Package list
sci-libs / HighFive : Header-only C++ interface for libhdf5
sci-libs / NNPACK : acceleration package for neural network computations
sci-libs / ViSP : Visual Servoing Platform: visual tracking and visual servoing library
sci-libs / XNNPACK : library of floating-point neural network inference operators
sci-libs / adolc : Automatic differentiation system for C/C++
sci-libs / alglib : Numerical analysis and data processing library
sci-libs / amd : Library to order a sparse matrix prior to Cholesky factorization
sci-libs / arborx : Library for performance portable algorithms for geometric search
sci-libs / armadillo : Streamlined C++ linear algebra library
sci-libs / arpack : Arnoldi package library to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
sci-libs / arprec : Arbitrary precision float arithmetics and functions
sci-libs / atlas : Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
sci-libs / avogadrolibs : Advanced molecule editor and visualizer 2 - libraries
sci-libs / blis : BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework
sci-libs / bliss : Compute Automorphism Groups and Canonical Labelings of Graphs
sci-libs / branca : spinoff from folium, host the non-map-specific features
sci-libs / brial : A C++ library for polynomials over boolean rings
sci-libs / btf : Algorithm for matrix permutation into block triangular form
sci-libs / buddy : Binary Decision Diagram Package
sci-libs / caffe2 : A deep learning framework
sci-libs / camd : Library to order a sparse matrix prior to Cholesky factorization
sci-libs / cantera : Object-oriented tool suite for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport
sci-libs / cartopy : Python package for geospatial data processing and analysis
sci-libs / ccfits : C++ interface for cfitsio
sci-libs / ccolamd : Constrained Column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm
sci-libs / cdd+ : Another implementation of the double description method
sci-libs / cddlib : C library implementing the Double Description Method
sci-libs / cdf : Common Data Format I/O library for multi-dimensional data sets
sci-libs / ceres-solver : Nonlinear least-squares minimizer
sci-libs / cfitsio : C and Fortran library for manipulating FITS files
sci-libs / cgcode : Conjugate gradient Codes for large sparse linear systems
sci-libs / cgnslib : CFD General Notation System standard library
sci-libs / cholmod : Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library
sci-libs / clapack : f2c'ed version of LAPACK
sci-libs / clashscore-db : Clashscore-db for clashlist
sci-libs / clblas : Library containing BLAS routines for OpenCL
sci-libs / clblast : Tuned OpenCL BLAS
sci-libs / cln : Class library (C++) for numbers
sci-libs / cminpack : C implementation of the MINPACK nonlinear optimization library
sci-libs / cmpfit : MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting Library in C
sci-libs / coinasl : Ampl Solver Library (ASL)
sci-libs / coinor-alps : COIN-OR Framework for implementing parallel graph search algorithms
sci-libs / coinor-bcp : COIN-OR Branch-Cut-Price Framework
sci-libs / coinor-bcps : COIN-OR BiCePS data handling library
sci-libs / coinor-blis : COIN-OR BiCePS Linear Integer Solver
sci-libs / coinor-bonmin : COIN-OR Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming
sci-libs / coinor-cbc : COIN-OR branch-and-cut mixed integer program solver
sci-libs / coinor-cgl : COIN-OR cut-generation library
sci-libs / coinor-clp : COIN-OR linear programming solver
sci-libs / coinor-couenne : COIN-OR Convex Over and Under ENvelopes for Nonlinear Estimation
sci-libs / coinor-cppad : COIN-OR C++ Algorithmic Differentiation
sci-libs / coinor-csdp : COIN-OR C Library for Semi-Definite Programming
sci-libs / coinor-dip : COIN-OR Decomposition in Integer Programming library
sci-libs / coinor-dylp : COIN-OR dynamic simplex linear program solver
sci-libs / coinor-flopcpp : COIN-OR algebraic modeling language for linear optimization
sci-libs / coinor-mp : COIN-OR lightweight API for COIN-OR libraries CLP, CBC, and CGL
sci-libs / coinor-netlib : COIN-OR netlib models
sci-libs / coinor-osi : COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
sci-libs / coinor-sample : COIN-OR Sample models
sci-libs / coinor-smi : COIN-OR Stochastic modelling interface
sci-libs / coinor-symphony : COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
sci-libs / coinor-utils : COIN-OR Matrix, Vector and other utility classes
sci-libs / coinor-vol : COIN-OR volume algorithm linear program solver
sci-libs / colamd : Column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm
sci-libs / colpack : C++ algorithms for specialized vertex coloring problems
sci-libs / composable-kernel : High Performance Composable Kernel for AMD GPUs
