Package list
sci-geosciences / GeographicLib : C++ library for converting geographic coordinate systems
sci-geosciences / bt747 : MTK GPS Datalogger Device Control
sci-geosciences / dcw-gmt : Digital Chart of the World for GMT 5 or later
sci-geosciences / folium : Python Data, Leaflet.js Maps
sci-geosciences / foxtrotgps : Easy to use, fast and lightweight mapping application (fork of tangogps)
sci-geosciences / geocode-glib : GLib helper library for geocoding services
sci-geosciences / geopy : Python client for several popular geocoding web services
sci-geosciences / gmaptool : Program for splitting and merging maps in Garmin format
sci-geosciences / gmt : Powerful map generator
sci-geosciences / gnome-maps : A map application for GNOME
sci-geosciences / gpsbabel : GPS waypoints, tracks and routes converter
sci-geosciences / gpscorrelate : Tool for adjusting EXIF tags of your photos with a recorded GPS trace
sci-geosciences / gpsd : GPS daemon and library for USB/serial GPS devices and GPS/mapping clients
sci-geosciences / gpsprune-bin : An application for viewing, editing and converting GPS data
sci-geosciences / gpx-viewer : Simple program to visualize a gpx file
sci-geosciences / gpxlab : An application to display and manage GPS tracks
sci-geosciences / gpxsee : Viewer and analyzer that supports gpx, tcx, kml, fit, igc and nmea files
sci-geosciences / grass : A free GIS with raster and vector functionality, as well as 3D vizualization
sci-geosciences / gshhg-gmt : Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database
sci-geosciences / gshhs : Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline programs
sci-geosciences / gshhs-data : Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline programs data
sci-geosciences / gtk-g-rays2 : GUI for accessing the Wintec WBT 201 / G-Rays 2 GPS device
sci-geosciences / harmonics-dwf-free : Tidal harmonics database for libtcd
sci-geosciences / josm-bin : Java-based editor for the OpenStreetMap project
sci-geosciences / laszip : Library for free and lossless compression of the LAS LiDAR format
sci-geosciences / liblas : C/C++ library for manipulating the LAS LiDAR format common in GIS
sci-geosciences / librttopo : Exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies
sci-geosciences / libtcd : Library for reading and writing Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files
sci-geosciences / mapserver : Development environment for building spatially enabled webapps
sci-geosciences / mc2bsbh : MapCal to BSBchart Header Utility
sci-geosciences / merkaartor : Qt based map editor for the project
sci-geosciences / mtkbabel : MTKBabel is a Perl program to operate the i-Blue 747 GPS data logger
sci-geosciences / osm-gps-map : A GTK+ widget for displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
sci-geosciences / osm2pgsql : Converts OSM planet.osm data to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database
sci-geosciences / osmctools : A few really fast tools to convert, filter and update OSM data files
sci-geosciences / owntracks-recorder : Stores and accesses location data published by the OwnTracks apps
sci-geosciences / pymap3d : Python 3-D coordinate conversions
sci-geosciences / qgis : User friendly Geographic Information System
sci-geosciences / qmapshack : GPS mapping utility
sci-geosciences / readosm : Library to extract valid data from an Open Street Map input file
sci-geosciences / routino : Routing application based on openstreetmap data
sci-geosciences / tcd-utils : Utilities for working with Tidal Constituent Databases
sci-geosciences / viking : GPS data editor and analyzer
sci-geosciences / xtide : XTide provides tide and current predictions in a wide variety of formats
sci-geosciences / xyzservices : Source of XYZ tiles providers