dev-perl / Time-Duration-Parse : Parse string that represents time duration
dev-perl / Time-Format : Easy-to-use date/time formatting
dev-perl / Time-Moment : Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC
dev-perl / Time-Monotonic : A clock source that only increments and never jumps
dev-perl / Time-Out : Easily timeout long running operations
dev-perl / Time-ParseDate : A Date/Time Parsing Perl Module
dev-perl / Time-Period : Time period Perl module
dev-perl / Time-Piece-MySQL : MySQL-specific functions for Time::Piece
dev-perl / Time-Stopwatch : Use tied scalars as timers
dev-perl / Time-TAI64 : Time manipulation in the TAI64* formats
dev-perl / Time-TZOffset : Show timezone offset strings like +0900
dev-perl / TimeDate : A Date/Time Parsing Perl Module
dev-perl / Tk : A Perl Module for Tk
dev-perl / Tk-CursorControl : Manipulate the mouse cursor programmatically
dev-perl / Tk-JPEG-Lite : lite JPEG loader for Tk::Photo
dev-perl / Tk-TableMatrix : Create and manipulate tables in Perl + Tk
dev-perl / Tree-DAG_Node : (Super)class for representing nodes in a tree
dev-perl / Tree-Simple : A simple tree object
dev-perl / Try-Tiny : Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@
dev-perl / Type-Tiny : Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
dev-perl / Type-Tiny-XS : provides an XS boost for some of Type::Tiny's built-in type constraints
dev-perl / Types-Path-Tiny : Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose and Moo
dev-perl / Types-Serialiser : simple data types for common serialisation formats
dev-perl / UNIVERSAL-can : Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
dev-perl / UNIVERSAL-isa : Attempt to recover from people calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
dev-perl / UNIVERSAL-moniker : Adds a moniker to every class or module
dev-perl / UNIVERSAL-require : UNIVERSAL::require - require() modules from a variable
dev-perl / URI : Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
dev-perl / URI-Encode : Simple percent Encoding/Decoding
dev-perl / URI-Fetch : Smart URI fetching/caching
dev-perl / URI-Find : Find URIs in plain text
dev-perl / URI-FromHash : Build a URI from a set of named parameters
dev-perl / URI-cpan : URLs that refer to things on the CPAN
dev-perl / URI-redis : URI for Redis connection info
dev-perl / USB-LibUSB : Perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API
dev-perl / USB-TMC : Perl interface to the USB Test & Measurement (USBTMC) backend
dev-perl / UUID : Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in e2fsprogs
dev-perl / UUID-Tiny : Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
dev-perl / UltraDNS : Client API for the NeuStar UltraDNS Transaction Protocol
dev-perl / Unicode-EastAsianWidth : East Asian Width properties
dev-perl / Unicode-LineBreak : UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm
dev-perl / Unicode-Map : Map charsets from and to utf16 code
dev-perl / Unicode-Map8 : Convert between most 8bit encodings
dev-perl / Unicode-MapUTF8 : Conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
dev-perl / Unicode-String : String manipulation for Unicode strings
dev-perl / Unicode-Stringprep : Preparation of Internationalized Strings (RFC 3454)
dev-perl / Unicode-UTF8 : Encoding and decoding of UTF-8 encoding form
dev-perl / Unicode-UTF8simple : Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to charactersets
dev-perl / Unix-Getrusage : Perl interface to the Unix getrusage system call
dev-perl / Unix-Mknod : Perl extension for mknod, major, minor, and makedev
dev-perl / Unix-Syslog : A Perl module which provides access to the system logger
dev-perl / User-Identity : Maintains info about a physical person
dev-perl / VM-EC2 : Interface to Amazon EC2, VPC, ELB, Autoscaling, and Relational DB services
dev-perl / VM-EC2-Security-CredentialCache : Cache credentials respecting expiration time for IAM roles
dev-perl / Validate-Net : Format validation and more for Net:: related strings
dev-perl / Validate-Tiny : Minimalistic data validation
dev-perl / Variable-Magic : Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
dev-perl / Version-Next : Increment module version numbers simply and correctly
dev-perl / Video-Frequencies : Video Frequencies perl module, for use with ivtv-ptune
dev-perl / Video-Info : Perl extension for getting video info
dev-perl / Video-ivtv : Video::ivtv perl module, for use with ivtv-ptune
dev-perl / WWW-Curl : Perl extension interface for libcurl
dev-perl / WWW-Dict-Leo-Org : Commandline interface to
dev-perl / WWW-Form-UrlEncoded : parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
dev-perl / WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-XS : XS parsing/building of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
dev-perl / WWW-Mechanize : Handy web browsing in a Perl object
dev-perl / WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller : Framework to automate HTML forms
dev-perl / WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create : Paste on without API keys
