gui-apps packages

29 packages - The gui-apps category contains miscellaneous applications that run across various window managers and gui backends.

gui-apps / foot : Fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator

gui-apps / foot-terminfo : Terminfo for foot, a fast, lightweight and minimal Wayland terminal emulator

gui-apps / gnome-console : A simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop

gui-apps / grim : Grab images from a Wayland compositor

gui-apps / gtkgreet : gtk based greeter for greetd

gui-apps / kanshi : dynamic display configuration (autorandr for wayland)

gui-apps / lavalauncher : Simple launcher for wayland

gui-apps / liquidshell : Basic desktop shell using QtWidgets

gui-apps / mako : A lightweight notification daemon for Wayland. Works on Sway

gui-apps / nm-tray : A simple Qt-based NetworkManager front-end

gui-apps / qt6ct : Qt6 Configuration Tool (for DE/WM without Qt integration)

gui-apps / railway : Travel with all your train information in one place

gui-apps / slurp : Select a region in a Wayland compositor and print it to the standard output

gui-apps / swappy : A Wayland native snapshot and editor tool, inspired by Snappy on macOS

gui-apps / swaybg : A wallpaper utility for Wayland

gui-apps / swayidle : Idle management daemon for Wayland

gui-apps / swaylock : Screen locker for Wayland

gui-apps / tuigreet : TUI greeter for greetd login manager

gui-apps / waybar : Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors

gui-apps / wayland-logout : general logout scripts for wayland compositors

gui-apps / waypipe : Transparent network proxy for Wayland compositors

gui-apps / wayvnc : VNC server for wlroots based Wayland compositors

gui-apps / wcm : Wayfire Config Manager

gui-apps / wf-recorder : Screen recorder for wlroots-based compositors

gui-apps / wf-shell : Compiz like 3D wayland compositor

gui-apps / wl-clipboard : Wayland clipboard utilities

gui-apps / wmenu : dynamic menu for wlroots compositors, maintains the look and feel of dmenu

gui-apps / wofi : Wofi is a launcher/menu program for wlroots based wayland compositors like sway

gui-apps / xwaylandvideobridge : Screenshare Wayland windows to XWayland apps