sci-libs / cqrlib : Utility library for quaternion arithmetic / rotation math (ANSI C implemented)
sci-libs / cxsparse : Extended sparse matrix package
sci-libs / datasets : Access and share datasets for Audio, Computer Vision, and NLP tasks
sci-libs / dcmtk : The DICOM Toolkit
sci-libs / dealii : Solving partial differential equations with the finite element method
sci-libs / djbfft : Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
sci-libs / dlib : Numerical and networking C++ library
sci-libs / dmlc-core : Common bricks library for building distributed machine learning
sci-libs / dsdp : Software for interior-point for semidefinite programming
sci-libs / eccodes : A set of encoding/decoding APIs and tools for WMO GRIB, BUFR, and GTS messages
sci-libs / evaluate : makes evaluating, comparing models and reporting their performance easier
sci-libs / exodusii : Model developed to store and retrieve transient data for finite element analyses
sci-libs / fcl : The Flexible Collision Library
sci-libs / fetk : The Finite Element ToolKit - Meta package
sci-libs / fflas-ffpack : Library for dense linear algebra over word-size finite fields
sci-libs / fftw : Fast C library for the Discrete Fourier Transform
sci-libs / flann : Fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces
sci-libs / foxi : ONNXIFI with Facebook Extension
sci-libs / fplll : Implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm
sci-libs / galib : Library for genetic algorithms in C++ programs
sci-libs / gamer : Geometry-preserving Adaptive MeshER
sci-libs / gaul-devel : Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
sci-libs / gdal : Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support)
sci-libs / geos : Geometry engine library for Geographic Information Systems
sci-libs / gerris : Gerris Flow Solver
sci-libs / getdata : Reference implementation of the Dirfile, format for time-ordered binary data
sci-libs / ginkgo : Numerical linear algebra software package
sci-libs / givaro : C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
sci-libs / gklib : Helper routines and frameworks used by KarypisLab software
sci-libs / gloo : library of floating-point neural network inference operators
sci-libs / gmsh : Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
sci-libs / gsl : The GNU Scientific Library
sci-libs / gts : GNU Triangulated Surface Library
sci-libs / hdf : General purpose library and format for storing scientific data
sci-libs / hdf5 : General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
sci-libs / hipBLAS : ROCm BLAS marshalling library
sci-libs / hipBLAS-common : Common files shared by hipBLAS and hipBLASLt
sci-libs / hipBLASLt : General matrix-matrix operations library for AMD Instinct accelerators
sci-libs / hipCUB : Wrapper of rocPRIM or CUB for GPU parallel primitives
sci-libs / hipFFT : CU / ROCM agnostic hip FFT implementation
sci-libs / hipRAND : CU / ROCM agnostic hip RAND implementation
sci-libs / hipSOLVER : CU / ROCM agnostic marshalling library for LAPACK routines on the GPU
sci-libs / hipSPARSE : ROCm SPARSE marshalling library
sci-libs / htslib : C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
sci-libs / huggingface_hub : a client library to interact with the Hugging Face Hub
sci-libs / hypre : Parallel matrix preconditioners library
sci-libs / ideep : Intel® Optimization for Chainer
sci-libs / idlcoyote : GDL library from D. Fannings IDL courses
sci-libs / idlmarkwardt : Craig Markwardt IDL procedures (MPFIT, CMSVLIB, etc)
sci-libs / ignition-common : Set of libraries designed to rapidly develop robot applications
sci-libs / ignition-fuel-tools : Classes and tools for interacting with Ignition Fuel
sci-libs / ignition-math : A small, fast, and high performance math library for robot applications
sci-libs / iml : Integer Matrix Library
sci-libs / inchi : Program and library for generating standard and non-standard InChI and InChIKeys
sci-libs / indilib : INDI Astronomical Control Protocol library
sci-libs / ipopt : Interior-Point Optimizer for large-scale nonlinear optimization
sci-libs / itpp : C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication
sci-libs / jama : Java-like matrix C++ templates
sci-libs / jiwer : Evaluate an automatic speech recognition system
sci-libs / kim-api : Application Programming Interface for atomistic simulations
sci-libs / kineto : part of the PyTorch Profiler
sci-libs / kissfft : A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) library that tries to Keep it Simple, Stupid
sci-libs / klu : Sparse LU factorization for circuit simulation
sci-libs / lapack : BLAS, CBLAS, LAPACK, LAPACKE reference implementations
sci-libs / ldl : Simple but educational LDL^T matrix factorization algorithm
sci-libs / lemon : C++ template static library of common data structures and algorithms