dev-perl / WWW-RobotRules : Parse /robots.txt file
dev-perl / WWW-Shorten : Interface to URL shortening sites
dev-perl / Want : A generalisation of wantarray
dev-perl / WattsUp-Daemon : Watt's Up Monitoring Daemon
dev-perl / WeakRef : An API to the Perl weak references
dev-perl / Weather-Com : fetching weather information from
dev-perl / Web-Machine : A Perl port of Webmachine
dev-perl / Web-Scraper : Web Scraping Toolkit using HTML and CSS Selectors or XPath expressions
dev-perl / WebService-Linode : Perl interface to the API
dev-perl / WebService-MusicBrainz : Web service API to MusicBrainz database
dev-perl / WordNet-QueryData : Direct perl interface to WordNet database
dev-perl / Wx : Perl bindings for wxGTK
dev-perl / Wx-GLCanvas : interface to wxWidgets' OpenGL canvas
dev-perl / Wx-Perl-ProcessStream : access IO of external processes via events
dev-perl / Wx-Scintilla : Scintilla source code editing component for wxWidgets
dev-perl / X-Osd : Perl glue to libxosd (X OnScreen Display)
dev-perl / X11-FreeDesktop-DesktopEntry : An interface to .desktop files
dev-perl / X11-Protocol : Client-side interface to the X11 Protocol
dev-perl / X11-Protocol-Other : X11 Protocol related components not included in dev-perl/X11-Protocol
dev-perl / X11-XCB : Perl bindings for libxcb
dev-perl / X500-DN : handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse and format them
dev-perl / XML-Atom : Atom feed and API implementation
dev-perl / XML-Catalog : Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
dev-perl / XML-CompactTree-XS : a fast builder of compact tree structures from XML documents
dev-perl / XML-Compile : Compilation based XML Processing
dev-perl / XML-Compile-Cache : Cache compiled XML translations
dev-perl / XML-Compile-SOAP : Soap 1.1 XML Compiler
dev-perl / XML-Compile-Tester : Support XML::Compile related regression testing
dev-perl / XML-Compile-WSDL11 : WSDL version 1.1 XML Compiler
dev-perl / XML-DOM : A Perl module for an DOM Level 1 compliant interface
dev-perl / XML-DOM-XPath : Perl extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engine
dev-perl / XML-DT : A perl XML down translate module
dev-perl / XML-DTDParser : Quick and dirty DTD Parser
dev-perl / XML-Descent : Recursive decent XML parsing
dev-perl / XML-Directory : Returns a content of directory as XML
dev-perl / XML-Dumper : Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
dev-perl / XML-Elemental : XML::Parser style and generic classes for handling of XML data
dev-perl / XML-Encoding : Perl Module that parses encoding map XML files
dev-perl / XML-Entities : Decode strings with XML entities
dev-perl / XML-Fast : Simple and very fast XML to hash conversion
dev-perl / XML-Feed : Syndication feed parser and auto-discovery
dev-perl / XML-FeedPP : Parse/write/merge/edit RSS/RDF/Atom syndication feeds
dev-perl / XML-Filter-BufferText : Filter to put all characters() in one event
dev-perl / XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML : SAX Filter allowing DOM processing of selected subtrees
dev-perl / XML-Generator : Perl XML::Generator - A module to help in generating XML documents
dev-perl / XML-Grove : A Perl module providing a simple API to parsed XML instances
dev-perl / XML-Handler-YAWriter : A Perl module providing a simple API to parsed XML instances
dev-perl / XML-LibXML : Perl binding for libxml2
dev-perl / XML-LibXML-Iterator : Iterator class for XML::LibXML parsed documents
dev-perl / XML-LibXML-Simple : XML::LibXML based XML::Simple clone
dev-perl / XML-LibXSLT : A Perl module to parse XSL Transformational sheets using GNOME's libxslt
dev-perl / XML-Mini : pure perl API to create and parse XML
dev-perl / XML-NamespaceSupport : A Perl module that offers a simple to process namespaced XML names
dev-perl / XML-NodeFilter : Generic XML::NodeFilter Class
dev-perl / XML-Parser : A perl module for parsing XML documents
dev-perl / XML-Parser-Lite : Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
dev-perl / XML-RAI : RSS Abstraction Interface
dev-perl / XML-RSS : Basic framework for creating and maintaining RSS files
dev-perl / XML-RSS-Feed : Persistent XML RSS Encapsulation
dev-perl / XML-RSS-LibXML : XML::RSS with XML::LibXML
dev-perl / XML-RSS-Parser : A liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
dev-perl / XML-RegExp : Regular expressions for XML tokens
dev-perl / XML-SAX : Perl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters, and drivers
dev-perl / XML-SAX-Base : Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
dev-perl / XML-SAX-Expat : SAX2 Driver for Expat
dev-perl / XML-SAX-ExpatXS : Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser
dev-perl / XML-SAX-Writer : SAX2 XML Writer
dev-perl / XML-Simple : An API for simple XML files
dev-perl / XML-Simple-DTDReader : Simple XML file reading based on their DTDs
dev-perl / XML-SimpleObject : A Perl XML Simple package
dev-perl / XML-Smart : Access or create XML from fields, data and URLs.
