Jack Black stars as Eddie Riggs, a roadie who’s sucked into a mythical Age of Rock to fight evil, liberate an army of headbangers from a life of oppression, find love, and discover his life’s purpose. Heavy stuff until one realizes the universe of Brütal Legend has sprung up from the mind of legendary game director Tim Schafer. Enter the world of Heavy Metal where mountains are made of amplifiers, killer spiders spin guitar strings, druids want to kill you, and Rock Legends roam the landscape. Armed with a massive battle-axe, guitar, and his hot-rod, Eddie will rip the faces off of demons. As Eddie, expect to crush skulls, ravage the road in the Deuce, and unleash the power of Heavy Metal to reign down fire from the sky — all to save humanity and become a brutal legend.
v2.0.0.3 :: 0 :: gentoo
- Modified
- License
- Keywords
- -* ~amd64 ~x86
Runtime Dependencies
games-action / brutal-legend-hb : Rock-themed action-adventure that marries visceral action combat with open-world
media-libs / glu : The OpenGL Utility Library
media-libs / libsdl2 : Simple Direct Media Layer
sys-devel / gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection
sys-libs / glibc : GNU libc C library
Depending packages
games-action / brutal-legend-hb : Rock-themed action-adventure that marries visceral action combat with open-world
Change logs
- Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master - Conrad Kostecki · gentoo
games-action/brutal-legend-gog: fix QA BadDescription
Signed-off-by: Conrad Kostecki <> - Repository mirror & CI · gentoo
Merge updates from master - James Le Cuirot · gentoo
games-action/brutal-legend: Split into gog and hb packages
Signed-off-by: James Le Cuirot <>