sci-libs / levmar : Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares C library
sci-libs / libaec : Adaptive Entropy Coding library
sci-libs / libbraiding : Expose the functionality of cbraid as a shared library
sci-libs / libccd : Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
sci-libs / libcerf : Efficient and accurate implementation of complex error functions
sci-libs / libcifpp : Code to work with mmCIF and PDB files
sci-libs / libdap : Implementation of a C++ SDK for DAP 2.0 and 3.2
sci-libs / libecpint : Efficient evaluation of integrals over ab initio effective core potentials
sci-libs / libexcelformat : reading, writing, and editing of XLS (BIFF8 format) files using C++
sci-libs / libgeodecomp : An auto-parallelizing library to speed up computer simulations
sci-libs / libgeotiff : Library for reading TIFF files with embedded tags for geographic information
sci-libs / libh2o : Library of routines for IF97 water & steam properties
sci-libs / libh2oxx : C++ bindings for libh2o
sci-libs / libhomfly : Library to compute the homfly polynomial of a link
sci-libs / libigl : A simple C++ geometry processing library
sci-libs / libint : Matrix elements (integrals) evaluation over Cartesian Gaussian functions
sci-libs / libmuscle : Library for sci-biology/mauve
sci-libs / libnova : Celestial Mechanics and Astronomical Calculation Library
sci-libs / liborigin : Library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files
sci-libs / libpdb : PDB Record I/O Libraries -- c version
sci-libs / libpdb++ : PDB Record I/O Libraries -- c++ version
sci-libs / libqalculate : A modern multi-purpose calculator library
sci-libs / libsc : Support for parallel scientific applications
sci-libs / libsemigroups : C++ library for semigroups and monoids
sci-libs / libsigrok : Basic hardware drivers for logic analyzers and input/output file format support
sci-libs / libsigrokdecode : Provide (streaming) protocol decoding functionality
sci-libs / libspatialindex : C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API
sci-libs / libsvm : Library for Support Vector Machines
sci-libs / libticables2 : Library to handle different link cables for TI calculators
sci-libs / libticalcs2 : Library for communication with TI calculators
sci-libs / libticonv : Charset conversion library for TI calculators
sci-libs / libtifiles2 : Library for TI calculator files
sci-libs / libxc : A library of exchange-correlation functionals for use in DFT
sci-libs / linbox : C++ template library for integer and finite-field linear algebra
sci-libs / linux-gpib : Driver library for GPIB (IEEE 488.2) hardware
sci-libs / linux-gpib-modules : Kernel modules for GPIB (IEEE 488.2) hardware
sci-libs / lis : Library of Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems
sci-libs / lmfit : library for Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting
sci-libs / lrslib : Reverse-search algorithm for vertex enumeration problems
sci-libs / m4ri : Method of four russian for inversion (M4RI)
sci-libs / m4rie : Fast dense matrix arithmetic over GF(2^e) for 2 <= e <= 16
sci-libs / mathgl : Math Graphics Library
sci-libs / matio : Library for reading and writing matlab files
sci-libs / mc : 2D/3D AFEM code for nonlinear geometric PDE
sci-libs / med : A library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results
sci-libs / metis : A package for unstructured serial graph partitioning
sci-libs / miopen : AMD's Machine Intelligence Library
sci-libs / mkl : Intel Math Kernel Library
sci-libs / mpfi : Multiple precision interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
sci-libs / mumps : MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct matrix Solver
sci-libs / nanoflann : C++ header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search wih KD-trees
sci-libs / neartree : Function library efficiently solving the Nearest Neighbor Problem
sci-libs / nemesis : Enhancement to the EXODUSII finite element database model
sci-libs / netcdf : Scientific library and interface for array oriented data access
sci-libs / netcdf-cxx : C++ library for netCDF
sci-libs / netcdf-fortran : Scientific library and interface for array oriented data access
sci-libs / nfft : library for nonequispaced discrete Fourier transformations
sci-libs / nlopt : Non-linear optimization library
sci-libs / numkit : Numerical first aid kit (with numpy/scipy)
sci-libs / oc : Network Data Access Protocol client C library
sci-libs / octomap : An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
sci-libs / ogdi : Open Geographical Datastore Interface, a GIS support library
sci-libs / ondselsolver : Assembly Constraints and Multibody Dynamics code
sci-libs / onnx : Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
sci-libs / openblas : Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
