v3.1.4 :: 0 :: gentoo
- Modified
- License
- Keywords
- amd64 arm arm64 hppa ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~alpha ~amd64-linux ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~riscv ~s390 ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris ~x86-linux
- USE flags
- doc test
USE flags
- doc
- Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
- test
- Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
- pypy3
- Build with PyPy3
- python3_10
- Build with Python 3.10
- python3_11
- Build with Python 3.11
- python3_12
- Build with Python 3.12
- python3_13
- Build with Python 3.13
Runtime Dependencies
dev-lang / pypy : A fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python (3.10) language
dev-lang / python : Freethreading (no-GIL) version of Python programming language
dev-python / markupsafe : Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
Depending packages
app-admin / ansible-core : Model-driven deployment, config management, and command execution framework
app-admin / ansible-molecule : A toolkit designed to aid in the development and testing of Ansible roles
app-admin / gentoo-retirement-scripts : Scripts to help retiring Gentoo developers
app-admin / salt : Salt is a remote execution and configuration manager
app-emulation / cloud-init : Cloud instance initialisation magic
app-text / pelican : A tool to generate a static blog, with restructured text or markdown input files
app-text / xml2rfc : Generates RFCs and IETF drafts from document source in XML
dev-python / betterproto : A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
dev-python / flask : A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
dev-python / flask-babel : i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz
dev-python / flask-debug : Flask extension that displays various debugging insights during development
dev-python / insipid-sphinx-theme : Insipid Sphinx theme
dev-python / jinja2-pluralize : Jinja2 pluralize filters
dev-python / jinja2-time : Jinja2 Extension for Dates and Times
dev-python / jupyter-server : Core services, APIs, and REST endpoints to Jupyter web applications
dev-python / jupyterlab : JupyterLab computational environment
dev-python / jupyterlab-server : Server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications
dev-python / mkdocs : Project documentation with Markdown
dev-python / mkdocs-material : A Material Design theme for MkDocs
dev-python / mkdocstrings : Automatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs
dev-python / moto : Mock library for boto
dev-python / myst-parser : Extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to Sphinx
dev-python / nbconvert : Converting Jupyter Notebooks
dev-python / nbdime : Diff and merge of Jupyter Notebooks
dev-python / nbsphinx : Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
dev-python / pallets-sphinx-themes : Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects
dev-python / pandas : Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics
dev-python / pysmi : Pure-Python implementation of SNMP/SMI MIB parsing and conversion library
dev-python / pytest-mpl : Facilitate image comparison for Matplotlib figures
dev-python / quart : A Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask
dev-python / readthedocs-sphinx-ext : Code specific for Read the Docs and Sphinx
dev-python / rpy2 : Python interface to the R language
dev-python / sphinx : Python documentation generator
dev-python / sphinx-autoapi : A new approach to API documentation in Sphinx
dev-python / sphinxcontrib-websupport : Sphinx websupport extension
dev-python / starlette : The little ASGI framework that shines
dev-python / towncrier : Building newsfiles for your project
dev-util / buildbot : BuildBot build automation system
dev-util / conan : Distributed C/C++ package manager
dev-util / cookiecutter : Command-line utility to create projects from cookiecutters (project templates)
dev-util / diff-cover : Find diff lines that do not have test coverage
dev-util / gcovr : A Python script for summarizing gcov data
dev-util / gi-docgen : A documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
dev-util / reuse : Manage license information according to the SPDX standard
kde-frameworks / kapidox : Framework for building KDE API documentation in a standard format and style
media-video / vcsi : Create thumbnail sheets from video files
net-dns / knot-resolver : A scaleable caching DNS resolver
net-im / err : Multiprotocol chatbot designed to be easily deployable and maintainable
net-im / synapse : Reference implementation of Matrix homeserver
net-misc / gns3-server : GNS3 server to asynchronously manage emulators
net-vpn / protonvpn-cli : A VPN command-line tool from protonvpn - python rewrite
sci-geosciences / folium : Python Data, Leaflet.js Maps
sci-geosciences / qgis : User friendly Geographic Information System
sci-libs / branca : spinoff from folium, host the non-map-specific features
sys-cluster / ceph : Ceph distributed filesystem
www-apps / roundup : Issue-tracking system with command-line, web, and e-mail interfaces
www-client / qutebrowser : Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt
Change logs
- Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master - Michał Górny · gentoo
Rename dev-python/{Babel → babel}
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <> - Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master - Michał Górny · gentoo
Rename dev-python/{jinja → jinja2}
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>