dev-perl / XML-Stream : Creates and XML Stream connection and parses return data
dev-perl / XML-TokeParser : Simplified interface to XML::Parser
dev-perl / XML-TreePP : Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
dev-perl / XML-Twig : Process huge XML documents in tree mode
dev-perl / XML-Validator-Schema : Validate XML against a subset of W3C XML Schema
dev-perl / XML-Writer : XML Writer Perl Module
dev-perl / XML-XPath : An XPath Perl Module
dev-perl / XML-XPathEngine : A re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
dev-perl / XML-XQL : A Perl module that allows you to perform XQL queries on XML trees
dev-perl / XML-XSLT : A Perl module to parse XSL Transformational sheets
dev-perl / XML-XUpdate-LibXML : Process XUpdate commands over an XML document
dev-perl / XMLRPC-Lite : client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocol
dev-perl / XS-Object-Magic : Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic
dev-perl / XS-Parse-Keyword : XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
dev-perl / XS-Parse-Sublike : XS functions to assist in parsing sub-like syntax
dev-perl / XString : Isolated String helpers from B
dev-perl / XXX : See Your Data in the Nude
dev-perl / YAML : YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
dev-perl / YAML-LibYAML : Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
dev-perl / YAML-PP : YAML 1.2 processor in perl
dev-perl / YAML-Syck : Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
dev-perl / YAML-Tiny : Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
dev-perl / ZMQ-Constants : Constants for libzmq
dev-perl / aliased : Use shorter versions of class names
dev-perl / asa : Lets your class/object say it works like something else
dev-perl / autobox : Call methods on native types
dev-perl / autovivification : Lexically disable autovivification
dev-perl / bareword-filehandles : Disables bareword filehandles
dev-perl / boolean : Boolean support for Perl
dev-perl / capitalization : no capitalization on method names
dev-perl / common-sense : Save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!
dev-perl / constant-boolean : Define TRUE and FALSE constants
dev-perl / constant-defer : constant subs with deferred value calculation
dev-perl / enum : C style enumerated types and bitmask flags in Perl
dev-perl / forks : Emulate threads with fork
dev-perl / glib-perl : Glib - Perl wrappers for the GLib utility and Object libraries
dev-perl / go-perl : GO::Parser parses all GO files formats and types
dev-perl / gtk2-ex-formfactory : Gtk2 FormFactory
dev-perl / gtk2-gladexml : Create user interfaces directly from Glade XML files
dev-perl / gtk2-trayicon : Perl wrappers for the egg cup Gtk2::TrayIcon utilities
dev-perl / gtk2-traymanager : Perl bindings for EggTrayManager
dev-perl / iCal-Parser : Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
dev-perl / indirect : Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax
dev-perl / libintl-perl : High-Level Interface to Uniforum Message Translation
dev-perl / librg-utils-perl : Parsers and format conversion utilities used by (e.g.) profphd
dev-perl / libwww-perl : Collection of Perl Modules for the WWW
dev-perl / libxml-perl : Collection of Perl modules for working with XML
dev-perl / local-lib : Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
dev-perl / maybe : Use a Perl module and ignore error if can't be loaded
dev-perl / mecab-perl : Perl binding for MeCab
dev-perl / mime-construct : construct and optionally mail MIME messages
dev-perl / multidimensional : disables multidimensional array emulation
dev-perl / namespace-autoclean : Keep imports out of your namespace
dev-perl / namespace-clean : Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
dev-perl / pcsc-perl : A Perl Module for PC/SC SmartCard access
dev-perl / perl-headers : Generated .ph equivalents of system headers
dev-perl / perl-ldap : Perl modules which provide an object-oriented interface to LDAP servers
dev-perl / prefork : Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes
dev-perl / rename : Filename renaming utility based on perl regular expression
dev-perl / self : provides '$self' in OO code
dev-perl / strictures : Turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
dev-perl / syntax : Activate syntax extensions