x11-themes packages

122 packages - The x11-themes category contains various theme and style packages for X11 applications.

x11-themes / QGnomePlatform : A Qt Platform Theme aimed to accommodate GNOME settings

x11-themes / adapta-gtk-theme : An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Material Design Guidelines

x11-themes / adwaita-icon-theme : GNOME default icon theme

x11-themes / adwaita-icon-theme-legacy : Adwaita Icon Theme legacy

x11-themes / adwaita-qt : A style to bend Qt applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell

x11-themes / arc-icon-theme : Vertex icon theme

x11-themes / arc-theme : A flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 2/3/4 and GNOME Shell

x11-themes / blueglass-xcursors : A high quality set of animated mouse cursors

x11-themes / chameleon-xcursors : Style neutral scalable cursor theme

x11-themes / claws-mail-themes : Iconsets for Claws Mail

x11-themes / clearlooks-phenix : Clearlooks-Phenix is a GTK+ 3 port of Clearlooks, the default theme for GNOME 2

x11-themes / comix-xcursors : X11 mouse theme with a comics feeling

x11-themes / commonbox-styles : Common styles for fluxbox, blackbox, and openbox

x11-themes / commonbox-styles-extra : Extra styles pack for flux|black|open(box)

x11-themes / constantine-backgrounds : Fedora 12 official background artwork

x11-themes / e-gtk-theme : A GTK theme to match Enlightenment WM's default theme

x11-themes / e16-themes : All the official E16 themes

x11-themes / elementary-xfce-icon-theme : Elementary icons forked from upstream, extended and maintained for Xfce

x11-themes / experience : GTK+2 themes which copy and improve the look of XP Luna

x11-themes / faenza-icon-theme : A scalable icon theme called Faenza

x11-themes / fedora-backgrounds : A set of default and supplemental wallpapers for Fedora

x11-themes / flatsvg : Flat SVG icon set

x11-themes / fluent-icon-theme : Fluent icon theme for Linux desktops

x11-themes / fluxbox-styles-fluxmod : A collection of FluxBox themes from FluxMod

x11-themes / fvwm-crystal : Configurable FVWM theme with transparency and freedesktop compatible menu

x11-themes / fvwm-themes : A configuration framework for the fvwm window manager

x11-themes / fvwm-themes-extra : Extra themes for fvwm-themes

x11-themes / fvwm_icons : Icons for use with FVWM

x11-themes / fvwm_sounds : Sounds for use with FVWM

x11-themes / gargantuan-icon-theme : Gargantuan Icon Theme

x11-themes / gartoon : Gartoon SVG icon theme

x11-themes / gartoon-redux : A massively improved variant of the well-known Gartoon theme

x11-themes / geany-themes : A collection of colour schemes for Geany

x11-themes / gentoo-artwork : Collection of miscellaneous Gentoo Linux logos and artwork

x11-themes / gentoo-artwork-livecd : A collection of Gentoo Linux wallpapers for the LiveCD

x11-themes / gentoo-xcursors : A high quality set of animated mouse cursors

x11-themes / gentoo10-backgrounds : Gentoo - 10 Years Compiling Background Artwork

x11-themes / geramik : GTK+1 and GTK+2 Geramik Themes

x11-themes / gkrellm-themes : A pack of ~200 themes for GKrellM

x11-themes / gnome-backgrounds : A set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop

x11-themes / gnome-colors-common : Colorized icons shared between all gnome-colors iconsets

x11-themes / gnome-colors-themes : Some gnome-colors iconsets including a Gentoo one

x11-themes / gnome-icon-theme-extras : Extra GNOME icons for specific devices and file types

x11-themes / gnome-icon-theme-symbolic : Symbolic icons for GNOME default icon theme

x11-themes / gnome-themes-standard : Standard Themes for GNOME Applications

x11-themes / gnustep-neos-theme : GNUstep theme closely following the original NeXT look and feel

x11-themes / gnustep-silver-theme : A silver theme for GNUstep

x11-themes / goddard-backgrounds : Fedora 13 official background artwork

x11-themes / golden-xcursors : A high quality set of animated mouse cursors

x11-themes / greybird : Greybird Desktop Suite

x11-themes / gtk-chtheme : GTK-2.0 Theme Switcher

x11-themes / gtk-engines : GTK+2 standard engines and themes

x11-themes / gtk-engines-adwaita : Adwaita GTK+2 theme engine

x11-themes / gtk-engines-candido : Candido GTK+ 2.x Theme Engine

x11-themes / gtk-engines-experience : GTK+ Experience Theme Engine

x11-themes / gtk-engines-murrine : Murrine GTK+2 Cairo Engine

x11-themes / gtk-engines-qtpixmap : Theme engine based on GTK pixmap engine using the Plasma color scheme

x11-themes / gtk-engines-rezlooks : Rezlooks GTK+ Engine

x11-themes / gtk-engines-ubuntulooks : A derivative of the standard Clearlooks GTK+ 2.x engine with more orange feel

