Popular packages

50 most popular tracked packages in 30 categories.

The app-admin category contains non-core applications which relate to system administration.

app-admin / terraform : A tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely

The app-antivirus category contains antivirus software.

app-antivirus / clamav : Clam Anti-Virus Scanner

The app-benchmarks category contains benchmarking software.

app-benchmarks / filebench : Filebench - A Model Based File System Workload Generator

The app-editors category contains text editors.

app-editors / vim-core : vim and gvim shared files

The app-forensics category contains software which helps detect and analyse security breaches.

app-forensics / sleuthkit : A collection of file system and media management forensic analysis tools

The app-office category contains 'office' (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation) software packages.

app-office / libreoffice-bin : A full office productivity suite. Binary package

The app-text category contains tools for working with human-language text files.

app-text / code2html : Converts source files to colored HTML output

app-text / xmlstarlet : A set of tools to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents

The dev-db category contains libraries and utilities for database related programming.

dev-db / mysql : A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server

dev-db / postgresql : PostgreSQL RDBMS

The dev-lang category contains various programming language implementations and related tools.

dev-lang / php : The PHP language runtime engine

The dev-libs category contains various miscellaneous programming libraries.

dev-libs / boost : Boost Libraries for C++

dev-libs / Ice : ICE middleware C++ library and generator tools

The dev-util category contains various miscellaneous development utilities.

dev-util / cppcheck : Static analyzer of C/C++ code

dev-util / uncrustify : C/C++/C#/D/Java/Pawn code indenter and beautifier

dev-util / lcov : A graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov

dev-util / App-SVN-Bisect : Binary search through svn revisions

dev-util / howdoi : A code search tool

The dev-vcs category contains utilities focused on version control.

dev-vcs / git : Stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency

The mail-client category contains email clients.

mail-client / thunderbird : Thunderbird Mail Client

The mail-mta category contains mail transport agent packages.

mail-mta / exim : A highly configurable, drop-in replacement for sendmail

The net-analyzer category contains network analysis software.

net-analyzer / linkchecker : Check websites for broken links

net-analyzer / cbm : Color Bandwidth Meter

The net-im category contains instant messaging software.

net-im / pidgin : GTK Instant Messenger client

The net-mail category contains various email-related utilities.

net-mail / courier-imap : An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs

The net-misc category contains various miscellaneous networking tools and utilities.

net-misc / lanmap : lanmap sits quietly on a network and builds a picture of what it sees

net-misc / unison : Two-way cross-platform file synchronizer

net-misc / minidlna : DLNA/UPnP-AV compliant media server

net-misc / owncloud-client : Synchronize files from ownCloud Server with your computer

The net-proxy category contains network proxy software.

net-proxy / squid : Full-featured web proxy cache

net-proxy / haproxy : A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments

The sci-electronics category contains electronics packages.

sci-electronics / kicad : Electronic Schematic and PCB design tools

The sys-apps category contains various core system applications, and some non-core system applications which have not yet been moved out into other sys- categories.

sys-apps / portage : The package management and distribution system for Gentoo

The sys-boot category contains bootloaders and related tools.

sys-boot / grub : GNU GRUB boot loader

The sys-cluster category contains cluster-related software.

sys-cluster / glusterfs : GlusterFS is a powerful network/cluster filesystem

sys-cluster / pacemaker : Pacemaker CRM

sys-cluster / crmsh : Pacemaker command line interface for management and configuration

sys-cluster / drbd-utils : mirror/replicate block-devices across a network-connection

The sys-devel category contains various core system development tools and libraries.

sys-devel / gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection

The sys-fs category contains filesystem tools and utilities.

sys-fs / btrfs-progs : Btrfs filesystem utilities

sys-fs / lvm2 : User-land utilities for LVM2 (device-mapper) software

The sys-kernel category contains kernel source ebuilds and kernel-related tools.

sys-kernel / gentoo-sources : Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 6.13 kernel tree

The www-client category contains world wide web clients.

www-client / chromium : Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser

www-client / firefox : Firefox Web Browser

The www-misc category contains various miscellaneous world wide web software.

www-misc / awstats : AWStats is short for Advanced Web Statistics

www-misc / monitorix : A lightweight system monitoring tool

The www-servers category contains web server packages.

www-servers / nginx : Robust, small and high performance http and reverse proxy server

www-servers / apache : The Apache Web Server

www-servers / tomcat : Tomcat Servlet-6.1/JSP-4.0/EL-6.0/WebSocket-2.2/JASPIC-3.1 Container

The x11-base category contains various X11 base implementations.

x11-base / xorg-server : X.Org X servers