Package list
games-puzzle / amoebax : Cute and addictive action-puzzle game, similar to tetris
games-puzzle / anagramarama : Create as many words as you can before the time runs out
games-puzzle / angrydd : Angry, Drunken Dwarves, a falling blocks game similar to Puzzle Fighter
games-puzzle / arrows : Simple maze-like game where you navigate around and destroy arrows
games-puzzle / atomix : Mind game - build molecules out of single atoms
games-puzzle / bastet : a simple, evil, ncurses-based Tetris(R) clone
games-puzzle / bff-or-die : Time travelling alien couch co-op puzzle game for 1-4 players
games-puzzle / biniax2 : Logic game with arcade and tactics modes
games-puzzle / braid-gog : Platform game where you manipulate flow of time
games-puzzle / braid-hb : Platform game where you manipulate flow of time
games-puzzle / braincurses : A version of the classic game Mastermind
games-puzzle / brainparty : A puzzle-solving, brain-stretching game for all ages
games-puzzle / brainworkshop : Short-term-memory training N-Back game
games-puzzle / colorcode : Free advanced MasterMind clone
games-puzzle / concentration : The classic memory game with some new life
games-puzzle / connectagram : A word unscrambling game
games-puzzle / construo : 2d construction toy with objects that react on physical forces
games-puzzle / cutemaze : Simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated
games-puzzle / cuyo : Highly addictive and remotely related to tetris
games-puzzle / einstein : A puzzle game inspired by Albert Einstein
games-puzzle / enigma : Puzzle game similar to Oxyd
games-puzzle / fbg : Tetris clone written in OpenGL
games-puzzle / fish-fillets : Underwater puzzle game - find a safe way out
games-puzzle / five-or-more : Remove colored balls from the board by forming lines
games-puzzle / flobopuyo : Clone of the famous PuyoPuyo game
games-puzzle / freesweep : Console Minesweeper
games-puzzle / galaxis : Curses-based clone of the nifty little Macintosh freeware game Galaxis
games-puzzle / gemdropx : Puzzle game where it's your job to clear the screen of gems
games-puzzle / gfifteen : Graphical implementation of the sliding puzzle game fifteen
games-puzzle / glightoff : Simple (but not so easy to solve!) puzzle game
games-puzzle / gnome-klotski : Slide blocks to solve the puzzle
games-puzzle / gnome-sudoku : Test your logic skills in this number grid puzzle
games-puzzle / gnome-taquin : Move tiles so that they reach their places
games-puzzle / gnome-tetravex : Complete the puzzle by matching numbered tiles
games-puzzle / gnome2048 : Move the tiles until you obtain the 2048 tile
games-puzzle / gnurobbo : Robbo, a popular Atari XE/XL game ported to Linux
games-puzzle / gottet : Tetris clone based on Qt5
games-puzzle / greedy : fun little ncurses puzzle game
games-puzzle / groundhog : Put the balls in the pockets of the same color by manipulating a maze of tubes
games-puzzle / gtkballs : An entertaining game based on the old DOS game lines
games-puzzle / gweled : Bejeweled clone game
games-puzzle / hexalate : A color matching game
games-puzzle / hitori : Logic puzzle game for GNOME
games-puzzle / icebreaker : Trap and capture penguins on Antarctica
games-puzzle / lightsoff : Turn off all the lights
games-puzzle / lmarbles : Puzzle game inspired by Atomix and written in SDL
games-puzzle / lpairs : Classic memory game
games-puzzle / ltris : Very polished Tetris clone
games-puzzle / magiccube4d : Four-dimensional analog of Rubik's cube
games-puzzle / meandmyshadow : Puzzle/platform game with a player and its shadow
games-puzzle / mirrormagic : A game like Deflektor (C 64) or Mindbender (Amiga)
games-puzzle / monsterz : Puzzle game similar to the famous Bejeweled or Zookeeper
games-puzzle / mures : Clone of Sega's Chu Chu Rocket
games-puzzle / neverball : Clone of Super Monkey Ball using SDL/OpenGL
games-puzzle / nightsky : Puzzle game that puts you inside and ambient and mysterious universe
games-puzzle / nudoku : ncurses based sudoku game
games-puzzle / numptyphysics : Crayon Physics-like drawing puzzle game using the same excellent Box2D engine
games-puzzle / pathological : Enriched clone of the game 'Logical' by Rainbow Arts
games-puzzle / pauker : A java based flashcard program
games-puzzle / penguzzle : Tcl/Tk variant of the well-known 15-puzzle game
games-puzzle / picpuz : Jigsaw puzzle program
games-puzzle / pingus : Free Lemmings clone
games-puzzle / pipepanic : Simple pipe connecting game
games-puzzle / pipewalker : Rotating pieces puzzle game
games-puzzle / quadra : Tetris clone with multiplayer support
games-puzzle / quadrapassel : Fit falling blocks together
games-puzzle / rezerwar : Puzzle game like the known tetromino and the average pipe games
games-puzzle / sdl-jewels : Swap and match 3 or more jewels in a line in order to score points
games-puzzle / sgt-puzzles : Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
games-puzzle / skladnik : The Japanese warehouse keeper sokoban game
games-puzzle / splice : Experimental and artistic puzzler set in a microbial world
games-puzzle / swell-foop : Clear the screen by removing groups of colored and shaped tiles
games-puzzle / syzygy : Narrative meta-puzzle game
games-puzzle / tanglet : Single player word finding game based on Boggle
games-puzzle / tetrinet : Console based tetrinet inc. standalone server
games-puzzle / textmaze : Ncurses-based maze solving game written in Perl
games-puzzle / tint : Tint Is Not Tetris, a ncurses based clone of the original Tetris(tm) game
games-puzzle / tiny-and-big : Combines elements of adventure, jump&run and physical puzzles
games-puzzle / tod : Tetanus On Drugs simulates playing Tetris under the influence of drugs
games-puzzle / tong : Tetris and Pong in the same place at the same time
games-puzzle / toppler : Reimplementation of Nebulous using SDL
games-puzzle / torrent : Match rising tiles before reaching the top to score as many points as possible
games-puzzle / triptych : Fast-paced Tetris-like puzzler
games-puzzle / twindistress : Match and remove all of the blocks before time runs out
games-puzzle / wakkabox : A simple block-pushing game
games-puzzle / wizznic : Block-clearing puzzle game
games-puzzle / wmpuzzle : 4x4 puzzle on a 64x64 mini window
games-puzzle / world-of-goo-demo : Puzzle game with a strong emphasis on physics (demo version)
games-puzzle / world-of-goo-gog : A puzzle game with a strong emphasis on physics (GOG edition)
games-puzzle / world-of-goo-hb : A puzzle game with a strong emphasis on physics (Humble Bundle edition)
games-puzzle / xblockout : X Window block dropping game in 3 Dimension
games-puzzle / xbomb : Minesweeper clone with hexagonal, rectangular and triangular grid
games-puzzle / xlogical : Puzzle game based on the Logical! game released on the Commodore Amiga
games-puzzle / xpired : Sokoban-styled puzzle game with lots more action
games-puzzle / xtris : A networked Tetris-like game
games-puzzle / xwelltris : 2.5D tetris like game
games-puzzle / xye : Free version of the classic game Kye