x11-themes / gtk-engines-unico : The Unico GTK+ 3.x theming engine

x11-themes / gtk-theme-switch : Utility to switch and preview GTK+ theme

x11-themes / haematite-xcursors : A simple crispy dark-grey xcursor theme

x11-themes / hicolor-icon-theme : Fallback theme for the freedesktop icon theme specification

x11-themes / human-icon-theme : A nice and well polished icon theme

x11-themes / iceicons : IceWM Icons is a set of XPM 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 XPM and PNG icons for IceWM

x11-themes / icewm-extra-themes : Extra themes for IceWM

x11-themes / kfaenza : Faenza-Cupertino icon theme for KDE Plasma

x11-themes / kvantum : SVG-based theme engine for Qt, KDE Plasma and LXQt

x11-themes / larry-backgrounds : Wallpapers featuring Gentoo mascot Larry the cow

x11-themes / laughlin-backgrounds : Fedora 14 official background artwork

x11-themes / leonidas-backgrounds : Fedora 11 official background artwork

x11-themes / light-themes : GTK2/GTK3 Ambiance and Radiance themes from Ubuntu

x11-themes / lovelock-backgrounds : Fedora 15 official background artwork

x11-themes / lxqt-themes : LXQt Themes

x11-themes / mate-backgrounds : A set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop

x11-themes / mate-icon-theme : MATE default icon themes

x11-themes / mate-icon-theme-faenza : Faenza icon theme that was adapted for MATE desktop

x11-themes / mate-themes : A set of MATE themes, with sets for users with limited or low vision

x11-themes / murrine-themes : Themes for the Murrine GTK+2 Cairo Engine

x11-themes / neutral-xcursors : A family of smoothed and shadowed cursors that resemble the standard X ones

x11-themes / notify-osd-icons : Icons for on-screen-display notification agent

x11-themes / nou-icon-theme : Scalable icon theme called Nou

x11-themes / numix-gtk-theme : A modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements

x11-themes / numix-icon-theme : An official icon theme from the Numix Project

x11-themes / numix-icon-theme-circle : Icon theme from the Numix project

x11-themes / nuovo-icon-theme : A scalable icon theme called Nuovo

x11-themes / nuvox : NuvoX SVG icon theme

x11-themes / obsidian-xcursors : A shiny and clean xcursor theme

x11-themes / oxygen-gtk : Official GTK+:2 port of KDE's Oxygen widget style

x11-themes / papirus-icon-theme : Free and open source SVG icon theme

x11-themes / pearlgrey-xcursors : A simple crispy white-grey xcursor theme

x11-themes / pidgin-penguins-smileys : Penguins pidgin smiley theme

x11-themes / pulse-glass : The Pulse Glass x11 mouse cursor theme

x11-themes / qtcurve : Widget styles for Qt and GTK2

x11-themes / shiki-colors : Mixes the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme

x11-themes / silver-xcursors : A high quality set of animated mouse cursors

x11-themes / slim-themes : SLiM (Simple Login Manager) themes pack

x11-themes / smplayer-skins : Skins for SMPlayer

x11-themes / smplayer-themes : Icon themes for smplayer

x11-themes / solar-backgrounds : Fedora 10 official background artwork

x11-themes / sound-theme-freedesktop : Default freedesktop.org sound theme following the XDG theming specification

x11-themes / tactile : Nice, calm and dark low contrast GTK+ theme

x11-themes / tactile3 : The third evolution of Tactile theme series

x11-themes / tangerine-icon-theme : a derivative of the standard Tango theme, using a more orange approach

x11-themes / tango-icon-theme : SVG and PNG icon theme from the Tango project

x11-themes / tango-icon-theme-extras : Tango icons for iPod Digital Audio Player devices and the Dell Pocket DJ DAP

x11-themes / tela-icon-theme : A flat colorful Design icon theme

x11-themes / ubuntu-wallpapers : Ubuntu wallpapers

x11-themes / vanilla-dmz-aa-xcursors : Style neutral scalable cursor theme (black version)

x11-themes / vanilla-dmz-xcursors : Style neutral scalable cursor theme (white version)

x11-themes / vdr-channel-logos : Logos for vdr-skin*

x11-themes / verne-backgrounds : Fedora 16 official background artwork

x11-themes / vertex-icon-theme : Vertex icon theme

x11-themes / vertex-theme : Vertex theme for GTK+ based desktops

x11-themes / windowmaker-themes : Collection of Window Maker themes

x11-themes / wm-icons : A Large Assortment of Beautiful Themed Icons, Created with FVWM in mind

x11-themes / xcursor-themes : X.Org cursor themes: whiteglass, redglass and handhelds

x11-themes / xfce-gant-icon-theme : Xfce Gant Icon Theme

x11-themes / xfwm4-themes : Additional themes for the Xfce window manager

x11-themes / yasis-icon-theme : Scalable icon theme called Yasis

x11-themes / zuki-themes : Zuki themes for GTK, gnome-shell and more

x11-themes / zukini : Unified look for GTK+ 2.x, GTK+ 3.x, gnome-shell, metacity and more