sci-libs / opencascade : Development platform for CAD/CAE, 3D surface/solid modeling and data exchange
sci-libs / openlibm : High quality system independent, open source libm
sci-libs / orocos-bfl : Bayesian Filtering Library
sci-libs / orocos_kdl : Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL)
sci-libs / p4est : Scalable Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Forests of Octrees
sci-libs / parmetis : Parallel (MPI) unstructured graph partitioning library
sci-libs / pastix : Parallel solver for very large sparse linear systems
sci-libs / pcl : 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
sci-libs / pdal : A C++ library for translating and manipulating point cloud data
sci-libs / pgplot : FORTRAN/C device-independent scientific graphic library
sci-libs / plplot : Multi-language scientific plotting library
sci-libs / primegen : Small, fast library to generate primes in order
sci-libs / profnet : Neural network architecture for profacc
sci-libs / profphd-utils : Additional utils for profphd
sci-libs / proj : PROJ coordinate transformation software
sci-libs / punc : Portable Understructure for Numerical Computing
sci-libs / pyshp : Pure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
sci-libs / pytorch : Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python
sci-libs / qd : Quad-double and double-double float arithmetics
sci-libs / qfits : ESO stand-alone C library offering easy access to FITS files
sci-libs / qrupdate : Library for updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions
sci-libs / rocBLAS : AMD's library for BLAS on ROCm
sci-libs / rocFFT : Next generation FFT implementation for ROCm
sci-libs / rocPRIM : HIP parallel primitives for developing performant GPU-accelerated code on ROCm
sci-libs / rocRAND : Generate pseudo-random and quasi-random numbers
sci-libs / rocSOLVER : Implementation of a subset of LAPACK functionality on the ROCm platform
sci-libs / rocSPARSE : Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines for sparse computation
sci-libs / rocThrust : HIP back-end for the parallel algorithm library Thrust
sci-libs / rocWMMA : library for accelerating mixed precision matrix multiply-accumulate operations
sci-libs / rpp : AMD ROCm Performance Primitives (RPP) high-performance computer vision library
sci-libs / rtabmap : Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping (RGB-D Graph SLAM)
sci-libs / safetensors : Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
sci-libs / scalapack : Subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous (MPI) computing
sci-libs / scotch : Software for graph, mesh and hypergraph partitioning
sci-libs / seqeval : Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation
sci-libs / shapelib : Library for manipulating ESRI Shapefiles
sci-libs / silo : A mesh and field I/O library and scientific database
sci-libs / spglib : Spglib is a C library for finding and handling crystal symmetries
sci-libs / spqr : Multithreaded multifrontal sparse QR factorization library
sci-libs / spr : Statistical analysis and machine learning library
sci-libs / stellarsolver : Cross-platform Sextractor and internal astrometric solver
sci-libs / suitesparse : Metapackage for a suite of sparse matrix tools
sci-libs / suitesparseconfig : Common configurations for all packages in suitesparse
sci-libs / sundials : Suite of nonlinear solvers
sci-libs / superlu : Sparse LU factorization library
sci-libs / superlu_mt : Multithreaded sparse LU factorization library
sci-libs / symengine : Fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++
sci-libs / symmetrica : C library for representation theory, combinatorics, and more
sci-libs / szip : Extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm implementation
sci-libs / ta-lib : Technical Analysis Library for analyzing financial markets trends
sci-libs / tamu_anova : ANOVA Extensions to the GNU Scientific Library
sci-libs / taucs : C library of sparse linear solvers
sci-libs / tensorpipe : provides a tensor-aware channel
sci-libs / tnt : Template Numerical Toolkit: C++ headers for array and matrices
sci-libs / tokenizers : Implementation of today's most used tokenizers
sci-libs / torchvision : Datasets, transforms and models to specific to computer vision
sci-libs / transformers : State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
sci-libs / trilinos : Scientific library collection for large scale problems
sci-libs / udunits : Library for manipulating units of physical quantities
sci-libs / ufconfig : Common configuration scripts for the SuiteSparse libraries
sci-libs / umfpack : Unsymmetric multifrontal sparse LU factorization library
sci-libs / volk : vector optimized library of kernels
sci-libs / voro++ : 3D Voronoi cell software library
sci-libs / vtk : The Visualization Toolkit